Cam POV:
"…..What?" I don't think I heard correctly. How can this beyond beautiful girl sitting in front of me be incapable of talking?
"She can't talk. She's mute." Kristen said coldly, daring me to say anything against her.
I was at loss of words. Derrick was shifting uncomfortably next to me. Claire was just looking at the ground, strands of blonde hair hiding some of her face.
"If you will excuse us." Kristen said standing up and giving her hand to help Claire out of her sitting position, "I believe me and Claire have to go now."
And they just left.
Me and Derrick didn't say anything for 2 minutes. Just sat there.
"Could you really not tell she was mute?" Derrick finally asked, letting out a sigh.
"I….couldn't. Its just…she is so ….I don't know." I ran a hand through my hair in frustration.
"Well now they think were the lowest scumbags on the face of this earth. Way to go." He said smacking the back of my chest roughly.
"Shut up. I'll fix everything."
"Oh really Dr. Phil? Now how exactly are you going to manage that?"
I thought about it.
"I have no clue. Wanna give me a hint?"
"I don't know….write her a apology poem….learn some sign language…."
"Great idea!" I said mockingly, "lemme go serenade her with a love song. She will obviously not be embarrassed."
Derrick gave a small chuckle.
"I was just trying to help."
"thanks." I say sourly.
I glanced around the courtyard for one last look at Claire. She was sitting with Kristen on a bench, smiling while Kristen was waving her hands all over the air...probably saying a funny joke.
I felt my wolf surge in me again, and I was swept with a feeling of absolute need and desire. I tried to take a few deep breaths to overcome the feeling but nothing seemed to calm me down.
Why did I feel like this? I never felt like this before. Never. Which is why I don't know how to react to the feeling.
"You ok man?" Derrick asked me suddenly sounding worried.
"Yeah. Just a little taken aback."
One thing was for sure. I was going to apologize to Claire right after school. It would be the first thing I would do.
Just had to get through 4 more hours of grueling school work.
After School:
"Practice is tomorrow Fisher. Don't be late." Coach Myers, my football coach said giving me a knowing look. Since I was known for my tardy record he made it a tradition to remind me to be on time….all the time.
"Yes sir." I said giving him a wave.
Football was my last block. Since I was captain of the Varsity football league… I was allowed to make football my core class.
With my wolf reflexes and speed, I was capable of just about anything on the football field. Dodging, charging, and making a touchdown were all things that came as instinct.
The bell had rung 4 minutes ago and I was determined to meet up with Claire. I did a fast jog to the front of the building, doing a thorough scan of the places where I was running past.
I couldn't find her.
I saw Kristen while I was passing the math class and immediately went to go talk to her.
"Hey Kristen." I say, panting a little as I had been running previously.
She looked up to see who was calling her name….but when she saw it was me….she got aggressive.
"What?" She asked, crossing her hands over her chest.
"I wanted to know where your sister is. I need to talk to her."
"She doesn't want to talk to you. So if you will just be on your way…" She was about to turn her back to me but I grabbed her hand.
"Listen… I know I made a big mistake. And I am really sorry. I want to apologize to her but you need to tell me where she is."
I looked expectantly at her face, which at the moment was showing absolutely no emotion.
"Please?" I ask in desperation.
Her green eyes flicked over to me.
"Claire….doesn't need people like you in her life. As if it isn't tough enough. You will be doing her a huge favor if you would just leave her alone." She said finally.
I was slightly offended at her last comment. But I deserved it so I nodded my head and was about to make my way to find her, but Kristen spoke up.
"She's at the park. I wanted to help the math teacher so she said she was at the park to chill…" I turned around and raised my eyebrow wondering why she told me all of a sudden.
"Claire deserves an apology….so it should be interesting to hear what the most popular boy at school thinks an apology sounds like."
"I'm not that kind of person Kristen….." I say wishing she would give me another chance to prove myself to her.
I sighed and mmbled a soft thanks before heading out.
"Oh and Cam!" She yelled after me when I was halfway through the hallway.
"Yeah?" I shouted back.
"Hurt her and I will skin you alive!" She said with a sweet smile.
As I ran to the park I thought about Claire. Her sweet smile and absolute lovely figure. Also about the undenying pull I have towards her…..
My mom and dad told me about 'mates'. They were your other half. Every wolf is born with one, and it is your duty to find them. My dad, former Alpha of the pack before the duty was passed to me, told me that when you find your mate your wolf will know. But I don't think that in the history of all wolves…that there had been a time where a wolf was mated with a human. Never. It was too dangerous.
