x ~ Kiss The Stars ~ x

Summary - Shane McMahon has been away from the WWE for three years now, but on his return he is appalled that a young talent like CM Punk is now wearing WWE gold. In an effort to make his life miserable, he attempts to take the one thing that means most to Punk, the love of his life, Maria. While Shane keeps Punk busy with somewhat meaningless obligations, the pressure for Punk to keep his relationship intact mounts. What happens when Shane takes it too far?

Author's Note - This is a totally new story I'm starting. The idea was graciously given to me by another fanfiction writer and I loved the concept. Let me know what you think, it's something a bit different to my other story 'What Lies Beneath' and I hope you like it. This chapter has sex in it, if you don't like that, it might be best to stop reading at that point. However it's not all sex, it's mostly plot so don't be too concerned :)

Warnings - Contains strong language, scenes of a sexual nature and other such naughtiness.

Disclaimer - I own nothing but the actual writing in this story. The story concept came from another member of this site and the characters in it belong to themselves. This is merely a work of fiction; it came from my brain, however messed up it may be. At no point do I suggest this story reflects reality, it's entirely made-up. Any other songs, cars or brands mentioned also belong to their respective owners.

Chapter One: ~

Kiss the stars tonight, you and me

Oh we will write our name in lights,

They will see, we're in love tonight

Love tonight, we're in love tonight

He hoisted the belt over his head triumphantly as he sat atop the ladder. It was an amazing moment and definitely one of the most memorable in his career. He felt like he'd been hit by a train at high speed, but for now the adrenaline coursing through his veins masked the pain as he drank in the amazing atmosphere, the fans cheering for him, celebrating with him.

He slowly climbed down as the Pay per View went off air, his WWE title slung over his shoulder. Thrilled to have retained his title and remain at the top of the company, he raised the championship one more time before heading up the ramp. He limped through the curtain and into the backstage area, a few of his colleagues giving him a well-earned slap on the back for what turned out to be one hell of a match. He didn't enjoy ladder matches much, they were so dangerous, but the thrill of pulling one off and coming out the other side unscathed was second to none.

"Nice job Punk" The Undertaker winked in his direction as he passed.

"Thanks man" he replied, his chest swelling with pride at being complimented by such a legend.

He gently placed the title over the lighting case nearest to him and grabbed a towel from one of the crew. He mopped his brow before draping it around his neck. He turned just in time to see his girlfriend running towards him, throwing herself into his arms. He caught her as she wrapped her legs around his waist and hugged him tightly.

"Hey" he chuckled; thankful he still had the strength to support her weight as well as his.

"You were awesome out there" she told him, pulling back to look into his eyes as she tousled his hair around her fingers.

"You think so?"

"Mmm" she mumbled as she pressed her lips against his. He reciprocated a little before placing her back down on the ground gently.

"I think you need a shower" she smiled, biting on her lip cheekily as she ran a hand over his chest, beads of perspiration running down it.

"You don't say" he laughed, grabbing his title and heading off to the locker room. He felt Maria slip her smaller hand into his as they walked and he gave it a little squeeze, intertwining his fingers with hers.

He let out an exhausted sigh as he sunk onto the bench, looking forward to getting back to the hotel and resting his aching limbs.

"I was scared you'd get hurt" Maria confessed as she checked her make-up in the mirror. Phil stood up and wrapped his arms around her from behind.

"You look perfect" he said, resting his head on her shoulder and studying their reflection. Seeing that she was still fussing over a tiny blemish on her jaw, he kissed the spot before sitting back down on the bench and pulling her down with him. She giggled and swatted his hands away.

"Why were you scared I'd get hurt?" he asked as her arms encircled his neck protectively.

"I'm always scared you'll get hurt Phil…but it's rare to see anyone come out of a ladder match without a mark on them"

"It's a good job I'm such a talented wrestler then" he winked.

"Smug" she grinned, pressing her forehead against his.

That smile. She could get him to do anything with that smile. The way her teeth scraped her lower lip as she fought it, the corners of her mouth upturning and the cute dimple that appeared.

Now they were in his locker room and out of public sight, he initiated a real kiss, hands resting on either side of her waist. Her lips parted, granting him access as his tongue searched out hers. Her hands were in his hair, keeping him in place as he took control and deepened the kiss.

Maria's breath caught in her throat as Phil's lips moved down to the pulse point in her neck.

"Stop it" she smiled.

She arched her back as he ran his hands underneath her shirt and up her spine.

"Phil stop!" she whined, placing her palms against his bare chest and pushing him gently. He tried again, known for his persistence, only to be pushed away again. He used his puppy-dog eyes, pouting.

