Chapter 2: Snow Day!

Age change they are officially 13.

Rein woke up after having a dream about Fine strangling her for going with Shade to the Ice Festival. I can't get any sleep…She stood up and looked at her clock which said, 12:20. Yes that's late but for Rein and Fine, its really early.

"Argh!" Rein ruffled her crazy blue hair and opened her big wardrobe revealing dresses, skirts, and shoes. She instantly opened the drawers revealing shorts and shirts. Where are my sweaters? She quickly took the dark blue skinny jeans and rushed to the closet. Before she walked she noticed the corner of her ceiling again.

I wonder if it's there. She nervously shook her head and opened her closet grabbing a white tank top and a lavender snow dotted knitted sweater. She pulled out black flats and managed to tie her hair into a side bun with a black bow hair tie.

"Done." Rein smiled to herself before grabbing her ski jacket and blue scarf. It was a little early she had to admit but actually that whole thing cost her an hour and 4 mins. Basically it's time for Fine to wake up.

"I can't do it." Fine was nervously checking the time, watching it turn 1:05. Only about 5 hours until Bright comes. WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO!

Fine scrambled in her bed and then finally threw her blanket aside, standing up and staring at her wall with drawers. I'm ready. She smiled at the sun that was on her wall and opened the windows while grabbing her clothes. She picked out a pair of brown jeans with a pink cardigan, and red shirt that had a white snowflake. I'm surprised I have something "winter-like".

Fine smiled while struggling to tie her hair, she managed to do a single high ponytail and smiled. She got a brown shiny headband and walked out adjusting her jeans.

"Morning Camelot!"

"Ah!" Camelot almost had a heart attacking, watching Fine actually wearing good clothes. Not princess like but close enough.

"Where's Rein?" Fine checked within the hallways.

"Rein-sama went out to go buy her own ice skates." Camelot started to get back into her sweeping as Fine let out a Heeeh.

"Forty two m'am."

Rein's eye twitched as she slowly handed over her only 50 to the smiling cashier. Hockey skates are expensive.

"Thank you, have a nice day!" Rein sighed and got her bag walking out from the store and looking at the sign saying Come to the Water Kingdom's Annual Ice Skating Festival! Tickets now on sale!

"How is today gonna work."

"ALTEZZA I DID IT!" Bright laughed while knocking on Altezza's door smiling widely.

"Did what." She came out from behind him, scaring Bright half to death.

"I asked Fine out!" Altezza half chocked on her skittles she was just eating as she looked at Bright with a mist of disappointment.

"Look Nii-sama." Altezza lightly shoved Bright into her room having him sit on her bed while she took a seat on her arm chair. "I know you've liked Fine for a long time, but you can't just have fantasies all of a sudden."

"But its true!" Altezza sighed and cut open an M&M's bag. Bright is very naïve and Altezza knows it, he's an airhead too. He practically walks into the walls at home and slips on nothing!

"Whatever." She popped a blue m&m in her mouth and watched her brother shuffle his hands. "Okay Okay, I believe you."

"You do!"

"Sure now I have to call Auler so bye Nii-sama."

"Bye Altezza." Bright was still laughing as the door shut and he nervously checked his watch, 3:20. Ahh I can't wait.

Shade immediately got out his pro hockey skates and smirked at the medals in his drawers. This should be interesting. Shade decided what he wanted to wear in his head as he whistled, walking down the hallways. Rein..he glumly remembered how school was for him, dark and plain. He remembered how he made friends but it wasn't real. They said hi and bye, they sat together and ate, they went to practice sword fights but, it was all just a prince life. Something he experienced for years.

But then Rein came into his life, the girl that accidently cut his hair but offered to fix it by studying for 2 days on hair styling and cutting his hair into what it is now. It was nice and honestly it made him look brighter. She looked happy when she saw his smile.

His prince life was surprising better, even though he almost thought otherwise. From then on he found something that wasn't in a book, it was love.

"Blah bo bo blah!" Milky bumped into Shade while he was having a mental flashback.

"Sorry Milky." He patted her head as she smiled wildly at him and tugged at his coat, pointing at the grandfather clock that struck 5:00. An hour left.

"Gahh! I got the wrong shoes!" Rein slumped down to the floor and cried as she knew it was almost time for Shade's arrival.

"Rein-sama those are figure skates, for a princess, the would be more suitable." Camelot commented as she put the dishes back into the selves.

Fine panicked, NOOOOO HE'S COMING OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG and tried to eat as much food as possible so time passed slower.

Camelot sighed as she eyes the girls, one is in distress and crying, while the other is panicking and eating to death. What is going on?

*Ding Dong*

"I shall get the door." Rein immediately stopped crying and stood up while Fine dropped her fork and look towards the door.

"Fine-sama Rein-sama, Prince Bright is here."

"Eeek!" Fine wiped her mouth and shoved Rein up the stairs. The blue haired sister fell flat on her face and then looked up at the window which was casting a familiar shadow.

*Knock Knock*

Rein's eyes widen as her back shivered and her face went sour. Oh god, he's here.

Shade was crouching on the roof with a pokerface, staring at Rein on the ground.

Oh God help me now.