I'm baaaaaack! Didja miss me? Oh, I'm super excited about this story. If it goes according to plan it should be pretty good, if I do say so myself. This is Candre (of course), but Bade is so cute I couldn't resist. I'm also a HUGE fan of the Cat/Jade frendship, so there's a lot of that in here too. ATTENTION! CANDRE SHIPPERS! This new story Cabin Fever by Kamon24121 is really good! You all should check it out and review! Kay, on with the story!

"Torrrriiiiii! Get the door!" Trina yelled from her bedroom. The younger sister groaned and got up from the couch she was previously splayed across. It was Friday night, movie night. Who was at the door? She pulled it open, stumbling back as a very hyper Cat tackled her in a hug. Jade entered behind her, a scowl on her face. No surprise there.

"Tori! It's National Give a Hug Day! Jade, give Tori a hug!" Cat pulled back and turned to the taller girl expectantly.

No, I'm not hugging you, Vega." Jade sneered, picking up a vase and pulling a flower out, tearing it in half. "Will you hurry up and ask her so we can leave?"

"Yeah, what are you guys doing here, exactly?" Tori raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah! Andre's having a sleepover at his house and we wanted to invite you!" "She wanted to invite you." Jade interrupted. Tori stuck her tongue out at her and Cat giggled.

"So are you gonna go? You should go! I'll be there, and Jade, and Beck, and Andre, and Robbie, and Rex, and Trina can come, and-" "No! Let's not invite Trina. I'd love to go! When is it? And did you say sleepover? Like, boys and girls, or what?" Jade laughed coldly at Tori's confusion. She obivously had never been to a boy/girl sleepover before.

"Yeah! Me and Andre and Beck and Jade used to have sleepovers all the time! It's tomorrow night at eight. Andre's house. So you're going?" Cat said rapidly, bouncing up and down in excitement.

"Sure, sounds fun. Do I bring anything?" "Just your pajamas and a toothbrush, Andre's got everything else. Yay! We'll see you tomorrow! Bye!" And as soon as she had entered, she was dragging Jade out the door.

"Why didn't we just call her and ask?" Jade wondered aloud, ducking into the passenger seat.

"Because silly, we were already out to get ice cream and her house was close! Now let's go, Ben and Jerry are melting!" Cat started the car and headed back to her house where jade was staying over. Tomorrow was going to be fun, that much she was sure of.

Eh? Eh? Does it have potential? I working this out as I go, so suggestions are greatly appreciated. I was just writing this one for fun, but then I thought "Hey, maybe other people would like this." Or not. I dunno. Reviews would be awesome blossom extra awesome! Peace out, Sydney.