Author's Note: Hullo there, you lot! I know this has been done before here on fanfiction, and a Dramione too at that, but I am going to try my take on this. I believe that my plot would be unique.

Setting: AU. The Dark Lord was defeated during the First Wizarding War. The Potters survive the war, thus, Harry is not an orphan. The Marauders, except Wormtail, are alive and well. POST HOGWARTS. Hmmm, that's it for now. I'll just update you for whatever changes I might put it in the story in the Authors Note in the incoming chapters. I warning you for a slight OOC-ness, but of course, it's set in an alternate universe. Who knows what happened to them then?

Full Summary: Who knew that Narcissa Black owned a Burlesque club? Not Malfoy you say? Well, you just have to find out! Somehow, our young lads: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, and must I say… Ron Weasley, and Neville Longbottom, are mates? Pansy Parkinson seemed to have gained weight. Luna Lovegood has strangely disappeared. Ginny Weasley wasn't really a tomboy, but a really girly bint. Lavender Brown is Lavender Brown. Oh, and Hermione Granger? Apparently, she sings really well.

Please be kind! Your thoughts (and suggestions) are very much welcome, so don't be shy to drop by a review. Thank you! They're highly appreciated. Now, without further ado… Chapter One!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything, but my plot. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter

Le First Chapter: Petticoats

"Pansy darling! Your corset's over here!" A voice sing sang.

"Oh thank Merlin," Pansy sighed gratefully. She stood up and dusted her trousers. "Thanks Lav."

Making her way through a maze of boxes, scattered petticoats, bottles of glitter, and other things she still can't name, she sauntered over to the blonde, and got her costume.

You might be wondering how these two became friends. Well, during their schooling years, House Unity was favored by almost everyone in Hogwarts. Gryffindors and Slytherins, the powerhouses out of the four, share a competitive vibe, but it didn't mean that they loathe each other. But of course, some children raised by families who were blood purists weren't very comfortable mingling with those who are half-bloods, or muggle-borns. So, they just tried to be civil with them.

Pansy and Lavender… Well, it was quite expected that these two bints would click. Regardless of the House that they belong to, they became the best of friends in their Second Year, when they were shopping for new robes at Madam Malkins. Their passion for fashion is unmatched by anyone in both worlds. Also, both have the same talent: dancing. No one knew this until the Yule Ball during their Fourth Year when they performed in an intermission number. Since then, everyone seemed to come out of their own shell, and started to show off their own talents.

"You're welcome, darling," Lavender said, now looking for her silver-dusted dance shoes.

They were preparing for tonight's big show. It was Cissy's birthday today so they decided to do a special show for her tonight. They spent a lot of time practicing for the special and never before seen numbers they decided to perform later on. Cissy doesn't know anything about this. Well, not YET. Lavender mused happily.

It was still a mystery to her and the other girls how Narcissa Malfoy, now Narcissa Black, but now Cissy, managed to own and run a Burlesque lounge. After her messy divorce with Lucius, some of the crew here guessed that maybe it was her way of coping (and rebelling). Others say that she has always wanted to have one. The guesses and rumors go on, and on, but never did the girls ask her the real reason behind it. However, they decided that tonight would probably the right time to.

"Hello, ladies."

The pair looked up to see a curly-haired girl leaning at the door frame. They smiled, and said, "Hi Hermione."

"Gin's not with you?" Pansy asked while picking up a box of sequins. She needed to repair her costume. Last night's dress rehearsal was too rough for the fabric to handle. And for Merlin's sake! Dancing with chairs is not the easiest thing in the world.

Hermione shook her head. "Apparently, she and Luna got off quite early this morning. But she left a note." She held out the note for Lavender to read, as the other was busy looking for her wand.

If you lot are wondering where Luna and I went, you probably well know already.

Mm, we'll be back by evenfall.

Please tell Miss Cissy that we're getting that as well.


Don't let me down!

- Gin :)

"Reparo." The sequins were sewn back on the corset. Pansy was pleased with herself. "I wonder what she's up to."

