Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, plain and simple no?

This is will be my very first attempt at writing a dark... truly really dark Naruto fanfiction. This will be the only warning, stop reading now if you are easily turned off by violence of any kind. Pairings are uncertain at the moment; it will probably end up being a harem though because that's how I roll...

Rated M for violence, rape and many other things...

Sit back and enjoy the read...

Chapter 1: The last straw

Lightning illuminated the night sky and was accompanied by a crack of thunder, rain poured down in heavy droplets from the darkened clouds above. Everyone was running for shelter as the storm blew over the peaceful village of Konoha, starting off as a light drizzle that transitioned into a massive downpour in mere seconds. Merchants hurried to stow their merchandise away as gale-force winds howled through the village, even the massive trees being swayed by the wind.

October tenth, a day that will forever be etched into the memories of every Konohagakure villager. Be they civilian or shinobi, everyone will remember the day of the dreaded Kyuubi attack. The day their beloved Yondaime Hokage fell in combat against the mighty Bijū, sacrificing his life to seal the Kyuubi into a new-born child. A child who he wanted to be treated with the utmost respect and reverence for keeping the Kyuubi at bay, his very own flesh and blood that was the container of the beast.

Namikaze Minato, a fearsome shinobi indeed. Respected by many, feared by even more... His actions brought fame and prosperity to Konoha, the villagers worshipping him as their ideal Hokage. Yet when he has passed on, his wish made with his last dying breath was ignored and spat on by the very same people.

October tenth, six years after that faithful day...

Another bolt of lining flashed across the sky, briefly bathing the streets of Konoha in a white light. The brief flash was more than enough to illuminate a terror stricken face, a face that housed two cerulean blue orbs. The owner of said face was a mere six year old child with dirty blond hair, 3 pairs of whisker marks on his cheeks and wearing a simple black T-shirt and pants. His small bare feet splashing through the puddle ridden streets, his clear blue eyes glancing in every direction for a means of escaping his pursuers.

His short legs carried him past a neon-sign that the beginning of the Red-light district, a seedy and corrupted location that definitely wasn't the place for a child. Yet the ease in which he navigated the alleyways suggested that he had been through here many times before, enough times to know where the shortcuts and escape routes were.

The heavy downpour kept up causing damp blond locks to drape over his eyes, obscuring his vision slightly as he continued his attempt to escape the shadowy figures that tracked him. He knew it was useless, he knew it was futile but he kept on going. His logical mind told him that there was no way he could evade them and that in the end they would catch him anyway, just like all the other times. However... his instincts told him that he couldn't give up this time. They told him that this time if they caught him, there would be much more pain than all the previous times combined.

Wisely choosing to heed that advice, he ran and ran until he finally slipped up. He had taken a wrong turn and ended up running smack into a dead end, a solid wall of red bricks stared him in the face. Spinning around slightly, he let out a startled cry when he spotted the tall shadowed figures advancing on him. Backing up against the wall, the child fell onto his behind and curled up on himself in an attempt to delay the inevitable.

Rough, calloused hand clamped down upon his own. Pulling them above his head, the child gazed fearfully into a pair of jade-green eyes that held nothing but rage and malice. His pursuers were all dressed in black water-proof cloaks with hoods to protect their identities; the grin on his captors face unnerved him.

"Nowhere to run Kyuubi-gaki (Kyuubi brat)..." A gleeful voice escaped those rows of pearly white teeth. The child was none other than Uzumaki Naruto, the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi no Yoko.

"Why do you do this to me...? I didn't do anything to you people!" Naruto cried out in fear as he struggled fruitlessly to escape his predicament. A sharp gasp escaped his throat as a rough hand clamped around his neck and he found himself staring into a pair of strange eyes, they were red in colour with three black comma-shaped marks in each eye.

'Sharingan!' A deep, dark voice hissed inside his head. Before he could even think about the strange voice, the comma marks started spinning rapidly and he felt his muscle control weaken. The hand clamped around his neck tightened slightly before relinquishing its grasp on him, his small body slumping to the ground.

Naruto knew he had to get out of there but his body wouldn't respond to his commands, it was as if he had just run around the Elemental Nations a few times. His arms and legs felt like lead, commanding them to move only resulted in sluggish responses that weren't going to get him anywhere. Before he knew it, he was roughly grasped around the chin and his head yanked upwards to look into the darkness of the hood.

"Tonight you will pay for all the people you have killed demon... tonight you will experience suffering beyond your comprehension... tonight will be the night that our revenge will be complete." The jade-green eyed man spat in his face before dropping him back onto the ground. Naruto's eyes widened and he let out a small whimper when he caught the glint of metallic objects being drawn from the cloaks, he closed his eyes knowing what was about to occur.

The first blow connected with his back, it was a metal pipe but he clenched his teeth and bared it. Then the blows started falling one after another, never letting up in their barrage as they rained strike after strike down on the child. The dull sound of metal striking soft flesh echoed throughout the alleyway as did the small cries of pain that accompanied them, the sound of the pouring rain covered it up though.

