Chapter 30
A Long Forgotten Promise
A/N: Hey everybody! It's been a while since the last update, and I really nave no excuse other than that this chapter was fairly hard for me to write for some unexplained reason. However, fear not! The story shall go on, and I will do my best to update as often as possible. So, for the time being, enjoy this new chapter! :D Also, there's no song quote for this one because I couldn't find one that fit... So... Yeah... Enjoy! :D
It had been a good idea for Mamoru to call for the doctor. But, in the end, he didn't truly need to.
When Ami had collapsed, she'd landed in the awaiting arms of her friends, and had been promptly carried to her room.
For the first time in a long while…. Ami looked at peace.
It was comforting to see the small smile grace her lips as she slept.
"So… Do you think it's really over?" Anzu asked quietly.
Rei shrugged in response to this, looking over Ami again. "I'm not sensing anything…. But we all know that pretty much doesn't mean anything anymore."
"Should we…. Look after her, or something?" Mina asked.
Usagi's gaze fell on Ami once again. She crossed her arms, releasing a heavy sigh. "I think…. I think it's safe to say that she's alright now."
The girls looked to Usagi… and they nodded.
There was really no point in arguing on the subject. She was, after all, the leader.
"Well, now that that's settled," Rei said, rising to her feet. "I think it's time that we all get some rest. You've got a big day tomorrow, Usagi…. And that means, early to bed. Hop to it, Missy!"
Usagi grinned, tossing her arm over Rei's shoulders as they walked out of the room. "Yes, Mom. I'll get right to bed. I'll make sure to brush my teeth and all that jazz." She replied sarcastically.
Though, she knew Rei was right. Tomorrow was a big day….
It was down to five. Five Duelists... And four of them stood between Usagi and first place.
The thought hadn't really occurred to her until that moment…. She might actually be able to win this.
Of course, there was the chance that she might end up dueling against Yami…. And if that was the case, she might as well kiss that gold medal goodbye.
As the group made their way down the hall, and departed to their rooms, Usagi let herself collapse against the wall, leaning against it and letting out an exhausted sigh.
"I can't believe I made it this far…" She thought to herself. "I wonder what Naru and Umino think…. I wonder if they've been watching the news coverage…"
Her gaze fell on Mako's door for the first time today. She immediately readjusted her posture, and strolled over towards her friend's room.
Her hand lingered in the air a moment before activating the touchpad… She couldn't help but wonder to herself if Mako would've been proud of her…. If her friend had some way of watching the rest of the group, silently cheering them on in some way…
It was naïve for her to think that way…. But it comforted Usagi as she did so.
She pressed her hand against the door, and watched as it slid open with a hiss.
The room was just how they'd left it before. The soft beeps of the machinery keeping Mako alive echoed throughout the hallway.
She could only imagine how things would be once all of this was over… To have Mako back in the group, and to go back to fighting the Dark Kingdom in Tokyo….
But at the same time, it pained her to think of leaving behind all of her friends in Domino…. It was clear that Domino City had its own skeletons in its closet…. But the Dark Kingdom had to be their priority. No matter what.
If it turned out that Luna was right, and the Dark Kingdom's forces had been moving towards Domino, then it was a good way to…. What was the phrase Ami used to say? Kill two stones with one bird…? No… That didn't sound right.
Usagi shook her head, dismissing it. It wasn't important.
What was important, however, was the amount of sleep she was going to need tonight.
"Goodnight, Mako…" She whispered before turning on her heel and beginning her trek back to her room.
"I'm going to get you out of this, Mako…" She continued to say to herself as she slipped into her room, practically face-planting on her bed from exhaustion. She rolled over onto her back, kicking off her shoes and sending them tumbling to the floor again. "We're going to go home… All of us…. Together…."
For hours, Usagi was restless. She stared at the ceiling for what felt an eternity. She tossed and turned, but sleep refused to come to her.
After a while, Luna had hopped up on the bed, curling up beside her.
"Hey, Luna." Usagi said softly, reaching down to pat the cat's head. "Where had you been?"
"Scouting the area. Tracing some of the dark energy readings we've been picking up… It appears that whatever energy that was latching onto Ami is gone now…. However… There's still…."
Luna trailed off, wanting to avoid worrying Usagi more than she already was.
"There's still Marik…. I know." Usagi sighed, rolling onto her side. "He practically bleeds dark energy…. Worse than the Dark Kingdom monsters…"
Luna padded across the bed until she was facing her owner. Once this was achieved, she curled up beside her once again. Only this time, she was laying on the pillow.
"That may be… But you and I both know that just like the Dark Kingdom monsters, Marik can be taken down. Take away those Shadow powers of his, and he's just an ordinary man."
"If you take away those powers, I'm pretty sure he'd just go back to being Marik again… And I'm not sure which is worse, to be honest." Usagi sighed, rolling over to face Luna again.
