I could still hear them fighting. Yelling about Money, Grades, Happiness, And of course, Me. I pulled out my knife and held it to my wrist. "No, no, there must still be a reason." I didn't cut my wrists, but I did cut my arms. Have to stop. I didn't feel like changing so I just slept with my clothes. just laid down and put my knife on my belt, Dreaming of My favorite TV show. It's what kept me going. Before long, I fell asleep.

I woke up to Wind blowing in my face I looked down. "AAAAAAAHHHHHH" Oh my god what is happening why am I falling? I closed my eyes. Didn't expect to go out like this! Thought I would always get mugged… or go by myself. Either I'm dreaming or I'm really going to die…..Meh, let's see where this takes us. I opened my eyes barley enough so that the wind wouldn't completely hurt my eyes. Then I closed them and braced for impact. I felt strong branches Hit my sides. Then I stopped. I looked up. I was stuck by a tree branch. "Umm how?" I asked myself.

"Heeeeeeeelp! I'M IN A-" I looked around "-FOREST OF SOME KIND!" I waited. And waited. Then nearly fell asleep. Then waited some more. No one's coming. Looks like I'm on my own. As always, I'm alone. I checked my pockets. Nothing! I Then I checked my other side. I felt something Velcro like. My knife! I grabbed it, careful to not rip my pants or cut myself. I moved around, than started cutting the part that was stuck. When it was finally loosening up I put my knife back in its sheath. Then I started tugging it until it ripped. I turned, but wasn't quick enough to not land on my back. I hit my head with such force that I'm surprised I didn't break my neck. I felt warm liquid pouring out of my head and one of my eyes. I got up, the world around me spinning. I walked (Or more like) wobbled into one direction, unsure where I was. I kept going. Suddenly, I tripped, hitting my shoulder. "So…" I blacked out

"Oh, oh my- u-um… are you quite alright? Um, hello?" I could hear a voice that was softer than an angel. I moaned. When I opened my eyes, I saw a yellow blur with partly a bit of pink. "Huuuuuuuuh" I slurred. "Oh my! Y-Y-Your bleeding! Come-Come quickly! I'll Get you to my house, then I'll get Twilight and hopefully she'll be able to tell us what you are. And your eyes!" The yellow blur helped me get up and start walking. I followed her for what seemed like hours, but probably only minutes. My vision, still blurry, didn't get any better by the time we reached, what I supposed was the blurs house. We went inside and it set me down on a couch. Then I felt my head and my right eye being bandaged. "u-uh, wait here, I'll be back around 10 minutes. I need to get my friends. I promise-" I didn't hear anything past that.

I woke up. I looked around, my vision coming back. I feel a headache coming on. Where am I? I looked around. I was lying on a couch. It was Undoubtly very soft. The place looked…nice. I looked around to see holes and animals. OH GOD PLEASE TELL ME I WASN'T ABDUCTED! Well, there probably better than my family. I should probably leave. Ow my head. I got up slowly, careful to not hit my head. The house was short, and I barley fit in it without hitting my head. I got to the door, and opened it slowly. It was bright outside. If I had to guess what time it was, I would have said it was around 1 P.M. I walked outside, realizing my jacket was off. I searched around for it, with no avail. I left without it, looking for the nearest town to tell me where I was. I looked in all my directions, only to see that the only town nearby was to the right of me. I walked there slowly, hoping to find someone that could tell me where I was. I went off into deep thought thinking about my life, pondering if I should take it or not. I had my pros and cons.

Pros: no more stress, see if afterlife is real or not, no more fighting from my parents, no more abuse, no more friends who backstab.

Cons: Don't experience life, no girlfriend or wife, don't get to live on my own, no children of mine. No more Comic-Con. If I ever have enough money to do that. Don't get to work

I sighed. 15 And already thinking of taking my life. We'll if I do, I had a good run. Yeah, right. My parents didn't even want me. I was just there slave child to do work around the house. Not to mention they think I'm a freak. I mean, so what if my-" I was so deep into thought that I didn't notice the lasso already around me. "What the-" I was pulled before I got a chance to even complete my sentence. "Something wrong wit ya? Ah said 'What were ya doin' in Fluttershy's home?' and What are ya?" I looked at a orange pony. She had blonde hair, was just a little shorter than me, wearing a cowboy hat and a ponytail(Irony?), and had a Fire in her eyes. "Wait a minute, did you say Fluttershy?"

"Nah, ah said a free home. Of course I said That!"

"Wait, I'm not here to harm Anyone here-" I instantly recognized her "Applejack?"

"What the- How didya know mah name?"

"Well, it's hard to explain, but I-"

"Oh no, It's another one of Discords minions! Ah'll take care of ya all by mah self." Within seconds she had me tied. "Wait I'm telling you, I'm-" she shoved a handkerchief in my mouth. "fer one of Discords minions, ya shur talk a lot" she picked me up and set me on her back. (Stomach on back. Not like sitting on a horse) "Ah'm taking ya to see twilight." I squealed. Then she bucked me. I remained silent, but my mind wasn't. Please tell me I'm not high. Or that I'm in a coma from that fall. But THIS IS SO FREAKING AWESOME! Well, except for the part where Applejack thinks I'm one of discords minions. But I've about fanfiction and dreamt this would happen to me .but I can't but help wonder that this is real. I'm still in the same condition I was when I went to sleep. Same clothes, same shoes, same cut's on my arms. Same eyes. These Non-normal eyes of mine. I sighed. Then looked around. I realized I was in ponyville. Ponies were staring at me, some even running and hiding in random shops. "now don't Ya'll worry! He's under control. No Idea what it is though. I squirmed, trying to get off the orange ponies back. She bucked me again, harder this time. Hard enough to give make me shake my head. "ooch, ho muny tiimes I gota say im good?" She ignored me. I sighed. Rough start.