Naruto had reflexively curled up into a ball again as he waited for the beating to end, letting out small cries whenever a blow connected with his head. He could feel his own bones breaking and muscles bruising under the powerful blows, yet the warm feeling always came back and healed him. Time passed as lightning flashed and thunder roared, nobody came to save the blond-haired child from his unjust punishment.

"Don't expect the Hokage to save you now brat..." A rough voice growled as more blows descended on him. "We specifically waited for the monsoon season... this storm was perfect for our plans as the Sandaime would believe you to be safely tucked away in bed already Hahaha..."

A foot connected with his gut, knocking the air out of him and flinging him against the hard brick wall. Naruto cracked open his eyes slightly to see a lanky figure pull out a whip from within his cloak, he tried to scramble out of the way but there was nowhere for him to run. The whip cracked as a grunt of pain escaped his lips; the man reared back and snapped it again and again. Each pull of the whip wearing down the fabric of his shirt until it fell apart in scraps, yet it did not cease.

'Why... why do they do this to me...?' He thought to himself as he cried out each time the leather weapon snapped against his back, splitting open the skin which only served to increase the pain as salty raindrops fell onto the wound. They gave neither rest nor reprieve as two more whips joined the process, their stinging blows not giving any time for his healing to kick in. Angry red wounds lined his back as the leader walked up to him and held something out, it was a lemon and he crushed the fruit in his hands.

An agonised scream drowned out by a crack of thunder sounded from the alleyway as the juice seeped into his wounds, his wounds being aggravated by the acidic properties as he writhed in pain. He lay there as the man tore off his pants and undergarments, leaving him in the nude on the cold cement floor.

"You will tonight Kyuubi... but before that we're going to enjoy stripping you of your dignity... and inflict as much pain and humiliation as possible!" The man chuckled darkly along with the others. Naruto refused to let the tears out as he was slammed brutally against the wall, gritting his teeth as they crucified him by his arms against the brick wall. Streams of blood flowing from the point on his wrists that the katanas were driven through and into the wall, he hung there as the leader motioned another figure forward.

A container was shaken in his face, the darkness and the falling rain made it hard for Naruto to see what it was. The man reached inside and pulled out a thin, slender metallic object which he now recognised as a senbon. There was no escape; the only thing left to do was to endure it. The senbon was stabbed into his lower back and suddenly he couldn't move his legs anymore.

"I have removed your control over your legs to make it easier for us but don't worry... you will still be able to feel the pain inflicted on you..."

Naruto's eyes widened when he heard the sound of zips being undone and the men around him dropped their pants onto the ground, their flaccid members hardening slightly already.

Warning Rape Scene!

The small blond eyed the leader warily as he approached; his young mind not yet able to comprehend what was about to happen to him. The man rubbed his erection against Naruto's ass crack as a malicious grin crept across his face.

"I'll be sure to make this as painful as possible...my name is Haruno Nanji, the man who will be dealing out your punishment..." And with that said, he thrust upwards harshly against the crucified Jinchuuriki. His dick piercing through his sphincter and forcing its way up his rectum, blood immediately started dripping from the forceful entry. Naruto had his eyes wide open as he screamed in new-found pain and agony as the man proceeded to rape his asshole, his rough and brutish thrusts only served to rub his insides raw.

He couldn't hold back his tears any longer as they started to flow from the utter pain and humiliation of having his ass raped by his pursuers. Naruto cried out again and again with each thrust inside him but his cries went unheard as the other men simply stood there jacking off. Eventually he could feel the leader tensing before he felt a warm sticky substance fill up his rectum, the feeling was horrid and he felt like throwing up.

As the man pulled out, Naruto thought that it was over but was soon proven wrong as another man thrust in savagely. And so it went on and on, his body used as a cum dumpster for his attackers' rage and lust. The group of men just ploughed into him like a cheap used street whore, their ejaculations filling his bowels and causing him to throw up more than once. As a finale, they all gathered around him and sprayed their musty seed all over his battered body and face.


The rough treatment had caused the katanas to slide further upwards, drawing a bloody line from their initial point on the wrists all the way up to the middle of his palm. A mixture of blood, shit and cum dripped out of his stretched rectum and onto the ground below him where the rain quickly washed it away. Naruto couldn't scream anymore, his voice having given out somewhere between the last two men. His head tilted down so they couldn't see the tears of shame that ran down his face, his mind barely holding on and his thoughts taking a turn for the worst.

'...I'm sick of living... all that's waiting for me is more pain and humiliation... I wish they would just end it already... kill me and be done with it...'

A hand roughly grabbed his face and brought it up; his dull cerulean eyes stared at Nanji. A wicked grin was set on his face, a grin that told the Jinchuuriki that his pain was not over yet.

"Wishing for death already demon... I can see it in your eyes but too bad! You still have yet to pay for all the lives that were lost during your rampage..." Nanji hissed as he held up a kunai and inspected it. "I believe that you barely felt these weapons when you were in your demon form eh Kyuubi? Let's see what the difference is now!"

A slash and a silent scream, a long gash across the young boy's chest. Another man came up with a katana and plunged it through both of Naruto's feet and into the wall; he then pulled out a kunai of his own.