Which is why Claire makes me nervous.
As soon as I reached the park I made a promise to find out if Claire was my mate.
But to make sure if she was…..She would have to touch me…in my wolf form.
So obciously I was about to do something absolutely insane and unpredictable.
Claire POV:
Of all days Kristen could have chosen….she chose today to help the math teacher. There was no way that I could possible go to the house without Kristen. I hated seeing her mom and dad try and communicate with me. They didn't have the whole sign language thing down pat.
So I decided to head to the park. Just to collect myself and maybe think a little. Promising myelf that I wouldn't think about Cam.
It was chilly. I cursed myself for not bringing a jacket.
The park was quiet. No children were out playing. Not that I blame them. It was far to cold for doddling at the park. The swings were slightly swinging from the wind and a few loose leaves floated around. It was beautiful.
I guess that was a good factor of not being able to talk. Your observing skills were strong. I loved everything about mother nature. It was amazing all the things you notice when you can't talk. Amazing.
Behind the park was a patch of trees. I'm guessing in the spring it becomes a meadow with blossoming flowers, but for now, it is just a bunch of leafless trees.
I was about to make myself comfortable on the swing….but I heard a rustle from the 'meadow'.
Curious….. I slowly crept up to the spot.
Another rustle.
This time it was coming from way inside.
I took a deep breath and slowly moved a branch so I could walk in. Maybe it was a bird that was hurt. I walked deeper inside following the sound of the rustling leaves or branches.
For one second I thought I was in human presense. I could've sworn I hear the noise of sneakers. But as soon as I looked around, all was silent.
Maybe I was just hearing things.
But I swear I saw a shadow…..It was a boy…
No I'm hallucinating.
I walked farther until I came across an opening. It was surrounded by trees and a single ray of sunshine was falling on a piece of grass.
I shivered and looked around, trying to hear for the rustling sound.
Nothing. I was getting nervous.
Suddenly, I heard around me. I whipped around and was standing there in shock when I saw what was behind me.
Standing there, in all glory, was a fully grown…wolf? It was Black, with streaks of gray. If I wasn't scared to feath I would have admired its beauty.
No that wasn't possible. Maybe it was a dog. A large dog. Wolf's don't populate in New York. It was absurd and unheard of.
I backed up a bit. My heart was beating at a rapid pace and all the color (or the little color I had left) was draining from my face.
It came closer. I dare not move.
It came even closer.
As I was backing up, I fell back.
Great, I tripped over a rock. Now I was on the ground, on my back with a wolf coming closer.
I was going to die.
I closed my eyes tightly, willing myself that this was only a dream.
I felt something near my hand.
I don't believe it.
It was nuzzling me with his nose…..meaning….it was obviously friendly.
When I looked into his eyes I noticed that they looked oddly familiar.
Beautiful emerald and Saphire eyes. Where had I seen them before?
I carefully raised my hands to his fur. When his reaction was to just stand there, I slowly petted him.
He moved his hand closer to my touch. I smiled.
He was friendly after all. I continued petting his soft, warm fur in soothing motions. The wold gave a happy yelp and I smiled contently. His pearly white fangs were clearly visible, and even though I should be scared of those things….. I wasn't. Because they were beautiful.
Ok it was set. I would name him Fang. I wish I could talk to him. Since I was on the floor of the cold ground I sat up. He lay his head in my lap and I laughed as he licked my hand. He was cute. I continued running my hand through his warm fur and thought…..
How wonderful it would be if he could be a person that I could actually hang out with and bring to school with me. I would never feel lonely.
Cam POV:
The second I changed into a wolf, and lured her into the deeper side of the forest, I knew she was my mate. Just by the sweet smell she protruded from her body. It smelt like something I just couldn't describe.
I remember the shock and fear in her eyes when she saw me in my wolf form. I remember her falling backwards.
But what I remember most was when her hand made contact with my fur.
The feeling was undescribable. I felt the blood surging through my body. I felt like I could do anything. I felt at peace, I felt calm, and I felt like an Alpha Wolf.
I could also not deny the words my wolf was forming at the back of my head…
Mate. Mate. Mate. Mate.
A/N: I Hope you liked it! Please review and tell me what you think. And subscribe…that would be lovely XD.
Anyway….the future chapters will have some action and romance. It will be a very intense love story and I am looking forward to type it.
Please, pretty please, review for the next chapter. If I get enough reviews I may make a bonus chapter for Kristen and Derrick…or a bonus chapter for Cam and Claire.