The Pathetic Attempts of D-Tent to Woo Me

Chapter 1: Jailed

I did say I didn't do anything, but they didn't listen. As the jury gave their verdict, I could practically see the grey bars in front of me. Yep, I was gonna be a jailbird. Or worse, in a mental ward. Whatever. I didn't deserve it, anyhow.

See, what I did wasn't my fault. Not technically. It was more Tara's fault than mine.

"Run, run!" she yelled as we escaped down the alley, "Dammit, Madison, run!"

My name is Madison Blake, and Stupidity is my middle name.

"I. . . can't. . . go. . . any. . . further. . ." I panted, stopping to catch my breath.

"C'mon, Maddie, run! They're right behind us!"

"I. . . told you. . . I can't!"

Seriously, though, how flipping stupid was I to go through with this plan. It was bound to fail, I should have known that for sure. But I hadn't thought that it was a problem.

"Please," she stopped running and started to jog, "Please, Maddie, for me. . ."

I couldn't resist those eyes. I swore I'd try, but try as I might, they had me captured and already in their steely grip.

"Okay. But only because it's you," Tara grabbed my hand and we ran together, before ducking behind some barrels at the end of the alley.

"Good job, Mad!" Tara congratulated me in a whisper.

"It was all you!" I grinned, but our celebrations were cut short by the steely grip of a police officer on my arm. Next thing we knew, we were locked up in a police car.

I enjoyed the thrill of the chase as much as anyone would. I never imagined it would have to end as soon as it did.

"Not guilty, your honour," Tara had said, and I followed her lead.

"Yeah, we're not guilty."

But as the judge slammed his gavel onto the hard wood, we knew we had lost.

"The jury finds the defendants. . . GUILTY!"

Behind me, I could hear the sobs of my mother.

"Don't cry, Maddi, don't cry," I whispered to myself, but it was no use, I broke down in tears. Tara was stronger than me, though.

"What is our punishment?" she said, her voice shaking a bit.

"You can choose between either jail or Camp Green Lake," the judge ruled.

"What's Camp Green Lake, your honour?" My father asked.

"It's a camp, usually only for boys, but they have asked me if I can send a teenage girl to test whether it would be suitable to open up for females too."

There was a long silence, of which Tara was the first to break.

"I take jail, your honour." There was a gasp from her mother. I looked at Tara, then back at my parents, then at Tara's mother, and I knew what I had to do.

"I take Camp, your honour."

Tara frowned and nudged me.

"What are you doing?" she hissed, "Take jail!"

"No," I whispered back at her, "I take Camp, and that's that.

"But-" Tara began, but was cut off by the judge.

"Very well. Miss Blake shall leave for camp in the morning," he motioned for the guards to take off my handcuffs, then looked at Tara, "Miss Cameron shall serve five years in a young offenders institute." Tara was grabbed roughly by the guards and taken to her cell, but not before she yelled, "MADDI!"

And I whispered, "Tara."