"Oh! Oh! Maybe we're going to that muggle club you took us to before, Hermione." Lavender squealed.

Her faced quirked into a smirk. "I don't think so. She wouldn't ask us to dress up unless it's an important event."

"True. Hmm. I know! Maybe we're going to meet that bloke she's dating." Pansy waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"Could it be?"


"LONGBOTTOM!" Someone shouted. Everyone looked for whoever that was.


"Le Burlesque Foire."

"Is that some sort of pudding house?"

Draco snorted, trying to suppress a laugh.

"Aw, c'mon. Seriously Harry?" Blaise asked, throwing the said boy a disbelieving look.

They were now in Ron Weasley's flat. While waiting for the redhead to wake up, they decided to tease Harry. Actually, Ron was the first target, but seeing that trying to wake him up was futile, they gave up and picked on Harry instead.

"This is Harry we're talking about, Blaise. You know how he is with these kinds of things." the flaxen-haired boy said, nudging the dark boy whilst raising an eyebrow.

Harry brightened. "What is it?" Turning to them both, he raised a brow in question. When the pair toppled over and laughed, he asked again. "So, if it's not a pudding house, then what is it?"

"Striptease show." Ron said sleepily.

The two former Slytherins looked in his direction.

"Oh, the git's awake." Blaise said.

"So you know of it too?" Draco said at the same time, an impish smile gracing his face.

Again, you may be wondering how these blokes are on the same page, and are now acting as if they are mates. Well, they are, but what made it possible? Quidditch of course! The four obviously have an affiliation with the sport, as all four are members of their Houses' Quidditch teams way back when they were still in Hogwarts.

It all started in their Third Year. It was the match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. While Harry and Draco were racing to get the Snitch first, nobody noticed that rogue Bludgers were chasing them; except Ron and Blaise of course. Coincidentally, Ron managed to hit away the Bludger tailing Draco, while Blaise did the same for Harry. It was a really close shave, but thanks to the two Chasers, no one got harmed.

The game was fair then, and Gryffindor won. Slytherin was a little put out about it, but they accepted defeat. They shook hands, even. Also, that day, they all got early tickets for the World Cup next year. Knowing this, Draco invited Ron, who insisted that Harry should go too, to join him and his family and Blaise in their private box. Since then, they always found time to talk about Quidditch, and other things during their free time.

"Of course, Pansy works there." The redhead said casually.

"WHAT?" Blaise and Draco said unanimously. They looked at each other, still wide-eyed, and then back at Ron who was now scratching the back of his head.

"Parkinson? As in Pansy Parkinson works in a Burlesque Lounge?"


"Since when?" The dark boy asked, still unable to process this information.

Pansy, their best girl friend and now Ron's girlfriend, works in a Burlesque Lounge. Merlin's beard, what is happening to the world? That minx, albeit cunning, and naughty at times, is a nice girl at heart. She would never even consider doing that kind of thing... Or maybe she took on a whole new level of mischievousness?

"Ever since Cissy asked if she would want to try out dancing in her shows." Ron said. He found it odd that Draco didn't know this. Wait, he doesn't know? He turned to the tall boy. "You didn't know that your mother owns a Burlesque club?"

"She owns that club?" Draco squinted his eyes at him. "Are you joking me, Ron? If you are, then it isn't funny."

Ron raised his hands up. "No, I thought she told you that's why I never asked."

"No she didn't." he said with a sigh. Running a hand through his hair, he suddenly had an idea.

"Oh Merlin. I know that look." Blaise said, now closing his eyes.

"What look?" Harry joined in, slightly annoyed that he was left out of the conversation.

Ignoring him, Draco continued, "Hell yes. We're going to that lounge tonight."

At that exact moment, the last bloke on the team arrived.

"Hey Neville." Harry nodded.

"Wotcher guys. How does Le Burlesque Foire sound like to you?" A glint in his eyes.

This night is going to be interesting.

Author's Note: So, I wrote this on a whim but I've been keeping it for forever in my files. Haha. What do you think? :) Is it alright? Should I continue it?

Thanks you lot! x