A/N- So here it is, the sequel to my Keffy story; Evil is the Shadow of an Angel. This time I've gone for a shorter title; Pretty, But Mental, which is a title of a song by Lesbian Bed Death, enjoy.

Katie smiled to herself slightly as she looked in on Effy, fast asleep on the bed. Still smiling the girl closed the door to the bed room and crept downstairs to the front room, sitting herself on one of the sofas. It'd been three weeks now since Effy had woken up from her self-inflicted coma and two weeks since she'd been allowed back home. Well not quite back home, like Emily and Katie she was living at Naomi's house with Naomi and her mum Gina. The thin brunette hadn't even been back to her actual home yet, Katie had gone over there, not long after they'd been told that Effy would be able to leave the hospital soon, and picked up a load of the girl's clothes and bizarre giraffe cuddly toy she'd found lying on her bed. She'd guessed the giraffe had meant something important to Effy so she'd packed it, she'd been right as well. As soon as Effy had seen the toy her hand had shot out and grabbed it, holding it close to her body like a security blanket.

"She still asleep?"

Katie looked up and saw Naomi standing in the door frame, two cups in her hands.

"Tea? Again? You know, I'm beginning to think that is your answer to everything Naomi."

Naomi just laughed and passed one of the cups to Katie.

"Whatever Katie."

"Hmmm, yeah she's still asleep. I'll have to wake her soon though, nearly time for her tablets."

Naomi nodded absentmindedly and chewed on her lower lip.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, why would you think anything's wrong?"

Naomi said quickly causing Katie to chuckle slightly.

"I've had plenty of time to watch you Naomi Campbell, you only chew your bottom lip when your agitated, so spill."

Naomi sighed and took a drink from her cup before putting it down.

"It's just…college, it starts again on Monday. Do you think Effy will be able to cope?"

"I know what you mean Naomi, and the truth is I don't know. I'm going to do everything I can to try and make sure things go smoothly for her, but with college you never can tell."

Katie looked up to see Naomi looking strangely at her.


Naomi shook her head.

"It's nothing really, it's just…I never thought I'd hear you say that Katie, even two months ago you wouldn't have said it. You changed, for the better mind you, but you have changed."

Katie smiled a little.

"Nothing can stay the same Naomi."

Effy's eyes shot open and she sat up in bed, automatically clutching at Pato, feeling the comforting smell of the toy invade her senses. She clutched the toy tighter as the door opened and Emily entered the room.

"Hey Effy, you ok?"

The red head smiled and asked her, moving over to the bed. Effy nodded, her eyes wide.

"Yeah I'm ok thanks, just woke up is all."

Emily sat down next to Effy and glanced at Pato.

"Listen, Effy, I'm…worried."

"Worried about what?"

Effy asked curiously.

"College starts again after the weekend."

Effy nodded to show that she was listening.

"I'm worried about you Effy, you and Katie."

"You are? Why?"

"Effy, Katie's strong and all but managing to deal with you and her own issues.."

"Her sexuality?"

Effy interjected.

"Yes her sexuality. Katie strong but with all that on her plate, I don't know. Then there's you."


Effy asked innocently, although she knew where this was going.

"I remember seeing you when we first started college, so confident, so strong. That's not you anymore though, I hate to say it but it's true. You're….You're…"

Effy let out a little laugh.

"Emily, you can say it you know? I know what I am, I'm crazy. That's what I'm going to be known as at college as the resident crazy person. I'm fine with that, and I know it's a lot to ask Katie to shoulder my burden with me, to help me but that's her choice. We'll help each other and if that isn't enough then…well we've got you and Naomi haven't we?"

Effy smiled at Emily and the red head smiled back and nodded.

"Yeah, that's right. We'll be here for you. Sorry, I just worry about Katie, that's all."

Effy nodded and leaned forward, giving the red head a hug.

"As it should be Emily, as it should be."

Just then Katie popped her head round the door.

"Oh hi Emily, Effy it's time for your pills."

Emily smiled and nodded, getting up and moving towards the door, she pulled Katie into a hug as she reached her sister.

"Love you sis."

She whispered just before she left the room.

"What did Ems want?"

Katie asked suspiciously as she entered the room with a small chemist's bag and a glass of water.

"Just talking about college."

Katie let out a laugh.

"I think I've just had the same conversation with Naomi I think."

Effy chuckled and held her hand out; Katie smiled and placed a number of pills in her hand before passing the glass of water to her as well. Effy took the tablets into her mouth and had a drink of water.

"Everything ok Effy? Just you yeah?"

Katie asked.

"Yeah, just me Katie."

Katie smiled and planted a soft kiss on the brunette's forehead.

Emily moved into the front room and sat next to Naomi, cuddling up close to her.

"What do you think Naomi?"

"I think it's going to be tough on both them, I know Katie's strong and all that and Effy….well Effy's Effy but I think they're both underestimating how cruel teenagers can be. Hell it's going to be hard for us two but for those two? I don't know Emily, they're going to need us more than they think."

Emily nodded and planted a soft kiss on her cheek.

"I think you're right Naomi, people are mean and I think it's going to hit Freddie hardest. You saw how he reacted a couple of weeks ago, and that was just to the knowledge that Effy was sleeping with someone else, imagine how he'll react to Effy going out with Katie. His two exes get it together, hard for anyone to deal with that."

Naomi hummed in agreement and started threading her fingers through Emily's hair.

"So we'll all stick together, we'll all support each other."

Emily stated firmly and Naomi nodded, looking down at her girlfriend.

"God, I love you so much Ems."

"Love you too."