

Alec snuggled protectively closer into the warmth that he knew was Magnus, burying his face into the soft folds of the warlock's clothes. He did not want to move. He was by far too comfortable and nothing could be quite so pressing...

"Alexander... Wake up, you silly Shadowhunter."

He felt lips on his cheek and was torn between falling back into the depths that had been sleep or finding those lips against his own. In the end, his fatigue wore out. "Stop it..." he grumbled groggily, trying to hide his face. Strong, lithe fingers caught his chin, however, and he was forced to face the bright lights of Magnus's living room. "What...?"

"It's almost midnight, Alexander. Don't you want to ring in the New Year?"

New Year... Yes, it was December 31st. He had forgotten... Alec raised his head a little more, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes with a large yawn. He felt the warlock's eyes on him and bestowed upon him a sleepy frown. "Don't stare, it's impolite."

"My condolences. You're very cute when you wake up."

Half blushing, and half wanting to roll his eyes, Alec fixed his attention on the television. Some countdown to the New Year had been on, and he had fallen asleep to it.

"One more minute, Alec. What's your resolution?"

Alexander tilted his head slightly. A resolution, huh? He didn't really have one. He never had before now. But, then again, things were a lot different now.

The television, and Magnus shifting his position, reeled his attention back in.

"Five, four, three, two, one... Happy New Year!"

Before the Happy in the sentence had finished, Alec suddenly found his lips against Magnus's, and he was being held in a tight embrace. Lips curving into a smile, he pressed closer to the warmth. He'd never had a reason to enjoy New Years, never had a reason to enjoy Christmas or his birthday or anything like that. But now he had Magnus. And things were very different.

"Happy New Year, Alexander." Magnus kissed his nose. "A year in which we can finally spend together, in one another's arms."

It was cheesy- so cheesy, but Alec didn't mind. He smiled, pressing his lips back to his boyfriend's. "Happy New Year, Magnus."

His resolution? To be a better person, to sort out his flaws and misgivings and unhappy assumptions, to become a little bit more perfect for the one perfect person in the world he knew: Magnus.

Happy New Years, my fellow fanfictionians! I want to thank everyone who takes the time to read my stories- it is much appreciated. Thank you all for the support. This is a small drabble on Magnus and Alec bringing in the New Year together.

Let's make it a good year!