Okay so before you guys read this, this story will have names from the characters from the tv show Friends. I'm pretty sure this chapter and the next few are going to be boring sorry. Please leave reviews! thanks :)

Chapter 1: They all meet Isabelle

Rachel,Ross,Monica,Chandler,Phoebe, and Joey were all sitting talking in the cafe they usually hang out. A semi tall brown-haired woman walked in, looking around and spotted Rachel and Monica at the counter waiting for their coffees.

"Hey guys!" She said as they turned around.

"Oh my gosh, Isabelle, Hi!" They both said in sync.

She smiled and hugged both of them

"What are you doing here in New York?" they asked. Her smile went away and looked down

"I actually moved here with my boyfriend, but when I got here to the apartment, I-I found him in bed with another woman and he saw me, but I walked away from it so I heard of this place and came here and saw you guys." She said. They both said aww in sync and hugged her.

"It's fine" She said as she smiled

"I have an extra room you can stay in" Monica said, smiling

"Thanks" Isabelle said.

"I want you to meet everyone" Rachel said taking her hand

"Hey, guys this is our old friend Isabelle" Rachel said

"This is Chandler" Monica said

"This is Phoebe" Rachel said

"This is Joey" Rachel said

"And you remember Ross right?" Monica asked

"Oh yeah, hey" She said as she hugged him and he replied back. She sat down on the couch and they started talking again.

"So how do you know Mon, Rachel, and Ross?" Chandler asked

"We went to college together" She said

"So, where are you gonna live? Because you can live with me" Joey said to her smiling

"I'm going to live with Monica so I don't have to deal with you staring at me half the time, trying to get me into bed" She said glaring and smiling at him. He sat back and looked around and saw a woman looking at him.

"I'll be back, hold on" Joey said as he got up and went to the woman.

"He's such a womanizer" Isabelle said as she giggled

"No kidding, he's never been in a committed relationship" Chandler said

"I can see, why do women fall for him? Is he a charmer?" Isabelle asked

"Yeah, when I asked him to come in with lemonade. I got the lemonade turned around and he was there with no clothes on." Monica said laughing

"Oh wow, that's embrassing" Isabelle said. She looked at her watch. It was 4 o'clock.

"Shit, I gotta go to work" Isabelle said.

"Wait" Monica said. She told her where the apartment was and gave her the spare key. She said bye to everyone and left.

"I want you guys to meet Alicia" Joey came back to the group holding the woman by her waist.

"Hi" everyone said in monotone voices. Joey was smiling at everyone as he was holding the woman.