Title: Signed. Sealed. Delivered.
Pairings: None
Warnings: Nada. Zilch. Nil.
Summary: A brief analysis (of sorts) on one of my favourite scenes in tonight's episode. Sherlock always observes the damage he does to others, but underneath the brutality, hides the good man Lestrade hopes Sherlock will become.
Disclaimer: If I owned Sherlock, my goodness, I would not be sitting here writing fanfiction.
A/N: O Sherlock, thou son of the morning, you dark angel. Nearly had a heart attack at tonight's episode, cried an insufferable number of times, and thoroughly loved every delicious, perfectly crafted moment of brilliance. Resolved to write more, and be a better person from now on.
'Obviously trying to compensate for the size of her mouth and breasts ...'
Sherlock pauses in his in depth analysis, in order to glance scathingly at the note attached to Molly's frankly pathetic present, and then the pauses lengthens, into a moment, in which he feels, which is odd enough. Within milliseconds he has analysed the feelings; shock, more shock, a fleeting moment of feeling flattered and then a rather overwhelming sense of guilt. For one who is never surprised, and always at least 7 steps ahead of the game, this moment, which will later be dismissed as weakness, makes Sherlock realise, that he craves love as much as any of the stupid beings surrounding him. Perhaps more. It is not a welcome realisation.
'You always say such horrible things,' Molly manages to gasp out. He is still looking at that damned note.
He doesn't much care for Molly; she follows him like a small and irritating canine. Tonight however, or more precisely, in these few seconds, she is precious. She sees something to love in him. He decides, against his nature, to be kind. He swallows;
'I am sorry. Forgive me.'
Disregarding the looks of everyone around him, their thoughts screaming, he leans in, and says softly;
'Merry Christmas, Molly Hooper.' And gently presses his lips to her cheek.
A few hours later, he returns to his former treatment of her, and rationalises that the whole scenario was merely another ploy to keep her on his side, in case he ever needs a favour.
Manipulation is easier than feelings.