As promised, a fast chapter 2. Mostly because I have at least the first few chapters all worked out in my head. And don't worry, Harry and Co. will show up soon enough.


Phineas was literally bouncing with excitement. It had been a week since they got their letters, and now they had finally arrived in Britain, on their way to Diagon Alley. They had been told how to navigate the area, and since they already had plenty of experience with doing things on their own, they had decided to stay together, but get what they needed without help.

Perry chattered on his leash next to Phineas. He hadn't known how to explain his future disappearance to Monogram, and so had pretended that the boys were going on vacation in Britain. They were going to assign a temporary agent replacement to Doofenshmirtz, but only Perry knew it would be a long term substitution.

"There!" Phineas said. "The Leaky Cauldron, just as Dumbledore said. Now come on. We need to get through there, get to Diagon Alley, find Gringotts, and then get our supplies."

The five entered the pub, Phineas scooping up Perry again, not wanting the platypus to get separated from him the crowded area. Isabella quickly got instructions on how to get into Diagon Alley from Tom the bartender, and soon the group found themselves in one of the more popular magic distribution centers.

"Oh, wow," Isabella said. "This place is so cool!"

"I found Gringotts!" Buford shouted, Baljeet sticking as close to the bully as possible.

"Oh, thank goodness. This place is horribly crowded!" the young Indian said.

Ferb just walked on as if everything was perfectly normal, Phineas at his side. The redhead may have been getting a little more distracted by all the sights, but had enough sense still intact to know that they could do anything without money.

About half an hour later, the group went to Olivander's to get their wands. Buford went first, and it took him three tries, but he finally ended up with a stout 9-inch hickory wand with a dragon heartstring core. Baljeet managed to place his wand on the first try, an 8 ½-inch willow with a unicorn hair core. Isabella ended up with a unicorn hair core as well, her wand being a 10-inch cherry.

Ferb took six ties, but he ended with an 11-inch maple with a thestral hair core. But when it came to Phineas, it took quite a while.

"Hmm…" Olivander said after the eleventh failed attempt. "I wonder…" He pulled out a wand that had been made quite some time ago, and it had been impossible for him to place. "Try this one."

Phineas gave it a wave, and mini-tornado exploded into existence around him. "Whoa…"

"Phoenix feather, 10 and ½ inches, mahogany," Olivander said. "You should tremendous power, young wizard."

Phineas was a little creeped out, and was glad to pay for his wand and get out there. "So where to now, guys?"

"We do have a list of supplies, you know," Ferb said. "Perhaps we should spilt up into two groups."

"Ferb has a point," Phineas said. "Buford, Baljeet, you two can be one group. Isabella, Ferb and I can be the other."

With a nod, the five spilt up, Phineas still having a firm hold on Perry's leash. "So where do you wanna go first, Ferb?"

Ferb looked over at the robe shop. "Good idea. Come on, Perry."

On inside, they noticed that they weren't the only ones there. There was also a pale blonde and a scruffy haired boy with glasses being fitted.

"What is that?" the blonde asked, staring at Perry.

"This is Perry," Phineas said. "He's a blue platypus. They're like duck-billed platypuses, only they don't have any poison spurs and are a little smaller."

"You a Muggle-born, aren't you?"

Phineas had heard that word before, and knew it meant someone born of 'normal' parents. "I guess so. I mean, I never met my biological dad, so I don't really know… I don't think he was a wizard, though."

The boy just snorted, but soon left with his mother. It wasn't long before the other boy was done as well, and about fifteen minutes later, the three walked out of the shop with their new robes.

"Apothecary next, anyone?" Phineas asked. Ferb just gave him a thumbs-up, and Isabella agreed.


It had taken a while, but finally the only thing left to get were their pets. Phineas already had Perry, who was taking the opportunity to sunbathe. Phineas was looking at his spell book, trying to learn one of the spells. Settling on a simple light spell, he took out his wand and began trying it out.

"Lumos," Phineas said, and his wand lit up for half a second before it went out. "Aw, come on! That's one of the easiest ones in the book!"

"Having trouble, Dinner Bell?" Buford asked, holding a cage with a fierce looking Great Horned Owl he had named Dagger in it.

