Rated T just in case, and this fic doesnt just have Bellatrix/OC it has other ones too. Not just those two.
I walked through the tunnel, it was twilight and the sky was dark. It started to get cold, like I was in the arctic. The lights were freezing over and the ground was turning into ice.
I started to run, trying to think of a way to get home unharmed. I heard the trees moving like it was windy and yet there was no wind. Then I saw them. Floating in the air, black tattered robes, not seeing their faces but when you did they looked like Satan in the flesh.
It flew over to me quickly, I couldn't run fast enough. I fell to the ground and heard a crack as my head hit the hard cold cement. My hands flew up to protect myself from the doom I knew would be enforced of me. It didn't work. I felt it happening. It hurt but all my happy memories were fading, horrible ones replacing them.
The light faded as I went into a black whole of madness…
Chapter 1
"CISSY!" Yelled the oldest Black sister Bellatrix, she had curly raven black hair. Her younger sister looked up as she walked in.
"Yes Bella?" she asked in a cold tone. Her hair was white blonde, very different from her dark ivory sister.
"There is an owl from our dear brother." She said. Lucius looked up having met this brother once and liking him very much, same with the wife. Draco on the other hand looked up confused, he had an uncle?
"What brother" asked Draco. The elder Malfoy's sighed, Narcissa used her hand and summoned a picture of her and her older sisters brother, Aries Black with his wife Angelica Black (née King), their son Chris (Age 15) and daughter Cassiopeia (Age 7).
Aries had short dark brown curly hair, his wife black wavy hair, their son has short brown wavy hair but their daughter long curly Black hair, and she could have been Bellatrix's daughter.
"Whoa." Said Draco.
"Anyways, what about them Bellatrix?" asked Lucius, not in his usual cold tone but in a curious one.
"They want a visit from some family. Apparently they think Cassiopeia can do magic." She said, they nodded.
"Send a message back saying we will be there by night fall tomorrow." Said Narcissa, Bellatrix nodded and walked out.
In a small town in England UK a girl walked down a street. Her hair was pulled into a pony tail and was a mass of crazy curls, she was very small. Maybe looked around the age of five, but if you had met her you would think she was beyond her years. Her eyes were a blue that looked like it was from the ocean. Her lips full and red, though, she looked as though she saw a ghost.
"Cassiopeia!" yelled a boy from the door of the house drive she was walking up. She looked up at him and smiled; though it wasn't real it fooled him. She followed him into the house and into the drawing room where her parents sat waiting for them at the large table that sat in the middle of it.
"About time you two." Said the lady sitting there her brown hair was piled on top of her head like a crown.
"Sorry mother." Said the boy at the same time the girl said;
"Sorry Mummy."
"It is fine dears. Now sit down." She instructed and they did. The girl looked at her father confused and he smiled at her gently. The girl took that as a good sign.
"I have sent a letter to your Aunt." Said their father. The girl smiled liking all her aunts. The boy however gave him a look.
"Which one father?" he asked.
"Bella." He said. At that name the little girl jumped up screaming happily. Her mother laughed.
"Now, now. Calm down Cassiopeia." She said. The little girl stopped screaming and jumping and sat back down but was smiling crazily.
"Shall we set up the rooms?" asked the boy. Their mother nodded and the little girl ran out of the room joyously.
"Chris," said his mother, he looked over at her. "Aunt Cissy and Uncle Lucius are bringing their son. He is your age but has never met your sister or you since last time they came was around the time he was at school. So make a room for him and give Bellatrix a room by your sisters since Cassiopeia adores her." She said. He nodded and walked out with his head held high.
Even though they were not wizards, and not muggles, Aries wanted his children to act like pure-bloods. And so Chris did, Cassiopeia was harder to work with. She acted like a small child but also acted like an adult.
But he knew something was troubling his daughter so he decided to get his siblings here. Since they were both witches (He would never bring Andromeda into his home since she was a blood-traitor. Though Cassiopeia had accidentally met her and loved her) and his brother-in-law and nephew were wizards they could figure it out.
The next day the two children were sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast before school.
"Chris, why did you make another room?" asked his sister. She was always budding into business but he couldn't blame her. She didn't have friends, well except one muggle girl that her parents didn't want her hanging out with but she did anyways.
"Because we have a cousin. I don't know his name though." He said. He saw her tense at his. She didn't like boys that much, not dislike more like feared. "Don't worry. I doubt he would hurt you." Chris added. She nodded happily and walked out the door since her school started before Chris's.
At Malfoy Manor Draco walked down stairs and looked at himself in the mirror. It was Christmas break; maybe if he liked his Aunt Uncle and cousins enough he would ask if they could come for Christmas.
