He sat against the rock, head leaning listlessly to the side as he stared at the pond. The leaves whispered high above as the wind blew, it's breaths not quite reaching the forest floor. Every so often, a ripple would disturb the illusion of a sky, breaking his train of thought. He sighed, watching the rings as they expanded, forgetting the direction his mind was going.

With a grunt, he stood and brushed the dirt and leaves from his pants.

Keep going. Always keep going.

He wasn't going to give up, not if there was a chance.

There's always a chance. I'll keep going and I'll keep waiting, he nodded to himself because there was that slim chance that maybe - just maybe - he will come back if for no other reason than to just say 'hi'.

He heard it before he felt it. The gust of wind that swept through the forest as it grabbed leaves from their trees and pulled his sweater wide open.

He headed back with a smile. Time to find a boat.