"Give it a rest, Buford," Phineas said, shoving his wand back in his pocket. Not only was he not able to think of anything cool to create, he couldn't even master an easy spell.

"Phineas, are you sure you're ok?" Isabella asked, her new cat Walnut in hand.

"I'm fine." Ferb raised an eyebrow at that, his owl Dusk, a Greater Sooty Owl, in a cage, sitting quietly in her cage. He knew Phineas wasn't fine, especially since he still had 'Inventor's Block' and now hadn't managed a simple spell.

Baljeet had gotten an Indian Scops Owl , who he hadn't yet named. "We should be getting back to the inn. Besides, I do not fancy walking around this place with all this stuff to carry."

"Jeet's right," Phineas said, hopping to his feet and gathering his stuff up. "Come on, Perry. We can have a look around later."


Tom helped them get set up in their rooms. Isabella was in room 11, Buford and Baljeet in room 12, and Phineas and Ferb shared room 13.

"This a bit different than the usual, huh Ferb?" Phineas asked. "I mean, normally we would be creating some crazy invention right now, yet here we are, about to enter a whole new chapter in our lives."

Ferb just shrugged, knowing that sooner or later, Phineas was going to fall asleep out of exhaustion. To his surprise, Phineas pulled out the same book as earlier and his wand, obviously intent on mastering at least one spell.

"Come on, work this time," Phineas said. "Lumos!" This time when the wand lit up, it stayed lit up. "Hey, Ferb, check it!"

Ferb gave his brother a thumbs-up, and Phineas glanced down at the book to learn the counter-spell. "Ok… Nox." The light went out, and Phineas had a huge grin on his face. "So cool."

"Nice," Ferb said. "And earlier you almost gave up!"

Phineas chuckled nervously. "Just tired, really…"

"And cranky because you're having a hard time coming up with ideas."

"Oh, shut it," Phineas said, tossing his pillow at his brother. The redhead then yawned, half-lidded eyes showing his exhaustion.

"Tired much?"

"You're being rather chatty today," Phineas observed. "Oh! That reminds me… You do know that all the spells we'll be learning at first require actually saying the spell out loud?"

Ferb looked over at Phineas, using his eyes to communicate in a manner only they could understand.

"I'm sure you could cast the spells without speaking… Doubt that it's a first year thing, though…" Phineas said. "You'll be ahead of everyone!"

For a few moments, the two sat in silence, using looks and small gestures to have a conversation. Although the rest of their friends would classify Phineas as a chatterbox (in a good way), there were times both enjoyed their silent conversations.

A crash from room 12 interrupted their conversation, and even if it hadn't, Baljeet's indignant shouts and Dagger's loud hooting would have.

"Care to go see what they're up to?" Phineas asked. Ferb made a slightly mocking show of gesturing him to go first.

"Oh, come on," Phineas said, crossing the hall and pushing open the door. "What did you two do?"

"Buford knocked over my books and Bakka's cage!" Baljeet said as he carefully removed the cage from under the pile of books, opening to let his owl out.

"Bakka?" Phineas asked. "Did you derive his name from the Indian Scops Owl's binomial name, Otus Bakkamoena?"

"Nerd, naming your owl after the species classification," Buford said.

"Is everyone alright?" Isabella asked, Walnut in her arms.

"Yes, Bakka seems to be uninjured," Baljeet said, having finished checking over his owl.

"If that's all then, I think I'm going to head to bed," Phineas said. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm beat."

"Night, Phineas," Isabella said.

"Good night, you two," Baljeet said, since Ferb followed Phineas into their room.

Buford just grunted, but got his point across anyway.

Phineas chuckled as he flopped down next to Perry after retrieving his pillow form Ferb's bed. For a while, the two went back to silent conversation, but eventually Phineas dozed off, his head hitting the pillow as he snored softly.

Ferb knew his brother was properly asleep because of this, because Phineas only snored when he was completely out of it. Content that things were only going to get better, he too fell asleep, neither of the adventure to come.


As promised, a quick chapter 2… And don't worry. Phineas will start coming up with ideas soon enough…