Time for the Ice: Chapter 1 Me Lying Never.

So this is a little short story because I felt like writing this :P Lots of people have been asking me why Rein acts so different in my stories. It's because I'm using her manga personality which is different from her anime personality. Hope you like it!

Fine's eyes lit up, her face turning into a smile, and her head filled with plans. She had an idea from Princess Mirlo's invitation to their annual ice skating winter festival. It was a year to celebrate their big water development and they turn it to ice to reserve it for winter. Fine was thinking in her head that she never been ice skating before and Shade probably knew how to ice skate. Hehehehe her head was filled with ways to get closer to him.

"Fine?" said Princess Mirlo with a anime sweat drop (haha anime)

"Mirlo!" Can I invite other people to the festival?" said Fine with excitement.

"Of course this is a festival for all the kingdoms."

"Great hehehe."

Fine waved bye to Mirlo and went to the Windmill Kingdom to find Rein. They were both out exploring the kingdoms and it seemed like Rein and Fine got separated, but they have twin instincts and they could tell where the other one was. As soon as Fine got to the Windmill Kingdom she ran to Rein to tell her about the Ice Skating Winter Festival.

"I'm so going!" said Rein sounding hyped.

"Right maybe we should invite someone personally." Fine elbowed Rein and Rein blushed.

"Wha I can't invite him! I'm going to get embarrassed and plus I know you want somebody to come."

Fine's face lit up when she mentioned that.

"I c-can't ask him. He'll think I'm being stupid."

They both looked at each other and knew what to do. Instead of Rein asking Bright and Fine asking Shade maybe Rein can ask Shade and Fine can ask Bright. This will work they both said in their heads. Since Shade was more talkative with Rein then she could totally ask Shade to come for me thought Fine and Rein thought the same except Bright wise.

First was Fine, she happily skipped to the Jewelry Kingdom and knocked on the door. This will be so easy. Someone opened the door and it was Bright.

"Ah Princess Fine." Bright's face was a little bit red and he seemed very delighted.

"Prince Bright I wanted to ask if you can come to the Water kingdom's Annual Ice Skating Winter Festival."

"Of c-course Princess Fine I'll come with you!"

"Huh?" said Fine. Wait not like that she said in her head.

"It's tomorrow right? Then I will come to get you at 6!" Bright shut the door and left Fine in a daze.

"W-Wait" But the door shut and Fine fell to her knees. Oh no this isn't good if I go with Bright Rein will kill me but he. I need a plan.

As soon as Fine walked back to the Sunny Kingdom Rein knocked on the Moon Kingdom's door. As soon as she was done knocking one of Moon Maria's servants opened up the door and let her walk in. She went in and greeted Moon Maria and she told Rein that if she was looking for Shade he was out looking for things. Rein said she just wanted to invite him and Milky to the Water Kingdom's Ice Skating Winter Festival.

Milky came out of her room and saw Rein. She happily floated to Rein and hugged her. Moon Maria said,

"Milky Rein has to return to her home okay."

Rein saw how Milky really wanted to play with her and decided to stay. Only for a while right? Plus I still need to ask Shade to come. Rein played with Milky and they both laughed. Milky fell asleep and Rein was feeling calm. Only 10 mins have passed. That was short she thought.

Rein decided to look around and saw an unlocked room. She walked in and realized it was Shade's room. She's only been in it once and she always wanted to explore it. She placed her moon pendant that Shade gave her on the desk and was interested in the telescope and she looked into it. Wow she thought. Rein could see everything but she focused on the moon. It was big and bright and it was alone. Rein felt like the moon was an outcast and that even the stars weren't the moon's friend. Not even the Sun tried to be friends. The sky was the only thing that stayed with the Moon.

Rein heard footsteps going towards Shade's room and she panicked. What to do oh I got it! She turned invisible and stayed next to the telescope. She saw the person coming in was Shade himself. This is bad what if he thinks I'm stealing from him! As he got in he thought it was weird. He knew something was off but sighed and walked away. She breathed again and stood up. She turned around to look out the window and Shade grabbed her and threw her on the bed with his hands locked on her wrists. He gazed at her with his deep mysterious eyes. She tried to move and get out of his sight but he was too strong for her. Well she can be strong but.

"H-Hey let me go!"

"What are you doing here."

"Um I was h-hey"

Shade leaned his face in hers and they were an inch away. She blushed for a moment but stopped when she saw his eyes were so lonely.


He glared at her so that she wouldn't do this again but instead she glared at him with a get off of me look. Heh he thought trying to pick a fight huh.

Rein turned away only to notice he was off guard she then took his hands and put him at the bottom while she was on top.

"Ha Shade looks like I win again." She laughed and then she notice his smirk

"It seems like we both enjoy it."

Rein instead of saying why looked down to see they were in an um...weird position. Wha! Rein got off while blushing and ran to the door and felt embarrassed.

"I didn't"

She didn't realize he was right in front of her and said, "Aren't you forgetting something." Shade held up the Moon pendent he gave and her then now she knew why he was suspicious. She forgot to take it.

"T-Thank you and now I'm leaving." She turned out stiffly but Shade just leaned on the wall. He knew she was going to turn around in 3..2..1

"Um Shade."

Yup like always he knew her the best. "What?"

"Do you want to come to the Water Kingdom's Ice Skating Festival?"

"You're asking me to come with you."

"Well you're going to come with me and Fi-"

He cut off her sentence and lightly touched her hair, "As long as I can be with you I'm fine with it."

Rein felt a little hot and smacked his hand. "S-Sorry"

He turned around, "I'll come to get you at 6."

"W-Wait!" Shade closed and locked his door leaving Rein alone. Wait this isn't the plan at all! Fine is going to murder me!

Rein walked back to the Sunny Kingdom to see Fine panicking and eating cake. Fine seemed very worried and Rein was getting suspicious. What is she?

"R-Rein your back h-how was the invite?"

"Um he said yes bu-"

"Great cause Bright said ok but it's not like he only asked me to come hahaha"


The air felt awkward because each girl knew that what Fine said was exactly what happened. They decided to sleep in their rooms (since their like 12 now they get their own rooms) and each girl sighed and fell on the bed. Fine thought in her head, Now Bright's gonna pick me up at 6 how am I supposed to tell Rein. Or maybe I shouldn't tell her. I mean all he's going to taking me there right? Fine turned to her side and decided to sleep it off.

Rein was on her bed looking up at her ceiling. It was painted to look like the night sky but the painters forgot about the moon. I wonder why they forgot the moon it's the biggest thing you can't miss up there. She turned on her side and was worried about Shade and coming to get her at 6. I can't let Fine know she was squeeze every bit of blood out of my body. But we both don't know how to skate. I mean we haven't even seen snow in years. I think I'll go to sleep. Hmm she stared at her big cabinet and looked at the part it was blocking on the ceiling. Maybe.

So what do ya think hmm. This story will only be 2 chapters but this is nice right? Please review because reviews make me happy and it makes me update faster!