Maria took his face in her hands and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. "Not now, I have to go tape Afterburn. You know? My job?" she smiled, standing up and pulling her shirt back down. He couldn't help but stare at the way her little black skirt hugged her hips, how her red patent heels made her legs look even longer and how her cute white blouse was unbuttoned just enough to reveal the top of the red lace bra he bought her for her birthday.

"Do I…?"

"You look gorgeous" he cut her off before she finished the question, giving her ass a little squeeze before she headed off.

"I love you Phillip Jack Brooks"

"I love you too Maria Louise Kanellis" he smiled. "I'm gonna shower and then I have to see the trainer before we leave, so give me a text when you finish" he told her, planting one last kiss on the tip of her nose.

Phil and Maria had been together now for a few months, but this wasn't their first try at a relationship with one another. They first met at Ohio Valley Wrestling where they embarked on a near three year relationship. But things were hard that first time, they were passing ships in the night, rarely seeing one another when Phil was called up to the big time. The pressure on the relationship made it impossible to work as a team and without that, it crumbled beneath their feet. Stupid fights over nothing started to turn into something more. Maria arguing that Phil spent more time with his friends when he was home than he did with her, that he never took her to dinner or treated her like a girlfriend. Phil becoming increasingly concerned with the direction of her modelling career, culminating in Playboy - something they argued over many a time.

It was a messy break-up, and after deciding to go their separate ways, not a word was exchanged again. Not a call, not a text, not a Christmas card and not even a twitter follow. Other girls came and went in the years between, none ever leaving an imprint on his heart the way she did. But he resolved himself to leaving that relationship in the past, accepting that what happened did so for a reason. He lost her, it was over…

But fate changed its' mind. Maria was offered an opportunity she couldn't turn down - a presenting job on a show like WWE was a big deal, and she would be lying if she said she hadn't struggled for work since she was released. Sure, seeing Phil again would be hard, she didn't want to revisit the pain of the past but she needed this job.

She didn't even manage to avoid him until she got the job. As she waited outside Mr McMahon's office nervously for her interview, Phil turned up. Their eyes locked and time stopped for a few moments…it was tense, awkward even. Last time this happened, at comic con, their gazes met and they walked away without so much as a smile. That was hard…a little part of her mourned what they had and what they had become…but it felt necessary. Now it would be hard to escape, maybe they could learn to be civil around one another for work purposes…

"Hey" Phil was the first to break their five year silence, looking surprised to see her there.

"Hey" she smiled a little, rubbing her hands together nervously.

"I'd start with how are you, but I'm more interested to find out what brings you here" he raised his eyebrows.

"You always did get straight to the point…"

Phil let out a small chuckle, flash-backs to old times running through his mind.

"I'm here to see Vince about a presenting position" she told him, running her fingers through her dark red hair.

"Wow, hope it goes well" he said genuinely.

Mr McMahon's secretary told her Vince was ready for her and she gathered herself together, ready to be the bright, bubbly girl she wasn't quite feeling in that moment.

"Maria…" Phil called out as she turned the doorknob. She turned to face him.

"It was great to see you"

And the rest was history so to speak…

They never could resist each other, they had an unexplainable magnetism and though they agreed to take it slow this time, they inevitably realised they never did stop loving each other.

Phil rubbed his damp hair with a towel, happy that a shower soothed some of the aches making his whole body throb. He tossed his ring gear into his bag and changed into some basketball shorts and a new t-shirt before heading off to see the trainer. Contrary to what you would expect from a visit to the medics, after-match sessions always meant PAIN. As if he hadn't experienced enough of that in the last few hours.

"Evening Jim" Phil greeted the man who'd seen him through an elbow operation, hip rehabilitation and many many concussions. He was a senior employee, nearing his sixties now. He had grey hair and a light stubble covering his jaw, one of those people who always had good things to say about everyone.

"Evening Phil, how's the body feeling?"

"Can't complain" he replied as he hopped up into the medics' table and slipped his shirt off.

He took a deep breath and held it as the man took hold of his bad arm and stretched it out.

"Be gentle with me Jim"

"Oh you know me Phil, I'm always gentle, especially with you darling" he laughed as he worked a particularly bad knot out of his shoulder.

He gritted his teeth against the pain that flared in his elbow as Jim massaged the muscles. He worked his way down Phil's spine, paying special attention to the hip that had been so dangerously close to needing surgery not so long ago.

He was hoping Jim missed the sharp intake of breath as his thumb caught the point where bone met bone. Unfortunately he wasn't that lucky.

"How bad is it?" Jim asked, reading his mind.


"That would be helpful" Jim raised his eyebrows.

"Outside of the ring I barely notice it. I'll get the odd twinge in the ring but that right there...agony" he admitted with a pessimistic sigh.