"Demon... you took my wife from me... she was in the hospital about to give birth to our son and you killed them... you took away one of my eyes..." The man threw back his hood to reveal a close-shaven head with black hair and an eye-patch over his right eye. "Let's see how you like it to lose both of yours..."

Grabbing him roughly by his damp blond locks, the man wasted no time in stabbing the kunai repeatedly into both of Naruto's eye sockets. Maniacal laughter escaping his throat as he stabbed, twisted and gouged out the remains of the eyeballs. Naruto's body arching against its restraints as it was wrecked with pain, his vision was gone but he could hear the sound of the men laughing away at his pitiful state.

'To do this to a child so young and innocent and humans dare claim me a demon...'

The voice of the warmth, it was back again. Not wanting it to leave him alone, the young child tried to communicate with it.

'Don't leave me...'

'Child... you can hear my voice?' The voice sounded surprised.

'Yes... you are the warmth that always heals me and makes me feel safe... are you an angel that has come to take me away?'

Kyuubi was surprised by the child's ability to form coherent sentences at his age, though supposing who both his parents were then it was not much of a surprise. He closed his crimson eyes as he frowned slightly at the question.

'No child. I am as far away from an angel as is darkness is from light...'

'Oh...' Naruto sounded disappointed. His brain having already shut out all the pain and mutilations being applied onto his body by the men, all he cared about was conversing with the voice that had healed him whenever he was injured.

'Tell me child... why do you not fight back against them? I know that you have been training in secret to prepare for your first year at the academy...'

'If I were to fight back... I would just get into more trouble and they would use it as another reason to attack me... I try to ignore them but... they continue to hit me and call me a demon... voice-san tell me what did I do...'

'Child you can call me Kurama. And you have done nothing wrong, humans are disgusting little creatures... they fear those that are stronger yet lord over those that are weaker. They claim to be your friend yet they spread whispers behind your back, they claim they want peace yet all they know is war. Humans are petty, easy to get jealous over the littlest things... jealousy leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hatred is what gave birth to me.'

'And what are you Kurama-san?'

'I am the embodiment of all their sins, my personality was given form by the hatred of this world, whenever there is hatred and malice my power grows stronger... child, I am known as the Kyuubi no Yoko!'

'So the Yondaime couldn't defeat you after all... that means he must have sealed you into me...' Naruto slowly put the pieces of the puzzle together, his gifted brain quickly filling in the blanks.

'That is correct child...'

'Then am I not human too? Why are you helping me, why heal my injuries?'

'You are beyond a normal human... this will take a long time to explain and I fear your body may not last. So I shall pull your consciousness into the mindscape where time passes slower...' As the final words were said, Naruto felt a tugging sensation and surrendered himself to it.

Blinking suddenly, he realised that his eyes were back to normal and a quick check of his body confirmed that no wounds remained. Taking in his surroundings, he noted that he was in some kind of sewer with pipes running around the walls and ceiling. He noticed that several of the pipes were broken and blue liquid was running out of them, the walls and ceiling were covered with cracks and were starting to fall apart.

"This sewer represents your mind... as you can see it's not in very good shape... the leaking pipes are your chakra pathways that have been severed by the... humans."

Naruto turned to face the voice and was greeted by a pair of fearsome glowing crimson eyes behind a large iron gate, it appeared to be held close by a small parchment of paper with a kanji written on it.


"Yes, that is my name. Now you shall remain quiet until I am finished explaining, you may ask whatever questions that you may have after I am done. Do you understand?" Kurama growled.

The blond gave a small nod in understanding.

"The first thing that you should know of is your parentage, your father was the bastard Yondaime that sealed me in here and your mother is Uzumaki Kushina... she was my previous host. So now to explain what I meant earlier, you are not human... at least not entirely. Since you were conceived when I was sealed in your mother, some of my youki was siphoned off by the seal and used in the creation of your embryo. Basically it means I am as much your parent as the two flesh-bags were, it also means that you are part demon... a Hanyou (Half-Demon) if you will."

At this said, Naruto was reeling with all the revelations that were just revealed to his young mind. The Yondaime was his father, his mother the previous prison of the Kyuubi, the Kyuubi a parent to him and him being a Hanyou.

"Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, your latent demonic blood has yet to awaken... which is why you hadn't developed anything beyond your whisker marks. Once your demonic blood kicks in, you will cease to be a Hanyou as it will completely wipe every trace of human DNA from your system. Thus rendering you a true demon, most likely a Yoko (Demon Fox) since my power runs through your veins. You may ask your questions now." Kurama sat back on his haunches as he waited for the young Jinchuuriki to process everything.

"When will my demonic blood take effect...?"

"Not soon enough I'm afraid. Originally it was supposed to be when you hit eighteen years old but with the amount of youki that I kept pumping to heal you over the past six years... I would say when you reach twelve. Needless to say that is too far away... the only way for you to survive tonight is if I forcefully transcend you myself..." Kurama trailed off as he leaned his snout down, his face on level with Naruto's now.

"However in doing so... I will cease to exist as all I am is but power. My power shall become yours; all my knowledge and skills will be yours. In layman terms, Uzumaki Naruto shall become the new Kyuubi... my successor in a manner of speaking."

