Author's Note: Got some alerts. Thanks for reading; I hope you liked it :D
Eli's POV
I sat by the tree; the lights flashing brightly. There weren't any presents under it because they were all with Mrs. Edwards, but due to her Christmas Eve Activity, Clare was going to have to wait a little longer to open her presents.
"Eli?" Clare asked, walking down the stairs slowly. The slippers on her feet scrubbed against the carpeted stairs as she tiredly dragged her feet.
I my head around to face her as she made her way over to me. "Goodmorning, beautiful. You were sleeping so good; I didn't want to wake you."
Clare walked up behind me and wrapped her arms around my neck, pecking my cheek.
"Merry Christmas." she whispered, smiling softly. I stretched my neck a bit and pressed my lips against hers, letting them linger there for several seconds. I relunctantly pulled away and rubbed my thumb against her lower lip.
"Merry Christmas, blue eyes." I said back; a huge smirk on my face. Clare smiled and walked around me so that she could sit on my lap.
"Mom isn't going to be too happy to know that you stayed the night, but she'll get over it." She said, resting her head up against my chest. I smoothed circles in her back and sighed.
"I could leave now, if you want. I don't want you to get in trouble." I said, kissing her forehead swiftly. Clare pulled back, shaking her head frantically.
"No, don't go anywhere. Stay with me." she said, cuddling back up against my chest. I smiled to myself and held her closer to me.
"I got you something." I said after a minute. She lifted her head up, grinning.
"You did, did you?" she asked; excitement in her tone. I nodded and moved her off of me so that I could retrieve the gift.
I walked into the kitchen, switching the light on. I remembered hiding the tiny box in the bread cabinet, so I quickly walked over there, opening it. There sat the snowflake decorated jewelery box, exactly where I had left it.
I grabbed it and smiled, walking back into the living room. Clare had put on some Christmas music, All I want for Christmas playing lightly.
"Here's to the best Christmas of my life." I said softly, handing her the box. Clare's eyes lit up as she took the box, opening it swiftly.
She slowly pulled out the bracelet; the initials 'C.E' and 'E.G' carved into the heart shaped charm. The gleam is Clare's eyes were heartwarming, and I could feel her happiness.
"Eli... I don't know what to say. This is beautiful; it's absolutely perfect!" she said, throwing her arms around my neck. I smiled pulling her in tighter. Nothing could make me happier than seeing that smile on my girlfriends face.
"I love you, Clare." I said, closing my eyes.
"I love you too, Eli." Clare responded, sighing happily against my chest.
Seconds later, I heard the door open. Clare pulled away and gripped my hand as her mother stumbled through the door. It was a little after 7 am.
Helen had multiple gift boxes in her arms, along with her purse hanging off her shoulder.
"Clare, Honey!" Helen called, dropping the boxes to the floor lightly by the door.
"I'm right here, mom." Clare replied quietly. Helen turned to her and went wide eyed when she saw me standing next to her.
"Eli, what are you doing here?" Helen asked, her brow arched. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. I was speechless.
"He stayed the night, mom." Clare said firmly. Helen folded her arms.
"I told you to send home, did I not?" Helen said, clearly unamused. Clare nodded and looked up at me, looking back down.
"Mom, It was Christmas eve! I was alone, and sad. My own mother wasn't here, but guess what? Eli was. So if you're going to get mad at me for not wanting to be by myself, you're pathetic." Clare said softly; her eyes doing the yelling for her.
Helen gasped lightly, looking between the two of us. She sighed heavily and unfolded her arms, shaking her head.
"I'm sorry, honey. As long as I know you're in good hands, then I shouldn't be so upset." she said. It looked like it took a lot of sucked up pride for her to say that.
Clare smiled lightly and walked over, hugging her mother. "Merry Christmas, mom."
"Merry Christmas, dear." Helen said, returning the hug. I stood there watching, smiling to myself.
"Let's get Christmas started, shall we?" I joked. The two Edwards' laughed, causing me to smirk.
I could feel that this was truly going to be the best Christmas ever.
Author's Note; sorry it was so short! Leave a review, if you want. :)
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