Finn walked from the football field, carrying his helmet. Another day of football practice was over and he wanted to get home as soon as possible. He would rinse off the sweat of the practice and then he would drive home. But he was stopped by a strong hand on his shoulder. No doubt belonging to Puck.

"Why in such a hurry, man? Karofsky and Azimio are about to slushie that Artie kid." Finn looked disgusted.

"He is in a wheelchair." He said slowly, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Exactly. He can't run away."

"What is wrong with you? He can't walk. Doesn't that count for something? Make him off-limits or something?" Puck only laughed.

"Of course not, it only makes him an easy target." Finn sighed, speeding up his walk to get to the locker room. He needed to get home and see-

"Dude. Why'd you walk away? Did I say something?" Puck said, stopping Finn just before he could grab his towel.

"Puck, I just want to get home soon. So let me shower. We'll talk later." and he walked past Puck, not caring for his answer. He shed his clothes and washed quickly, washing his hair with the shampoo that his mother had given him for his birthday. He hurried, just in case, because you never knew. There was always the chance of something happening when he was at school, and it worried him to no end. Despite his brother urging him to not worry about him and focus on his friends at school.

"There's no use getting all worked up over me," he would say, with the sweetest inclination of his head. "Have fun at school, have fun with your friends. Keep your grades up, at least. For me, Finny." and so Finn acquiesced. But not for long, because the worries could creep back up his spine in the middle of class and learning anything for the rest of that period was out of the question.

And the worries were coming back right now, too. So Finn raced to his car before he could be stopped by Puck or any of the other guys on the football team and headed straight home, possibly going a bit more than the speed limit allowed.

When his house came into view on his small, friendly street, he sighed in relief. The ride seemed to take forever. He locked his car, without leaving the keys inside it, which he had done a few more times than he would like to admit, and threw open the door, ignoring his mother's questioning about how his day had gone and if he had cleaned his room.

But there was only one room on his mind right now, and it was just down the hall, the door ajar.

"Hey, little buddy." He said, wrapping his arms around his little brother for a hug. "How have you been?" The soft voice responded, warm and and higher pitched than most.

"I've been fine. How did football practice go?" but Finn didn't hear his question, too busy staring into his beautiful seaglass eyes, and eyeing the little bald spot that was just above his right ear.


"What? Oh...sorry. Football practice was good. It was tough, like usual."

"Football always looked like a rough sport. I don't particularly have any interest in it..but maybe if I could see you play, I'd change my mind." The boy said, smiling his elfin, beautiful smile. Alabaster skin contrasting against his vivid eyes and dark hair, which was thinning. Slowly but surely.

"I'd love for you to see me play sometime, buddy." Finn smile, leaning down to hug his brother again.

He's so small, Finn thought. And he's only fifteen. He's a year younger than I am..He's such a good boy..What did he do to deserve this? He doesn't deserve this. No one deserves this.

He gave him a peck on the cheek, still holding him tight. But not too tight, because he was afraid his little brother would break if he wasn't careful.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Finny." His cheekbones becoming prominent as he smiled one of his perfect smiles. His eyes squinting.

"Finny..." He practically whispered into his brother's ear. Finn might not have known that he had said anything if he hadn't felt his warm breath.

"Yeah, little man?"

"Would you...sing to me?" His little voice was full of hope. Finn smiled a broad smile, his cheek rubbing against the soft blue cotton fabric of his brother's pajamas.

"Of course. What song would you like me to sing?"

"Your choice, Finny."

"Okay." He said in a whisper. He was always reduced to a soft tone around his younger brother. He didn't know why, it just happened. Like he needed to be careful, needed to be soft, because everything about his brother was soft. His expressions, his voice, the way he looked at things, his thoughts. His skin, even. Pale and perfect.\

His brother was like a little doll. His side part drooping over his eye, patiently awaiting his brother's song choice. Closing his eyes, as if hearing Finn's voice would be the most comforting thing he would ever hear. Finally, Finn knew what song he wanted to sing. It was clear now. So obvious, even, that he felt foolish. He started, his voice too soft. His brother's smile and swaying encouraging him to sing louder.

Close your eyes, have no fear, the monsters gone... His brother's eyes opened wide, delighted. Finn had never seen such a beautiful sight as his darling baby brother's smiling face staring up at him and he sang.

He's on the run and your brother's here... A high-pitched giggle came from Finn's right as he changed the words to fit the situation. His happiness was infectious. Finn smiled, too.

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy...Before you sleep, say a little prayer, every day in ever way, it's getting better and better..

Out on the ocean sailing away, I can hardly wait, for you to come of age, but I guess we'll both, just have to be patient, yes it's a long way to go, but in the meantime...

His brother swaying to the tune, a nearly sleepy smile resting on his lips, he sang more, hoping that his voice could be nearly as beautiful as his brother deserved..anything less didn't deserve to touch his ears.

Before you cross the street, take my hand, life is just what happens to you, when you're busy making other plans...Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy...Darling, darling, darling...Kurt...

"Finny, your voice is so beautiful." He opened his arms for a hug.

"So is yours." And I hope I get to hear it for a long time...