"Your offer is generous Kurama-san... too generous... there has to be something in it for you, am I right?" Naruto asked suspiciously, getting a grin from the fox.

"You have a good head on your shoulders child... Yes I do require something from you but I believe that this will be to your liking as well. As the original Kyuubi and part-father, I charge you, my heir, as the new Kyuubi to reshape this world as you see fit! Make it so that innocents will not have to suffer anymore, make it so that no children shall have to suffer the same fate you have! I have lived long and personally have grown tired of hatred and chaos, it was amusing at first but now it bores me..."

"You want me to change the world... by myself?" Naruto looked down at his bare hands as if trying to imagine crushing a village with them, the thought was exhilarating.

"Child you underestimate my power... not to say that you can't seek out allies either. People who have the same mind-set as you, people who have suffered as you have... they shall become worthy allies because they know the pain."

"Yes... only through suffering what I have will the world understand... the people in this village live joyously as I suffer in silence... they have lived in ignorance for far too long... I will make sure they know true pain!"

"That's the idea child... now prepare to accept my power!"

Crimson tendrils of youki snaked out of the cage and slithered their way over to the stationary Naruto, the energy felt warm and comforting as it embraced him. The boiling youki cloak engulfed him like a second skin of crimson energy; he felt it probe into every pore of his body and welcomed it as it flowed through his blood.

Back in the real world

The men were gathered in a semi-circle around the crucified body... it was in horrible shape to say the least. They had cut and stabbed almost every inch of his body, his tongue was punctured with a kunai and left hanging out, a large gash had been cut across the lower half of his torso and they dug his intestines out and dropped them all over the ground. A gruesome sight indeed...

"Looks like the demon's dead already..." One of the men grunted in annoyance, having wanted to torture it some more.

"I guess so... looks like our job here is done, let's go home and celebrate guys!" Nanji laughed as the other men cheered, they turned around to leave and took two steps before a small cough was heard. It was barely audible above the pouring rain and roaring thunder but they still heard it.

They spun around and saw Naruto coughing out blood as his body shook, a low wheezing sound could be heard. After a few moments they realised what it was, the child was laughing... not a happy laugh or an insane laugh... but a dark rising chuckle. His head tilted up and gazed at them with its bloody empty eye sockets, the sight unnerved them slightly.

Their eyes widened when they noticed tendrils of red youki bubbling out from his body and ripped the katanas free, allowing the body to fall onto the entrails covered ground. They watched horrified as the same energy flowed onto the discarded intestinal track and it slowly pulled it back inside his body, the wound slowly sizzling shut as if it were never there to begin with. The same dark chuckle still slowly rising as the boy pushed himself up of the ground, all his wounds healing at an extraordinary rate.

The blood mixing with the youki turned it into a deep opaque red that covered Naruto from head to toe, forming a cocoon of dense red energy around him and shielding his body from view. The five men stared at the egg-like object dumbly before one of them growled and charged it with a shout, his katana drawn and ready to deliver the final blow.

Unfortunately for him, that was not to happen. Several crimson clawed hands burst out from the shell and impaled him from the front and exited through the back, in each grasp was a different organ. The hands squeezed and the organs burst, the youki hands dispersed and the corpse fell onto the ground with a wet plop. The youki cocoon dispersed as well to reveal a rather intimidating sight; at least to the remaining attackers it was...

Now standing at a height of 1.8 metres, Naruto chuckled as he popped his stiff joints before glaring at the men. He now had a lean athletic build, his skin had a darker tan than before, his whisker marks had deepened, fangs could be seen as he grinned at them, his hair had grown until it shadowed his eyes slightly but the most glaring (pun not intended) change was his eyes. The once sky-blue eyes were now a glowing crimson red, with a black slitted pupil right down the centre.

One man decided to run for it at that moment, something that Naruto did not let happen. He stomped on the ground and a giant slab of earth rose at the entranceway, completely sealing off the alley from the street beyond. The man was a civilian so he couldn't surface walk his way out, thus resorted to hacking away at the wall with his kunai. The three remaining ones drew weapons from their cloaks, simple looking tantos by the looks of them.

"Can't let any of you escape now~ the funs only beginning after all~" Naruto grinned as rain poured down around the four, lightning flash across the sky and as it disappeared so did the blond.

He appeared in the middle of their rough formation and kicked Nanji to the side, where he impacted against a wall and slid to the ground. Naruto chose to concentrate on the eye-patch wearing guy, as he was the only real significant threat at that moment. The other civilian charged with the tanto only to get punched in the face, breaking his nose and a couple of teeth as well. A crimson youki hand leapt from his back and grabbed a hold of the downward slash that had been aimed at his back; Eye-patch stared dumbstruck that his attack had been blocked.

"Come on mister pirate, put your back into it~" Naruto mocked the shinobi, who cried out in fury and pulled out another kunai and stabbed it towards the blond. Only to have it blocked by another youki hand, he was then hit by an uppercut from a third hand that sent him arcing into the air. Naruto spun and nailed him right in the sternum with a powerful roundhouse kick as he fell, sending him crashing into a pile of crates by the wall. The new Kyuubi picked up the dropped tanto and swung it around in a precise arc, successfully splitting the attacker (the one he had punched) in half by the waist then slicing downwards and separating him vertically. He then kicked the body, sending four pieces in four directions.