"Here?" he asked, punctuated as he pressed down hard with the palm of his hand.

"Motherfucker!" Phil groaned, face contorted in pain.

"Are you beating up my boyfriend again Jim?" came a voice from the door.

"Don't worry, I'll leave him with enough mobility to drag himself to bed tonight" Jim joked.

Phil wasn't quite in the mood for jokes, feeling the concerns about his body holding up creeping back into his mind.

"What's wrong?" Maria leaned in to stroke his face as he lay on his side on the medic table.

"He's over-thinking things again" Jim commented, pushing Phil's knee up and stretching out his hamstrings. "I'll book you in"

Phil ran a hand over his face as Jim finished his physio session. He got down from the table, Jim sending him a wink as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't fret, you're still young kid" he whispered.

"Thanks" Phil nodded, pulling his shirt back on and bidding him goodnight. As they wound their way through the empty hallways of the arena and back to the locker room, Maria noted the stressed look on Phil's face. He was always hard to handle when he sunk into one of those moods but she understood the pressure he was under all the time.

"When he said he'll book you in...what did he mean?" she asked him as they walked.

He was silent for a while, lost in his own thoughts before answering.

"For a hip x-ray"

She didn't ask anymore questions, knowing now was just one of those times he needed to let his mind process. They collected their bags and jumped in the rental, Phil driving them back to the hotel. In an attempt to drag him out of his thoughts for a while, Maria broke the silence in the car.

"Filming was hilarious today, Justin just couldn't keep a straight face when we were doing the funny bits"

"I'm sure you were more professional huh?" he smiled a little, the lights of the city reflected in his eyes as they sped along the highway.

"Of course, I'm always professional" she giggled, staring out of the window as other cars flew by. "Plus, it sounds really harsh but if they ever decide to cut costs and go back to one presenter, I need this job"

Phil didn't respond to that, the vacant look on his face telling her that she'd said the wrong thing. He was back to thinking about his career. He was like that, anyone who knew him would tell you. His mind worked overtime, analysing, processing and picking apart everything around him. But the Phil behind closed doors was a surprise to everyone. The Phil Brooks his friends knew and loved was very different to CM Punk. CM Punk was the cocky, determined man who didn't take shit from anyone. The man who fought authority and won and the man who was fazed by nothing.

But Phil was the little boy living his dream, the guy who would do anything for the people he loved, the guy who cared way too much, the man who wasn't afraid to be himself and the man who underneath it all, had a much softer side.

They made it back to the hotel just before two in the morning, kicking off their shoes and sinking into the bed in relief. Phil kicked back, crossed his ankles and put his arms behind his head, yawning. Maria rolled onto her front and crawled up next to him, resting her head on his chest.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Not really" he admitted, draping an arm over her waist.


"Sore yes, but sleepy no" he smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

"I'm glad you're not sleepy" she bit her lip gently.

"And why is that?" he smirked, noticing where this was going.

"Because I wouldn't be a very good girlfriend if I didn't do my best to make you feel better now would I?" she said seductively, tugging at the hem of his shirt. When that was met with little resistance from him, she pulled it up and over his head, tossing it onto the floor. One leg either side of him now, she ran her hands over his smooth chest, pushing him back down onto the bed.

Instinctively, his lips searched out hers, tongues intertwining as he tugged at her lips with his teeth. His lip ring felt cold against her tongue, sending her senses into overdrive as they explored old territory like it was their first time. Without breaking apart, he ran his hands up her sides leaving goose bumps in their wake, all the way up to her shoulders and back down. He reached for the buttons on her blouse, fumbling blindly as they kissed passionately. Saving the button resting over her cleavage for last, he reached underneath the nearly open blouse and around to her back, unhooking the clasp of her bra with ease. The satisfying snap was masked only by her moan of anticipation.

In the heat of the moment, he didn't care where her clothes landed. All he knew was that he wanted them off. He unzipped the back of her skirt, pushing it down her hips as she wriggled out of it. She returned to her position on top of him, now wearing nothing but her red lace underwear. As she instinctively ground her hips into him, she felt his excitement. Spurred on and more than ready for more, she kissed a path down his neck, sucking on his collar bone and trailing her tongue down to his nipples. She circled her tongue around the sensitive buds, feeling his chest rise and fall more rapidly beneath her.

She planted a few soft kisses on his toned stomach, finally reaching the waistband of his shorts. She settled in between his legs, pulling the shorts down his hips and legs, tossing them aside. She took her time to enjoy his body, the smoothness of his skin, the way he reacted to her touches and the sexy dimples on his hip bones. That was Phil in one word. Sexy. She could see that he was enjoying her advances, a small dark patch evident on the front of his boxers.