"Draco come on!" called Lucius and Draco walked down and into the drawing room where his aunt mother and father sat. "About time." He muttered at he grabbed some flow powder and looked at his son. "When you yell say 'Black House'" he said, Draco nodded and watched his father leave.
He went with his mother then after them came his Aunt Bella. He looked around and saw a beautiful large house, it was like the manor!
"Narcissa! Bellatrix! Lucius! And this must be Draco!" he heard a voice say and looked and saw a man standing with a lady who must be his wife and a boy about Draco's age.
"Hello Aries!" said Bellatrix as she hugged him. "Angelica!" she embraced the lady, "And Chris!" she hugged the boy last. "Where is your sister?" she asked, confused that she didn't have a young girl jumping on her happily.
"At school. Their school was on today then she doesn't get home for one or two hours after." He said.
"Why one or two?" asked Draco, Chris shrugged.
"She walks home and too school and either she goes to the park by herself, goes with her muggle friend or maybe got in trouble which I doubt would ever happen." He said.
"Why not?" asked Narcissa annoyed that her niece would play with a muggle, but she was going to a muggle elementary school. At least the school where her nephew went had pure-blood squib kids for him to hang out with.
"Because she is scared of getting in trouble and a lot of things lately. I'm starting to think the muggle is no good for her." He said and walked off with Draco talking about teaching him some muggle sport.
Cassiopeia walked in the front door. Today nothing bad happened. She was pleased, 'maybe it is because it is the last day before break.' She pondered in her head. She walked into her room and put down her backpack before venturing into the attic where she and her brother kept all their games and TV and anything to keep them from whining.
"Hey! Cassiopeia!" said her brother as he ran over to her uncharacteristically happy. She gave him a look as he dragged her into the room. Then she saw another boy and looked up her brother wordlessly. "He's fine Cassiopeia Columba Black." He said. She shrunk back at her full name but nodded and looked at the boy.
"Hello." She said quietly.
"Hello, I'm Draco, your older cousin." He said then whispered in her ear "And if Chris is ever mean to you just let me know" he winked at her jokingly before he and Chris went back to their game. She thought for a second.
"Chris does that mean Aunty Bella is here?" she asked. Chris laughed.
"Hmm… go find out yourself." He said chuckling. She ran down stairs and into the kitchen.
"Wrong room!" she heard someone call from the living room and she knew the voice, Bellatrix. She ran into the living room and bounced onto her favorite aunt- no offence to Narcissa but Bellatrix always connected with the girl more.
"Aunty!" she cried and hugged her. All the adults laughed as her parents saw their daughters face light up for the second time in months.
"Hello Cassiopeia." She laughed "Maybe you should greet your other aunt and uncle." She whispered to the girl. She nodded and climbed onto Narcissa whom was sitting next to her.
"Hello sweetie." She said and hugged the small girl close.
"Hello." Said the girl as she hugged Lucius too. He chuckled knowing the girl would somehow drag Bellatrix out and show her something or other that she has done since the last time they saw her.
"What are Chris and Draco doing?" asked Angelica.
"I don't know." She said innocently.
"Cassiopeia." Her mother warned.
"What?" she asked while climbing back onto Bellatrix.
"Cassiopeia Columba Black." Said her father, she clung onto Bellatrix but muttered something to low for anyone to hear.
"Cassi." Said Bellatrix quietly using her nickname for the girl she adored. The girl sighed in annoyance.
"Their playing some game." She said.
"Want to go find out what one?" asked her mother.
"No." said Cassiopeia like her mother had gone insane. "I would rather be doing something I don't like to be doing." She said.
"Like?" asked Narcissa.
"Like stuff." She said and climbed off Bellatrix knowing she would lose the argument if she stayed any longer. She ran outside into the yard and looked around. She knew someone would come after her wanting to know, they would either send an adult or Chris, maybe ever Draco (But Cassiopeia didn't trust Draco yet) so she ran into the forest.
Then she saw them again. They looked like hell, and death. She hated them but couldn't do anything about them. They scared her, over and over again. Removing happy memories and placing in their place ones that made her cry, ones that were stuck in her mind.
As it moved over her she gulped. This was going to happen and she wouldn't stop it, even if she tried she wouldn't win.
Disclaimer: J K Rowling owns the Black Family Name, Narcissa, Bellatrix, Draco, And Lucius, And the name muggles :P I however own Cassiopeia, Chris, Aries, and Angelica.
Cassiopeia: Seated Queen
Columba: Dove
Aries: Ram
I got this idea out of the blue. It is the first time I have written anything this long. Please review.