A crash and a groan signified that Eye-patch was up and about again, a youki hand shot forth and grabbed him by the head and yanked him forward. Eye-patch flew and gasped out when his throat impacted against Naruto's hand, his clawed fingers closing around the neck in a vice-like grip. He was brought face to face with a pair of rage-filled crimson eyes.

"Beating, mutilating and raping a child... I'm sure your wife and baby must be proud of you wherever they are!" Naruto spat in his face before shoving a youki hand down his throat, gripped his spinal column and ripped it out through his mouth and then impaled him through the head with it. Flinging the body to the side, he turned around to see Nanji coming around and the man still hacking away at the wall.

Nanji squeaked out in fear when he noticed the fearsome visage of Naruto approaching him, he scrambled to get away but a tendril of youki wrapped around his ankle and hefted him into the air. The blond scoffed when he smelt that the man had soiled himself in fear as he hung upside down, he locked his crimson eyes with his torturer's green ones.

"You shall suffer long and hard for what you have done to me..." Naruto dug his claws into the man's eye sockets and crushed both his eyeballs before forming a small sphere of youki in his palm. "In my hand I hold a sphere of youki, I increase its corrosive property so that it will eat away at organic substances... enjoy~"

With that said, Naruto shoved the sphere into the man's mouth. Watching with a crooked smile as the man writhed in agony as the youki consumed him from the inside out, the corrosiveness eating away at his internal organs and liquefying them. Leaving the man to his pain, he strode up to the last struggling attacker that had curled into a ball by the earth wall.

"You are the lucky one, I shall spare you tonight... spread the word to the village. Uzumaki Naruto is no more... for I am just Naruto, the Nidaime Kyuubi! Don't think you'll be leaving here scot-free though... Kitsune-Bi: Mesu (Fox-fire: Scalpel)!" Naruto formed a blazing bluish-white flame in his hand before it morphed into a scalpel-like shape; he then proceeded to slice off all the man's limbs. Leaving him as a body with a head, the intense flames already cauterizing the wounds when it sliced through thus preventing the man from dying of blood-loss.

A soft stomp and the wall of earth receded back into the ground, the rain still pouring heavily upon the village as if heaven itself were weeping for the loss of what could have been its brightest light. The rain splashed against Naruto's face as he looked up at the dark sky, water running down his face and mixing with his tears as he remembered the parting words of Kurama.

'This is the end of the road for me... so go out there and shake the world to its foundations... go and raise hell... my son...'

Naruto let his demonic power recede as his voice changed into a somewhat lighter quality, "I promise Tou-san, I will mould this world into a perfect one... a perfect world... that I swear!"

And with another flash of lightning and crash of thunder, he was gone.

Next day after the storm had passed

Civilians all whispered to each other and glanced at the pair of Chunnins that were directing traffic away from the alleyway, all of them wondering what was going on in there.

"I don't care who but someone better give me a report on the situation right now!" The Sandaime Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen growled as he glared at the disturbing scene before him. He was busy enjoying his sleep when the morning ANBU patrol had turned up at his doorstep and informed him of the bloody murder scene in the alleyway, he had quickly pulled on his robes and followed them.

The sight that had greeted him was indeed disturbing to say the least, the only survivor had all his limbs removed and the wounds burned shut. The man had immediately been carried off to the hospital, where he would be stabilizing before they could question him on the event.

One man that had been confirmed as Haruno Nanji, husband to Councilwoman Haruno Saki, had literally fallen apart when the medical shinobi tried to shift him. The diagnosis was apparently some form of flesh-eating virus, the medics had taken the remains away to study them.

The man that had been stabbed through the face by his own spinal column had been identified as Nakamura Shinji, a retired shinobi who had lost his family and right eye during the Kyuubi attack.

Medics managed to identify the fourth person by placing the split head back together; he was the brother of a wealthy merchant that had died during the Kyuubi's attack six years ago.

The last man couldn't be identified at all; in place of his face was just a big hole. Further investigation showed that the most likely conclusion was that someone or something had punched straight clean through his face, destroying his brain in the process. This was then repeated at various points on the body including the heart, the lungs and his groin.

"I want all these bodies in the autopsy room and expect a report on my desk by lunchtime today! Also get this damned mess cleaned up! ANBU members Kuma and Neko, please inform the families of the deceased... that will be all!" The Sandaime ordered before disappearing in a swirl of leaves.

Hokage's office

'I'm seriously getting too old for these kinds of shit... an attack within the village's own walls...' Hiruzen sighed as he ignited his pipe with a small Katon jutsu and took a puff. He massaged his wrinkled temples as he read through the files of the identified corpses; the main point was that all of them had lost a family member in the Kyuubi attack.

He took another puff of his pipe as he stood up from his seat and looked down at the village through the window, his thoughts running a mile a minute as he tried to figure the case out.

'All of them lost something in the Kyuubi attack... Naruto missing from his apartment according to Neko's report... could they have attacked him during the storm? That doesn't explain how they are all dead and Naruto being nowhere in sight... there's too many damned variables right now! I guess we just have to wait for the survivor to awaken so we can question him...'

