I got this idea while I was showering today... hehe... my mom's at the doctor so I thought I'd entertain myself with writing a new story. :) Enjoy!

Water, dark with little light, splashed onto the girl's tennis shoes as she walked through the empty alley ways, looking into garbage cans and various crates that may contain food. She hadn't eaten in two days, and desperately needed food. Bending down, she picked up a hair tie from one crate, the tie was brown, and very thick. She started running her hands through her bronze hair until she was holding it up, and she put her hair up in a loose bun. She'd been looking for food for three hours, and her freckled cheeks were red with exhaustion and the cold. It was mid December, and all she had to wear was a short, ratty grey t-shirt that had music notes all over it, pants that used to be all white, but where now various shades of earth tones because of all the stains she'd gotten on them, and ratty tennis shoes that had holes in the toes.

Sighing, she started walking again, ignoring the aching in her calves, thighs, and hips. She kept her mind off of what had happened in the past year, and focused on finding shelter. Turning a dark corner, she found a box that was big enough for her to be able to lay down inside and stay out of the steady drssle and the cold, the air got colder, and she heard foot falls behind her. Turning around, she saw a man with black pointy hair running at her. Her eyes grew wide, and she immediatly started running down the alley. 'No, not him!' was all she could think as she ran out into the street, not caring if a car was coming. All she cared about was getting away. Stopping on the other side of the street, she saw a large builiding, and ran up the steps. Banging on the door, she started screaming.

"Please, please let me in!" Daring a glance over her shoulder, she saw the man was almost across the street, a large grin on his maniacal face. Turning back to he door, she raised her voice, and used her diaphragm to project it, the way she learned during the many plays she had participated in. She banged on the door harder, and right as she thought no one was going to save her, the door opened, and knowing she was going to be safe, she gave in to the darkness that had settled itself on the edges of her vision.

Blinking, the girl opened her green and yellow eyes and the first thing she saw was a teenage boy with jet black hair and sky blue eyes. He looked about her age, maybe a year younger. Hs face was contorted into a look of worry and fear. He had a scrape on his cheek, but that seemed to be the only flaw on his face.

"Are you okay? You feinted when I opened the door." she nodded as she sat up in bed. Looking around the room, she figured it was his since it seemed to be a boy's room.

"Why were you at our door last night? Where you being chased?" nodding again, she focused her gaze on the teen. She couldn't bring herself to stop looking at his eyes for more than ten seconds. They were just so... beautiful.

"Can you talk?" she smiled at this, and nodded.

"What's your name?"

"Arie. What's yours?" her voice was raw, raspy. As if she had scraped it while screaming last night.

"Danny." he raised an eyebrow at her.

"I've never heard of a name like that. Arie. Is it short for something?"

"No, I was born in late March, so my mom named me Arie since I'm an Aries." He nodded his understanding, and stood.

"Do you want any food or water? You look like you could use it." she could tell he was staring at her ribs, which were visible through her shirt.

"Yeah, please. I haven't eaten in...three days now." she mentally did the math in her head to double check. Yes, three days.

"Wow, that's a long time. I'll be back." he left the room, shutting the door softly. Sitting up, Arie glanced around the room, taking in more detail than her earlier glance. There was a computer, the furniture, and some other small things she couldn't recognize at the moment. A few minutes later, Danny came into his room with three glasses of water and a plate of various fruits, vegetables, crackers and other snacks.

"I know it's not a lot, but I have some more down stairs cooking, and I'm gonna run to the Nasty Burger and get you some more food. Is that okay? Are you allergic to anything?" Nodding, she let him know her one allergy.

"I'm allergic to blue berries." Nodding, Danny stood, and grabbing his wallet, headed back out the door once again. The first thing Arie grabbed off the tray that Danny had left was a glass of water, and downing it on three gulps, drank the second one. She then ate a slice of cheese, some strawberries, and a tomato. The tomato was kind of tart, but she really didn't care since she hadn't eaten in three days. By the time she'd finished off the last glass of water, and practically polished the plate, Danny came back with three bags from the Nasty Burger, and three large cups full of dark liquid. Placing two bags and two cups on the bedside table for her, he kept one cup and one bag for himself. Pulling out a single burger, he unwrapped, and took a bite. Arie dug into one of the bags meant for her, and pulled out a large cup of fries and two burgers. The other bag had the same.

"I got you four different burgers. I didn't know which one you'd want so I just ordered them." she nodded as she unwrapped one, and took a monstrous bite, making Danny chuckle. Ignoring him because she was too hungry, Arie grabbed one of the large cups, and began gulping it down. After she replenished her thirst for the moment, she set the cup aside, half empty, and took a bite of the burger again. By now, the burger was half gone. Swallowing the bite of meat, she took another sip of the cherry coke.

About an hour later, they were up and cleaning Danny's room of various wrappers, cups, plates, utensils and other things used for eating. Arie smiled as she picked up the last of the dirty dishes, her stomach full of good food. She hadn't had food like that in about a year, causing her stomach and taste buds feel like they were dancing in sunshine in a field full of beautiful wild flowers.

"So, I'm guessing you liked the food." Danny grinned at Arie, who grinned back and nodded.

"I haven't had food like that in about a year." Danny blinked at her, his grin fading some.

"Really? Why not?"

"I haven't had a home in a year..." she said cautiously. They were headed into dangerous territory.

"Why not?" Genuine curiosity colored Danny's voice.

"I don't like to talk about it." she told him quickly, wishing they could get off the subject. Danny blinked again, but shrugged. Suddenly, his eyes brightened, and a grin spread across his face once again. Arie looked at him, worriedly.

"You want to meet my best friends?" Sighing in relief, Arie nodded her yes, and stood. Walking out the door, Danny fished his phone from his pocket, and sent Sam and Tucker a quick, brief text.

Meet me at Nasty Burger in five. Got a surprise. Snapping it shut, Danny replaced his phone and he and Arie headed out the door to the Nasty Burger.

Arie and Danny smiled up at Sam and Tucker as they walked in. Sliding in to the booth, Sam and Tucker glanced at Arie, and gave her a welcoming smile.

"Sam, Tucker, this is Arie." Danny

"Hey, I'm Sam." Sam smiled again at Arie, and waved.

"And I'm Tucker." Tucker grinned at Arie.

Danny leaned over towards Arie's ear, causing her to turn her head slightly to look at him. "Just so you know, Tucker tends to hit on every girl he sees." Arie chuckled and nodded. Sam, having not heard what Danny said, guessed it had something to do with Tucker and laughed.

"Well, unless you two are hungry, want to go to the mall?" Sam asked.

"Nah, we already ate. A lot." Arie laughed, remembering all the food that was currently sitting in their stomachs. Sam nodded, and the group stood and headed outside to the mall.

"Danny, does she know, you know. Your secret?" Sam whispered, falling back from Arie and Tucker, who were chatting amitidaly.

"No, I haven't told her. I don't really know her yet, so I'm waiting until I think we're both ready." Sam nodded, and they caught up to Tucker and Arie.

Well...what do you think? And, I recently read a great fic, though a little depressing. It's called Empty Promises. The author, Laora, is new to the Danny Phantom phandom, and is an amazing author. I suggest you read it if you're in the mood for a dark fic. It had me crying.