"You really think I can do this? Move on in the finals, and….. Maybe even defeat Malik?"
"Usagi Tsukino, I have been your mentor for a long, long time now. When I first met you, you were a complete mess. Always making mistakes, crying, constantly trying to avoid your problems,"
Usagi scowled, rolling into her other side and keeping her back to the cat. "Thanks a lot, Luna. I feel so much better now."
"However," Luna continued. "Within these past few months, within these past couple of days alone, I've seen you grow into a strong young woman…. If there's anyone that could finish this tournament, in the event that someone like Yugi couldn't, it's you."
"You…. You really think so?" Usagi asked.
"I know so." Luna sighed, giving her owner a small smile. "Now, get some rest. You've got a big day tomorrow."
"So everyone keeps telling me." Usagi muttered before adjusting herself on the bed in order to get more comfortable.
For a long time, she stared up at the ceiling. She took some time to ponder Luna's words….
Everyone was counting on her now…. Everyone had so much faith in her….
Even if she didn't make it very far tomorrow, what mattered was that she tried.
And no matter what happened, Usagi would feel better knowing that she stuck with this tournament to the bitter end.
The time had finally come.
Within a few hours, Yami would be one step closer to finishing this tournament once and for all.
It didn't provide any comfort that Usagi was going to be caught in the crossfires of today's duel… But he knew well enough that she could pull through all of this.
If he failed…. She would be the one to finish it all.
It was a heavy burden. One he didn't wish upon anyone…. But he was glad that someone as strong as Usagi could take up the mantle.
The sun had risen, and the blimp had become a busy highway. Everyone was bustling about, scrounging up a quick breakfast, and going about a regular morning routine before the day's events.
"Guys, you've got to come see this!" A voice echoed from down the hall.
Yami glanced to his left, seeing Shizuka and Jounouchi stepping off of the elevator.
A collection of heads poked out of an assortment of doorways to find the source of the noise, each of them telling a story of their own. Usagi had a piece of toast hanging from her mouth. Mina had a severe case of bedhead, and was attempting to salvage it with her ribbon. Rei was yawning, sipping at a cup of coffee. Anzu and Ami both looked wide awake. Otogi and Honda were nowhere to be seen, but Yami just assumed that was because they were wherever Jounouchi and Shizuka had come from.
"What's all the yelling about?" Rei muttered, obviously still waking up.
"You've gotta come see where Kaiba is landing this hunk of junk!" Jounouchi replied. "It's pretty sweet!"
"He's got his own island and everything!" Shizuka added. "Come on!"
From there, the group hastily finished up their routines, and took the elevator up to the blimp's control room.
Through the windows of the cockpit, the saw a beautiful sunrise.
But along with it, they saw an island with a large tower casting its shadow over it.
"Wow…." Usagi gasped.
"In retrospect, this doesn't really surprise me." Anzu commented. "I mean, this is Kaiba we're talking about. Nothing but the best."
"So, you guys are going to be dueling in that tower?" Mina asked.
"Precisely." Kaiba's gruff voice retorted. "The final duels will take place on the top."
"We'll explain more once we land." Mokuba added. "Until then, might as well enjoy the view."
Mina's gaze fell on the two brothers… and for a moment, she thought she saw something cross Kaiba's eyes…
She wasn't sure what she saw… But his gaze towards the tower was definitely hostile.
She immediately shrugged it off. It was probably nothing…. Besides, he probably looked at everything like that.
It wasn't too much longer until the blimp touched down onto the island, and the gang filed their way outside.
Usagi's heart was pounding like crazy at the sight of the tower. She couldn't help but feel excited once again.
For a moment, all the weight this tournament carried seemed to disappear.
"Wow… That's pretty high up." Mina commented, craning her neck back to see the top. "Mako would be having a heart attack if she saw this."
"Well, no sense in standing around staring at it," Anzu's chipper voice piped up. "Let's go see what this bad boy is hiding."
From there, the group walked to a set of large, thick steel doors. Within moments, those doors slid open to reveal the room within.
It was a large, circular room with doors all around it. In the center stood one of Kaiba's bodyguards.
"Welcome, Duelists, to the last leg of the Battle City Tournament. Before we continue, I ask that you all choose one of the doors around you."
At his words, the doors slid open, revealing a dueling platform in each one.
Usagi figured that it didn't really matter which door she picked, so she picked the one closest to her.
Jounouchi, however, didn't see it that way. He was about five seconds from getting into a fist fight with Marik over the door he chose.
"Just pick a door!" Mina sighed, practically facepalming at her cousin's behavior. "I really don't think it matters, Jou."
"But I called dibs!" Jounouchi retorted before feeling everyone's gazes on him. Within seconds, he sighed and gave up. "Alright…. I guess it really doesn't matter."