He looked down at the manila folder in his hand with the words 'Classified' stamped across it, yet another important and difficult choice for him. Opening the folder, he slid out the stack of papers and scanned through their contents briefly.

'The council has approved of the final decision... to wipe out the Uchiha clan for attempted betrayal. To lose such a strong and prominent clan... it will weaken Konoha greatly. However...' Hiruzen trailed off in thought before hitting the intercom on his desk.

"Sayuri, please send a messenger hawk to Uchiha Itachi and have him report to my office immediately!"

"Right away Sandaime-sama!"

The aged village leader sat back down in his chair as he waited for the prodigy of the Uchiha clan to arrive, which happened a few minutes later when the wind kicked up in his office slightly. Itachi appeared crouched to the floor in his full ANBU gear with his weasel mask clipped to his side, the standard issue tanto attached to his back as well.

"Reporting as you ordered Hokage-sama..." He said in his usual monotone voice.

"You may rise Itachi... please inform me of the recent happenings of the coup." Hiruzen gestured for him to stand with his right hand. Itachi gave a small nod before relaying the information.

"My father has been organising more secret meetings in the past week, I fear that the time of the coup is fast approaching... also Shisui had found out about my spying and I had to dispose of him..." His emotionless composure not breaking once even as he admitted to killing off his best friend.

"Very good Itachi, you are indeed a fine shinobi. That is why I am about to hand you this S-class mission... I won't beat around the bush; this mission is for you to wipe out the entirety of the Uchiha clan. I'm sorry Itachi as it is with a heavy heart that I order this as well but everyone has agreed that this is for the best since the Uchiha clan in general has gotten quite arrogant in the past few years." The Sandaime stood up from his seat and placed a hand on the young prodigy's shoulder.

Itachi read through the mission details before looking the Sandaime in the eye, "Everyone Hokage-sama? Even the women and the children that played no part in the upcoming coup? What about my mother and younger brother, are they to be killed too?"

Hiruzen noted this down in his mind, that his top ANBU captain was not as emotionless as he seemed.

"I'm sorry Itachi but we can't run the risk of missing out on any of the coup members, who knows what information they could divulge to the enemy if they escaped... plus it would also mean the Sharingan falling into enemy hands. You wouldn't want that to happen, would you?"

"No Hokage-sama..." Itachi replied with his fists clenched ever so slightly.

"However... we don't want to lose the Sharingan either so I will change your order slightly... you are leave your brother alive, he shall be the Uchiha clan's saving grace and repopulate the village with the Sharingan when he is older." Hiruzen smiled as he saw the ANBU captain let out a small sigh of genuine relief.

"Arigatou Hokage-sama, you have no idea how much that means to me..."

"That means his hatred will be directed onto you, his purpose in life would be to hunt you down and kill you. Can you live with that, can you bear that burden?"

"I would already be an S-class missing-nin after the mission, it is better for him to blame me than for him to hate the village that I love. I believe that the note at the bottom by Jiraiya-sama wants me to infiltrate the organisation known as Akatsuki, to spy on their members and objectives?"

"All we have found out about them is that they are a mercenary group that has started recruiting S-class missing-nins, we don't know their numbers, their members or their objectives. Those are your primary concerns as well as relaying back up to date reports on their weekly activities, understand?"

"Hai Hokage-sama." Itachi saluted before clipping the weasel mask onto his face.

"The mission is to be carried out tonight Weasel... I wish you the best of luck and that the Will of fire continues to burn brightly in your soul." The Hokage saluted his ANBU captain, who gave a small nod before disappearing in a swirl of leaves.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed as he sat back down with his head in his hands, so many things happening in the span of a few days. First the village Jinchuuriki goes missing, the brutal murder scene and now the destruction of the Uchiha clan. Doing the right thing be damned, all he wanted to do now was to retire.

His eyes drifted to two framed pictures on his desk, the first one was of him and his wife Biwako before the Kyuubi attack while the second one was of him and Naruto a week before his disappearance. He once again fought the rising sadness that surfaced whenever he was reminded of his deceased wife; a hand reached out and placed the picture face-down on the desk.

Couldn't afford to lose himself in his memories, he had a missing weapon to find...

Konohagakure streets

The store owner, a man that looked to be in his forties, looked up from his magazine when he heard the entrance bell of his shop jingle as the door was opened. He observed the person who stepped in; the man appeared to be rather young and was dressed in a simple black cloak. It was when he reached the face that he let out a rather audible gasp; the distinctive whisker-like markings on the face only belonged to one person in the village.

"Get out of my store; we don't serve your kind here!" The man spat harshly at the revealed Naruto, who scowled and strode up to the man and pulled him across the counter by his collar.

"You will shut the fuck up and let me get what I want or I will make sure every inch of this store will be dyed red by your blood, understand?" Naruto emphasised the last word by growling in his demonic tone, making the man wet his pants as he nodded furiously. He dropped the man carelessly onto the counter and browsed through the shinobi store, picking out clothes and weapons then changed on the spot.

