Chapter 9

"So it's you," Kanzaki said, as he entered.

"I never knew you worked in a florist, Kame-chan," Shiroyama stated as he took a look around the shop.

The thought of the three delinquents entering a florist was hilarious. Though, I did not show it, deep inside I was laughing hysterically. Shiroyama picked up a bouquet of flowers, inhaling their scent.

"Something is wrong," Shiroyama stated.

"What is?" I asked, as I tilted my head.

"I can't smell anything,"

I let out a chuckle. "Um….Shiroyama-kun, those are plastic flowers,"


Almost immediately, Kanzaki and Natsume both burst out laughing. I laughed along with them as well. I do pity him, somewhat. Quickly, I then changed the subject.

"Ah…So are you looking for flowers?" I asked.

"I'd rather be looking at you," Kanzaki stated with such a straight face, that I could hardly tell he was joking. Or maybe he wasn't. A shade of blush dusted across my cheeks.

There was a moment of silence before he got closer to me. My heart pounded and I started to panic.

"Kanzaki-kun! Kame-chan, how about we go somewhere after you shift?"Natsume asked, his eyes locking onto the CCTVs. Relief washed over. 'I should treat Natsume some ice cream someday', I mused to myself.

Kanzaki must have understood so he backed away. "Oh... I need to go now," Kanzaki said, as he stormed out of the shop. Shiroyama and Natsume just gave me reassuring looks.

I did not bother to go after him. Sure he was being nice to me. But I just couldn't keep up with his advances. Being around him just makes me feel uncomfortable. It is better if I just left him alone.

"Sorry, we'll be going," Shiroyama said as he followed behind Kanzaki along with Natsume. Natsume merely gave me a cheeky grin. I waved as they left.

As they left, I sighed. Now they found out where I work, I should be careful. If the manager finds out that I have been hanging out with delinquents (same goes for me, finding out that I am actually delinquent), my job will be at stake. It is better if I stayed away from them for now. Being near them will just get me into trouble. To my dismay, now, Abe and Shimokawa are out looking for constant rematches with me.

But speaking of school, my thoughts soon ran to Oga. I have not seen him for a while now. Strange, usually he was the one who would make the biggest commotion in school. As a matter a fact, school has been quiet these days. I wonder what happened. Is Oga alright?

I mentally slapped myself. Why are you still thinking about him?!

Taking a glance outside at the three, I muttered to myself, "You have them now, Kame. Why can't you just forget about him?"

Truth is I was not very sure either. Maybe because Oga was special. Well, he used to be special to me.

POV: Oga

Oga immediately jolted awake. Scratching his head as he got up, he glanced at baby Bel, who was still sleeping. Soon, random shouts coming from outside his house caught his attention. Gritting his teeth, he slammed the window open. "SHUT UP!" he shouted at a few delinquents picking a fight outside his house. It was as if in an instance. The wide eyed delinquents scattered.

"It's the violent ogre!" One shouted, running away.

Yawning, he closed the window once again as he went back to sleep. But it wasn't long before he felt Berubo tug his shirt. He ignored him otherwise, trying to get more of his beauty sleep. With that Berubo began to sniffle and soon later, he was blasted with electric blasts.


After the shock he received from Berubo this morning, he decided to head to school early. As he left earlier, Furuichi still managed to catch up to him.

"Yo, Furuichi," he said, as Furuichi caught up to him, panting.

"You're early today, what's up?" Furuichi asked.

"Berubo cried this morning. I couldn't go back to sleep after that,"

"Aren't you used to it by now?"

Furuichi only received a glare in response. Berubo laughed, in excitement.

"Huh Berubo, you want some more of this?!" Oga asked, giving him a grotesque grin.

Berubo laughed even more hugging onto Oga. Oga let out a laugh. Berubo was cute sometimes. Thinking about it, he had become so attached to Berubo after these few months. He was starting to think of him as his kid….

Wait what was he thinking? He was a demon baby! He is chaotic as a baby, what would he become when he turns into an adult?! No, no, no Oga, you're thinking too far. There's no way you are going to raise a baby for the rest of your life.

"Oga, anyways how's Hilda doing?" Furuichi asked grinning. That had broken Oga's train of thoughts. Furuichi will always be Furuichi.

Oga giving a blank look merely said, "She's much better nowadays. Her cooking as gotten a lot better."

"Ehhhh! She cooks for you every day?!"

"No, no, just on weekdays,"



At that point Furuichi just felt like punching Oga right in the face. If he had a beautiful woman who would cook for him in the morning, he could die a happy man. He imagined Hilda in an apron. A blush rose on his face. What about Aoi? She would definitely look good in an apron. Kame too…

It was then, Furuichi had snapped himself back to reality.

"Hey Oga, do you know where Kame lives?"

Oga looked at him for his sudden interest in Kame. "I doubt she'll be interested in you."

Those words had definitely stung Furuichi. Even after he broke up with her, he still seems over protective. As if she was still his. The proof was the fight with Kanzaki the other day. Oga had let her go and Kanzaki took this opportunity to win her heart. If Oga still loved her, why let her go in the first place? That he did not understand.

Furuichi was quiet for a moment. "It's not that. I was just wondering, since you knew her very well."

"She lives in an apartment, near the subway line."

"Oh, that's quite far from school. So I take it, you've been to her house?"

Oga's expression quickly changed into a solemn one. "Yeah. I've been there…"

"Did I say something wrong? I-

"It's not that. I just wished I could have helped her more in the past. I'm still worried about her… I should have done something…Agh….I'm such an idiot…"

Oga seemed to be muttering to himself now. Furuichi remained silent the whole time, watching the story unfold.

"I got into a fight a few years ago… I was knocked unconscious and it was raining that night. My memory was still foggy till now. B-But she saved me and that's how we met again."

"You knew her as a child, right?"

"We played for a few months, then she moved…Back to Kyoto, I think."

"Was it still possible for her to recognize you…? I mean…it's been so many years…" Furuichi's voice trailed off.

That question had Oga smiling. Furuchi merely threw him a questioning look.

"I woke up in her apartment, on her futon. By then it was almost dawn and she had to sleep at her study desk the whole night…and that's when I saw it. Her photo album,"

"Knowing you, you'd be looking through other people's stuff."

"Oh, shut up Furuichi and let me continue…!" Oga punched him on the head, earning some protests.

"Well, COINCIDENTALLY I just so happened to see that picture of us when we were younger. I had a dog back then and it was in the picture too. I'm positive that she's her."

"So you told her the truth?"

"Only when we started dating."

"What was her reaction like, um…happy or-

"She said she was happy. But her expression said otherwise."


"She just frowned. I had no idea what she meant and she was hesitant to tell. Something must have happened to her after she moved. I never even bothered to find out, selfish as I was….…Seeing her living conditions now, I- I just feel sorry for her."

"Oga, you weren't selfish. She's just kind. Don't blame yourself for it. If you want to repay her, do it now…" Furuichi's voice trails off. "I know this sounds cliché, but I think she needs you…"

Oga's eyes wavered. He missed her. He truly did. Maybe paying her a visit might help. Perhaps…