Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers or Harry Potter but I do have fun playing in the sandbox so to speak.

Crosshairs, whose current appearance was that of a black and green Corvette Stingray, would readily admit that he had little trust in earths primary race. He was also suspicious, a paratrooper and sometimes spoke and behaved more like a Decepticon than an Autobot. But regardless of what he was or wasn't, he had never understood Seekers, no mater what side they were on. With their odd bouncing gaits when on the ground, flighty behavior and seemingly random bouts of violence, he'd always seen them as more trouble than worth, even if the were the undisputed masters of the sky.

Now though, this strange Seeker and his children had been around the base for several months now, which had caused Starscream and his trine to spend a lot of time there as well. With a few exceptions they'd been told to leave the newcomer alone until Ratchet or Starscream gave the okay, or Sunstorm himself approached them. But it was easy to see, even from a distance, that the Seeker hadn't been treated all that well where ever he'd come from, even without the warnings they'd all been given. Sunstorm was a Seeker that had no idea how to be a Seeker, but he seemed to learn quickly.

It had been funny to watch him be introduced to Bumblebee, as something about the yellow scout seemed to trigger parental programming, much to the scout's dismay. At least Bee hadn't gotten the plate-raising reaction Shockwave had gotten when he showed up unexpectedly, looking for Starscream. The massive mech had reacted to being startled by behaving in a very submissive manner that didn't seem at all forced. That alone had caused Sunstorm to snap out of his sudden blind rage at the very unexpected reaction. He'd backed off at that left Shockwave alone although he'd maintained a watchful air about him until the scientist had left. The whole episode had raised a lot of questions about Sunstorm, but they all knew that there was no way of answering them.

Still, Crosshairs wondered what made the seeker tick. He shrugged and wandered off to find a patch of shade and relax for a bit. Crosshairs optics snapped open when he heard footsteps and a shadow fell across him. Said optics widened in surprise when he realized that it was Sunstorm staring down at him in curiosity. The flashy Seeker was by himself and Crosshairs was wondering how he'd snuck up on him.

"Mind if I stand up?" Crosshairs rumbled, not at all comfortable looking up at the Seeker. But if he were to stand he'd bee looking Sunstorm in the optics and the Seeker didn't always take kindly to that. To his surprise, Sunstorm just flicked his wings and backed up a bit.

"Do you want or need something?" Crosshairs asked, standing smoothly and brushing himself off.

"Just curious. Who are you?" The Seeker replied.

"The designation is Crosshairs, and I'm a paratrooper. Why?"

"Curious. Crosshairs would you know of any quiet spots on or near this base that the others wouldn't think to look?" Sunstorm asked quietly, looking hopeful.

"I do, but why are you asking me?"

"I need to get away for awhile, but I need someone who isn't likely to go straight to Ratchet or Starscream. I understand why they worry, but I need some alone time, and I know my little ones are in good hands if I need to disappear for a few hours," Sunstorm responded, "Will you show me?"

Crosshairs studied the mech in front of him for awhile before nodding slightly and asking, "Do you have a stealth mode?"

"I do, it was one of the locked programs. Ratchet couldn't figure them out, but was able to determine that they were no threat to me. The stealth mode unlocked after I got my new alt form, but I've not told anyone about it yet except you."

"Then what are we waiting for, let's disappear." Crosshairs smirked before activating his stealth mode, and transforming before racing for the road. He grinned internally as he heard Sunstorm's engines snarl as the Seeker tore after him in the air. It only took about 10 minutes for Crosshairs to reach the turnoff where he stopped and transformed, explaining, "I need to walk from here because it's rougher than my alt can handle easily, but once we're there you can mark it in your navigational systems and fly in."

Sunstorm nodded contentedly and followed easily, bouncy gait seemingly even more odd in the rough terrain. It turned out that Crosshairs had found an oasis that was surrounded by rocks and fed by a spring that tumbled straight out the rocks that obscured its starting point. It was beautiful, peaceful and best of all there were sunny and shady spots that one could sit without being easily spotted. And as the bird flew, Sunstorm knew he wasn't more than a five minute flight back to base.

"It's perfect, thank you," He stated shyly as Crosshairs turned to leave.

"Eh, don't worry about it, I know everyone needs alone time. Just don't stay out here to long or there'll be a panic around base. I don't think that any of them realize just how comfortable you're getting here." Crosshairs paused and looked back at the Seeker, "You're getting better, and you have trustworthy people to watch your little ones, they'll have to realize that you're going to start wandering about, and it's not as if you can't defend yourself. Although I doubt you'll ever be bothered here. I've never seen, heard or sensed anyone else in the area and I've been coming here for a year or so now." Crosshairs smirked and disappeared, and Sunstorm smiled slightly when he heard the paratrooper peel out as he hit the road.

Sunstorm relaxed on the grass in the shade, unaware of the curious red optics that watched him as their owner hid amongst the rocks, having hidden there as they came up the trail. The hidden mech sat lost in thought long after Sunstorm had left - never realizing that he was there - wondering who the stranger was and how he should go about approaching the Seeker who'd caught his optics.