Title: Vessels, Demons and Lies
Author: Black Eyed Kids
Rating: Teen
Chapter: 2
Dean hadnt even realized he fell asleep until he was hastily shaken awake quite roughly, "Wake up! Dad wants us to get our stuff together, De-" he groaned and pushed Sam away before pulling up the comforter and rolling over onto his other side.
He heard Sam stumble but knew he was fine when he didn't hear his brother hit the floor or collide with anything, "jerk!" Dean smiled to himself. The smile dissapeared when he felt Sams hands wrap around his ankles.
Emerald eyes opened and were misty with sleep as Dean looked at Sam who smirked mischeviously at him, "Don't. You. Dare." His tone was to sleepy to be taken as a threat.
Dean attempted to grab the head board when he was yanked, but he didnt grab ahold on time and was pulled off the bed, "SAM!" Now wide awake due to hitting the floor, Dean jumped to his feet and chased his little brother in nothing but his night shirt and boxers.
The dirty blond dashed into the small kitchenette after his little brother who climbed through the opening below the cabnet and above the counter back to the two beds. Dean dashed out of the kitchenette and attempted to corner Sam, but it seemed Sam had other ideas. The shorter brother jumped onto the first bed then from that bed to the other and to the door.
Manuvering himself around the beds he grabbed his brother by the arms restraining him, "gotchya" he growled into his brothers ear.
"DON'T KILL ME I'M SORRY!" Sam yelled as he thrashed and squirmed in Dean's grip like a fish out of water.
Just as the older boy was about to respond the motel door swung open, "What is with all the yelling! Hurry up and get your things toghether" Dean could tell his father was NOT in a good mood...and finally remembering last nights events he knew why.
Deciding on making Sam pay later, Dean hurried to collect his things. Firstly he shoved his clothing (which he didn't have much of) into the bottom of the bag, then his other miscillenious items in after. Over all it only took him 12 minutes to get his things toghether before he was out the door.
"C'mon Samantha we don't have all day!" Dean hollared teasingly as he slung his duffle over his shoulder and left the motel room. His dad was waiting in the car looking rather unhappy, rather unwilling the teen got in the back seat diagonal from his ddads seat in the drivers.
The older brother didn't have to wait in uncomfortable silence for long, "Sorry dad I had to-"
The impala's engine starting cut the youngest winchester off, "Lets just get the hell out of dodge" Dean ignored the questioning look he got from his brother and gestured for Sam to buckle himself in.
Once Sam was buckled in their dad started the car and the three Winchesters were on the road once again.
Somewhere on the way Dean fell alseep.
Dean sat in the camping chair on the dock, he was currently fishing on a beautiful lake thar shimmered as the sun shown down, the only thing that Dean thought could make this any better was a hot gi—
"Hello again Dean" okay, that voice was definatly not one that belonged to a hot girl. Dean dropped the fishing rod, got up from the chair and spun around. It was the..boy...thing, monster.
Tensing slightly Dean took a step away from the thing, "you again?" He didnt remember being told a name.
"Castiel, and yes, it is me again" Castiel, the thing dubbed itself took a step towards the Winchester, who could not back away any furthur without falling off the dock and into the lake.
Crossing his arms in an attempt to hide the bit of fear he felt, he questioned Castiel, "What are you doing here?"
Castiel showed no emotion, "I have come to you in your dreams to give you an offer" the being Dean had yet to find out what he was told him.
The Winchester chuckled, "you can take that offer of your and ahove it up your as-"
"Then I have to warn you, I will find you and I will take you wether you like it or not" with Castiels emotionless but threatining way of saying that sentence Dean awoke.
Sorry about any spelling error's typed this up on my nook ;DD