"Everyone else, follow me!" Mokuba exclaimed with a grin. "I've got front row seats to the next duel with your names on it!"
He strolled over to an escalator nearby, and everyone else followed suit.
Usagi stood in her little room, staring at the platform in confusion. She didn't understand what Kaiba's method was here….. But as the saying went, "there's madness in a method"….. Or something like that. It was another phrase Ami would say a lot.
She stepped onto the platform, and the moment she did, a loud hissing noise sounded. The platform rattled a bit before slowly lifting off of the ground.
She looked up, watching as her platform rose up along the tower walls.
Eventually, she was pulled to a stop, and she found herself directly across of Yami.
The other three platforms followed, and soon, Usagi began to piece together what was going on here.
It was a five-way duel…. Everyone was against her.
Suddenly, things weren't looking so bright up here….
She glanced down, seeing the rest of her friends standing on the floor below her.
Kaiba's bodyguard went on to explain the rules of the duel… and for the most part, Usagi just tuned him out.
She got the gist of it. She understood what was going on here.
She needed to defeat everyone around her…. Including Yami.
"Remember, winning or losing this duel has no effect on your place in the finals. This duel is merely a way of setting up the brackets for the next round. The two that make it to the top first will be the first duel of the Semi Finals."
That got her attention, and brought some comfort. It didn't matter what happened in this game, just so long as she played her best.
"You can do it, Usagi!" A voice cheered from the spectator floor. She looked down to see Ami waving at her.
"We believe in you, Jou!" Shizuka cried.
"You've got this, Yugi!" Anzu added.
"Whatever you do, Jounouchi, don't screw this up!" Honda shouted before receiving a sharp elbow jab to the ribs from Anzu.
Much to Usagi's surprise, she even saw Mamoru down there.
All of her friends were watching….
She needed to make sure she didn't disappoint them.
The duel had been a roller coaster from start to finish.
Most of the game had been spent ganging up on Usagi and Jounouchi. Kaiba had made it clear that he wanted to focus on wearing down the competition to duel Yami.
But whenever Kaiba would strike, Usagi would bite back harder.
She held her own for a long time, keeping her life points protected for as long as she could.
When the tides turned, and Usagi and Jounouchi took the most of the beating, Yami would swing in with some trap card, or some sort of special ability, to protect them.
It was something they were both grateful for…. But…
Usagi knew well enough that she couldn't let Yami fight her battles for her.
She needed to figure this out herself.
She'd asked Yami to stop protecting her….
But she really wished she hadn't.
That had just been an open invitation for everyone to pick on her again.
There had been a set of explosions when her monster was destroyed… and for a split second, Usagi had forgotten that they were holograms.
She held up her arms, shielding her face from the nonexistent blasts.
Down below, on the spectator's floor, Mamoru had been watching the duel intently.
But… When that attack happened….
Something triggered within him.
He felt a stab of pain burn into his head, forcing him to clutch his head in hand.
And then, like many of his other headaches, he began to experience the visions.
"Princess, get behind me. I'll protect you."
He stumbled back, his gaze falling to the door…. He had to run…. Had to get away.
"Endymion, we have to run! She'll kill you if you stay!"
Without thinking, Mamoru sprinted for the escalator. He was beginning to feel nauseous.
"I made a promise that no harm would come to you, Princess…. If it costs my life…. Then so be it…."
Once he'd made it outside, the fresh air did nothing to help his nausea.
"What about Aurelia?"
Aurelia…. That was a new name…. He'd never heard it in his visions… It was always Endymion… That was it.
"My promise to the Pharaoh is more important…. She'll understand…."
A pale hand latched around a man's arm. The man was dressed in dark, bloodstained armor.
"Please…. Endymion…. I had to watch them all die…. It's just you and Aurelia left…. Don't leave me…. Please!"
Two doors burst open, and shadows poured into the white marble room. The silhouette of a woman stood in the doorway.
"Prince Endymion…. At long last…."
"Princess, run!" The man repeated. "Find Aurelia. Find Pluto. They'll take you to safety."
The next few images were all a blur…. A blast of green light…. The woman throwing up her hands to shield her face with a scream…. A flash of dark orange fabric…. Blood spattering across the floor. An amethyst colored mask, and a golden staff falling to the floor.
A hand came down on Mamoru's shoulder, and his bout of nausea finally took over.
Mamoru immediately moved away from whoever was beside him and crouched behind some of the island's rubble.
He heaved up what little breakfast was in his stomach, feeling worse than before.
"Mamoru?! Are you alright?!"
He turned his head, glancing up to see Anzu standing beside him.
He nodded. "I'm…. I'm alright…. Every once in a while, I get these really bad headaches…. This is just a really bad one."