He was now dressed in a simple black hoodie with red flames licking the edges, a pair of black standard issue shinobi pants, black bandages were wound around his hands and arms but leaving his fingers exposed and to top it all off, a pair of elegant crimson wakizashi strapped to his back.

The man was still cowering behind the counter as Naruto hefted him up by his throat, "Unfortunately I can't let you remember my being here..."

"Wait! I promise I won't tell anyone, not even if Hokage-sama asks me himself!" The man pleaded.

"Nope sorry can't risk it! Futon: Sanso Ketsubō (Wind Release: Oxygen Deprivation)..." Naruto whispered with a hand over the store owner's face, a thin trail of visible air flowed out of the man's nose and mouth as he drew his hand back. A few seconds later and the man fell limp within his grasp, dead from having all the oxygen in his body removed.

Letting the body drop to the floor, Naruto dusted his hands off with a smirk.

"See like I said, not a single blood stain in your store." He let out a small snort of laughter before exiting the store.

Later that evening

Itachi gazed down emotionlessly at the Uchiha district below him from his post on the tallest building in the area, his weasel mask clipped to his belt as the wind blew through his raven locks.

'The setting is perfect... father has planned a meeting in half an hour's time so all the members of the Uchiha clan should be here preparing, Sasuke's class ends a little later than usual today and I should be done by the time he returns.' He thought to himself as he unconsciously activated his Sharingan in preparation for the mission.

All was according to plan and thus he was surprised when a figure in a black hoodie with a pair of wakizashi landed next to him, the person had the hood pulled over his head so Itachi couldn't tell who it was.

"Ah ANBU-san, what might you be doing up here by yourself?" The figure asked as he sat on the edge of the building, letting his legs dangle off the edge.

"It is of no concern to you citizen, please vacate the Uchiha clan grounds immediately or I would be forced to remove you." Itachi informed the stranger.

"That sounds highly suspicious ANBU-san~ so what are you really doing up here?" The hooded man asked again, seemingly disregarding the ANBU captain's earlier response. Itachi realised he couldn't waste any more time so he decided on the quickest route, just kill the man as well.

"If you must know... I am about to massacre the entire Uchiha clan but now that I told you, I have to kill you as well..." Itachi glared at the stranger with his Sharingan and drew his tanto causing the figure the leap to his feet.

"Oh~ let me offer my help to you then! The village is better off without this scumbag clan anyway, no offense to you of course!"

Of all the replies Itachi could have gotten, this was the only one that left him flabbergasted. This stranger with obvious shinobi training had appeared out of nowhere and offered to take part in the massacre, he was usually more cautious about trusting others but he was running out of time.

"Alright since you offered... you sweep the ground from the entrance to the west and I'll head east, then we meet back up at the north point... make sure you get everyone." Itachi vanished from his spot in his signature crow Shunshin (Body Flicker). The figure pulled the hood back to reveal Naruto, who was grinning from ear to ear.

'What a perfect opportunity! A chance to wipe out Tou-san's most hated clan of the face of the world, it must be my lucky day~' He thought to himself before dropping down from his perch and landing between two Uchiha clan members.

"Hey you, what are you doing here?" The first guard shouted in alarm as the second one pulled out a kunai in an offensive stance; both of them had their Sharingan active.

"Evening boys... Let's get wild!" Naruto growled out as he pulled on his demonic power whilst grabbing both his wakizashi and cutting down both guards in a flash. He used one of the blades to slice a gash along his left arm, the wound closed almost instantly but a few drops of blood had landed on the ground already.

"Chi Bunshin no Jutsu (Blood Clone Technique)..." Naruto muttered as a visible trail of crimson youki flowed into the small droplets of blood on the ground. A moment later and he was staring at an exact copy of himself without the weapons.

"You know your orders, don't let anyone escape." The clone nodded before taking off in the direction of the entrance to the clan grounds. As soon as the clone ran out of sight, several loud shouts of 'Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu (Fire Release: Grand Fireball Technique)!' were heard to the east. Naruto peered in that direction to see multiple buildings on fire and smirked.

"Looks like my partner has gotten started... so how about we get this show on the road boys?" Naruto asked as he turned around to see Uchiha clan members running out of their homes with weapons drawn. He licked his lips as he dashed forward with both wakizashi at the ready, twirling and slashing in a deadly yet elegant dance of death. A cry of pain was silenced as the man's head was liberated from his body in a single cut; a fountain of blood gushed out from the neck and rained over the area.

Naruto kicked the impaled corpse of one Uchiha of his blade before flicking it clean; he had disposed of the Sharingan-wielding ninjas in his immediate vicinity... time to clear the houses.

"Damn there sure are a lot of houses... let's speed this up then~ Doton: Chijō Myaku no Jutsu (Earth Release: Ground Pulse Technique)!" Naruto placed a palm against the dirt floor of the street, his earth manipulated youki pulsing out into the surrounding area like a form of natural radar. Feeding back to him a grainy image of the surrounding homes, marking out which ones had living targets inside.

With the targets in mind, Naruto dusted his hands off and grasped his swords once more. And with a wide grin on his face, he sat out to resume the massacre of the once great Uchiha clan.