She nuzzled his arousal through the thin fabric, earning her a low groan. Knowing he wasn't up to one of their usual love-making sessions tonight, she focussed on making him forget the pain in his body by masking it with pleasure. As she pulled his underwear down his legs, she glanced up at his face. His eyes were closed, lips slightly parted and his head pressed hard into the pillow. He had no idea what he did to her. That man drove her crazy.

He stopped breathing for a few seconds as she took him into her mouth, sucking lightly until the friction lessened. He was hard as a rock for her as she pulled away for a moment, a trail of saliva keeping her connected to him. He glanced down, eyes glazed over.

"Shit Ri" he groaned, subconsciously rolling his hips against the bed.

She returned to sucking on him, paying special attention to the vein on the underside. By now, she knew his body better than her own, what turned him on and what drove him mad. She held him in place, occasionally running her tongue over the head and into the sensitive ridge at the top. He moaned as she picked up the pace, eyes locking every now and then as he watched what she was doing to him.

Ready to bring him to the edge, she took him all the way in until her lips reached his pelvis, controlling her gag reflex as her throat contracted around him. He let out a whimper as he fought the urge to buck his hips, letting her get used to the feeling. Knowing how much it turned him on, she reached for his hand, guiding it to the back of her head and allowing him to control the pace. She removed her hands from his hips, using them instead to steady herself. She sucked hard around the base, giving him the go ahead to take charge.

He started slowly, rolling his hips gently as his hand kept her head in place. Feeling his manhood hit the back of her throat was enough to make him want to explode right there but he kept his cool, thrusting gently into the heavenly cavern that was her mouth. Her hands massaged his thighs, letting him know it was okay to go harder. When she first bought it up, he was tentative to try it, but she was comfortable with it, and he knew she would tell him immediately if he went too far.

He increased the pace, thrusting up and down her throat harder, feeling his climax building. His fingers tightened in her hair, a series of moans escaping his lips.

She cupped his balls, rolling them in her palm as she sensed he was close. She kept her throat relaxed as he moved, trusting him more than anyone else she had ever been with. He was a good size and taking all of him into her mouth was a challenge, but she lived for the look on his face when he reached the edge. She knew he was about to cum, his stomach was tight and the hand gripping her head loosened. He pulled out and stroked himself furiously as she waited open-mouthed. With a loud cry of completion, he released his load, spurts of his seed hitting her tongue and dripping over her lips. She used her hand to give him the final few strokes until he had nothing left to give before letting him see his essence in her mouth. She licked her lips before swallowing it and crawling back up his body to kiss him long and hard.

His chest heaved as he came down from his high, panting slightly.

"I love you Ri"

"I love you too" she whispered, settling in next to him.

A minute or two later and she felt him stir. Back to his senses, she felt him follow the curve of her body with a finger, eventually reaching her inner thigh. He pulled her to him, her back pressing into his chest as they lay on their side. She gasped as she felt his hands travel higher until they reached her underwear. Sure she was a little disappointed that there would be no sex tonight, but she understood and she certainly wasn't expecting him to return the favour. Not when he'd had such an exhausting day.

But there they were, his fingers teasing the edge of her underwear. She knew he could feel that they were soaked from her excitement at seeing her boyfriend climax. She felt his breath on the back of her neck as his fingers slipped inside, drawing patterns that left her moaning softly. And just like she knew his body, he knew hers like the back of his hand.

Full of surprises tonight, he slithered down the bed, pulling her underwear with him. She held her breath as he grabbed her thighs, feeling his head settle there. He started by probing her ever so slightly with his tongue, causing her to whine lightly. She came undone as he lapped at her tender flesh, failing to hold back a scream when he tongue stud brushed her sensitive bundle of nerves. He alternated between using his mouth to drive her crazy and thrusting his fingers in and out of her until she was a quivering, moaning mess.

As he flicked the stud over that same spot again she cried out.

"Oh God, don't stop! Please Phil" she whined.

That was the thing about Phil. No one could imagine the way he behaved behind closed doors. He wasn't CM Punk - he was loving, attentive and passionate. Sexy as hell.

Hearing her say his name at the height of her pleasure spurred him on. He assaulted that same spot repeatedly, rubbing circles with his hands too. She screamed out her release, her body rolling with pleasure and contracting around his fingers. He didn't stop as she rode down the wave of ecstasy, returning to his spot on the bed and pulling her against him. Her body fit his so well as she snuggled in under his arm.

And just like that, they drifted off to sleep, content in each others arms.

Thanks for reading! Hope it captured your imagination a little. Let me know what you think, the more reviews, the sooner I update :)