"Can I get you anything? I've got some Tylenol back on the blimp."
He wanted to turn her down…. But a little medicine could actually do him some good.
He nodded, slowly rising back to his feet. "Thank you, Anzu."
She smiled in response, leading the way back towards the blimp. "No problem. I mean, you helped me out when I had that panic attack a couple nights ago. It's the least I could do."
It was another couple of minutes before they'd reached Anzu's room.
"Pardon the mess…. Having four other girls bunk with you could lead to a messy room….. But, go ahead and sit down. I'll go grab you a water bottle."
With a smile, Mamoru sat down on the sofa. In no time, Anzu returned with a water bottle, and a couple of pills in hand.
"Thank you." He said again before chugging down the pills. The water alone had helped with the remnants of his headache.
"Feeling any better?"
"A lot better, actually…" Mamoru replied. "I'm sorry, I…. I don't really know what triggered this one…. Might've just been the holograms."
"I know the feeling. I get headaches watching Yugi duel all the time…. Except…. I'm pretty sure that my case isn't the same as yours…."
"Unless you have frequent amnesia, I doubt it." Mamoru chuckled, taking another swig off of his water bottle.
"You get amnesia?" Anzu asked curiously.
He paused at this. Should he really be talking to her about this? He barely knew the girl, and yet here he was, considering baring his soul to her.
Still…. He felt comfortable around her. It couldn't hurt….
"Well…. I've had it…. Ever since I was a child, really…. All I know about it is that my parents and I were in a car accident when I was young…. I woke up in the hospital with barely any memories. I recalled the last couple minutes of the accident, and my name… and that was it…." He paused, realizing what he was doing. "Oh my god, I'm sorry. This must really be bringing you down."
"No, it's perfectly fine!" Anzu said instantly, jumping to his defense. "I understand, really I do…. Sometimes it helps to talk about these things… That's kind of what I'm here for."
She gave him a smile…. And he couldn't help but smile in return. "Thank you, Anzu…. I really appreciate it…. And, if you'd like, anytime that you need to talk, I'm here for you too."
It felt strange to extend that sort of invitation to someone…. It had been easier for Mamoru to just shut the world out….
But Anzu was someone he wanted to let in.
She was sweet, and caring…. It was refreshing compared to all of the cruel people he'd come across back home.
"Thanks, Mamoru…. I appreciate that." She replied before rising to her feet again and offering him a hand. "So, what would you like to do now? I doubt that watching the duel will be any fun for you… Maybe we could just hang out here?"
"Wouldn't you rather go watch your friends? I wouldn't want to keep you away from them."
Anzu shook her head. "As much as I'd like to…. Duel Monsters gets boring after a while, you know?"
He nodded, rising to his feet. "I know it exactly what you mean."
And with that, the two began, what some would call, their date.
It wasn't much. It was really just the two of them talking to each other. They talked about their hobbies, their interests, and such.
But it was probably the best day either of them had had for a long time.
Usagi stared at her opponents one last time.
She almost couldn't believe what had happened….
She'd…. Won.
Sort of.
The truth was, it had come down between her and Yami. They were the closest to the top.
It was then that Usagi had to make a choice.
She either let Marik and Kaiba beat up on her more, and more than likely have to face Marik as a result…. Or, she took initiative, and she faced Yami.
It was obvious that no matter how this duel went, Yami would be the next opponent
This next turn was to determine whether Usagi face him now, or later.
And so, with her final move, she made her choice.
She attacked Yami.
That had sent his life points spiraling down to zero, and his platform rocketing up the side of the wall.
At first, Yami didn't know how to react.
He wouldn't have thought that Usagi would've wanted to fight him…
And, if there was a chance that he lost to her….
No…. No, this worked out. Either way, someone would take down Marik. If Usagi defeated him, she'd have Kaiba and Jounouchi to worry about…. But if she defeated them, she could take down Marik.
The world would be saved either way…. Provided Usagi could hold her own for that long…
There were plenty of risks in Usagi's strategy, but it was a sound one.
"The first duel of the day goes to Usagi Tsukino and Yugi Motou!"
Yami glanced in her direction, obviously looking concerned. Usagi could tell from where she was standing that he didn't want this to happen.
But to make it to Marik, one of them had to be taken down.
Usagi shot Yami a smile, shoving all of her concerns aside momentarily.
"Well, it looks like it's just you and me." She said with a grin.
There was something in her eyes within that moment… A spark of confidence that Yami hadn't seen on her in a long time.
It was there that Yami could truly see the woman from his dreams.
A smile formed on his own face.
"Yes… Just you and me…." He replied, his free hand fiddling with the golden sun pendant that resided around his throat. "I look forward to seeing how all of this ends."
And, no matter how it all ended, the world would be saved…
At least, that was what Yami hoped.