An hour later

Naruto arrived at the north point of the Uchiha compound to find Itachi already waiting for him, both their outfits only suffering minimal blood splatter from the victims and no injuries of their own.

"Total body count on my side is two hundred and fifty." He told his silent partner, who nodded in acknowledgement.

"And on my side is a hundred and eighty five... which makes up the entirety of the Uchiha clan excluding me. Our job here is done..." Itachi cleaned his bloody tanto and sheathed it, internally glad that he hadn't run into Sasuke so he lied about the total numbers.

"A pleasure to help... so what plans do you have?" The blond-haired demon asked in curiosity, couldn't hurt to have an early ally.

"Of course I will be leaving the village and will be pronounced a missing-nin... from there I will see where life takes me. How about you stranger-san? You have yet to even offer me your name."

"Hahaha you may have heard of me... or who I was. My name is Naruto... formerly known as Uzumaki Naruto, the ex-Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi no Yoko." Naruto laughed at Itachi's shocked expression when he flipped his hood back, revealing his matured face. However there was one main concern on Itachi's mind at the present.

"Ex-Jinchuuriki? Does that mean...?"

"Yes and no. The Kyuubi is indeed free from his prison but not the Kyuubi that you all know off, the old Kyuubi is no more. His powers are now mind to wield for I am Naruto, the Nidaime Kyuubi no Yoko!" Naruto released his fox-like appendages at the end of his statement, his ears turned into a pair of red fox ears above his head and nine bushy red fox tails fanned out behind him.

Itachi didn't know whether to run and inform the Sandaime or crap his pants at the sight, so he settled for doing what he did best... being emotionless.

"No running around screaming? No attacking me whilst screaming 'Die demon!'?" The fox demon asked in amusement.

"It would be illogical to do anything in your presence, if you really are the new Kyuubi that means you could easily kill me if I were to attempt anything..."

"Smart move human..." Naruto smirked before grabbing Itachi by the shoulder and the both of them vanished in a plume of fire, just as the ANBU squad arrived at their location.

"I could've sworn I sensed two presences here..." The tracker of the squad muttered.

"Never mind that now, spread out and try to search for survivors other than the clan head's younger son!" The squad captain ordered, the highly-trained ninjas saluted and leapt away in different directions.

With Naruto and Itachi

The duo appeared in the middle of the woods; Naruto watched impassively as the ex-ANBU captain stumble against a nearby tree and started retching.

"Suck it up; you're an ANBU captain I know you've been through worse than just a little Shunshin nausea." Naruto told him, his voice having reverted back after he had withdrawn his demonic powers.

"Where have you taken us?" Itachi asked as he wiped the residue from his lips and spat it onto the forest floor.

"Just a little outside Konoha... I'll keep this short and simple as I believe ANBU sweeper teams will be dispatched soon to comb the area for us. I want you to join me as an ally; I have great plans for the Elemental Nations... plans that would take too long to elaborate on now so I leave you with this. Imagine a world where the innocents don't have to suffer, a world where everything was fair... give it some thought and have an answer ready the next time we meet."

Itachi watched as the blond leapt away through the trees and decided to get a move on himself, all the while thoughts were running through his head at all the information he had just learnt.

'I have to inform the Sandaime in my next report as soon as possible...'

With Naruto

The Nidaime Kyuubi no Yoko had booked a room in an Inn of a town near the border of Kaze no Kuni (Land of Wind) and had just finished taking a shower, he stepped out with a towel around his waist as he walked over to a small desk. On the desk was a map he had purchased from a convenience store along the way, it was a map of the Elemental Nations.

"Since I'm already near the border of Kaze no Kuni, I might as well drop in on Sunagakure no Sato (Hidden Sand Village) and check up on that insane tanuki demon and whoever his container is at this moment in time. Maybe I can recruit his Jinchuuriki into helping me out..." Naruto pondered the thought with a grin as he fell backwards onto the bed.

'The reign of chaos and hatred will come to an end... the world shall know true fear and be united under my rule... the reign of darkness!'

And that's it for my first chapter of a dark yet not totally evil Naruto; he is more like Pein/Nagato in his view of the world except a little more ruthless due to the merger with the previous Kyuubi (Kurama).

Please remember to drop a review to let me know what you think of the first chapter and the story so far! Also it would help if you could review about the following:

Should Tobi in this story be Madara or Tobi, as in the current Tobi/No-one in the manga?

Would you rather have Naruto work together with the Akatsuki or against them?

Should I involve beings of higher power in this story? (Like angels, demons, etc.)

Powers that Naruto (Nidaime Kyuubi) posses

-Youki manipulation (Able to turn his youki into various objects like hands, swords, spears, etc. Also the corrosiveness of the youki. )

-High speed regeneration

-Automatic youki cloak defence when he uses his demonic powers

-Full manipulation and usage of all the elements except gravity

-All the knowledge that the previous Kyuubi had

-Ability to cast genjutsu easily along with dispelling them, even the Tsukuyomi

That's all for this chapter! Happy New Year everyone! A toast to all my readers, here's to wishing everyone a fantastic year ahead of them along with many new fanfiction stories! Cheers!
