A/N: I AM SOOOO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING YOU GUYS! Here's chapter four and I hope I can make it up to you guys, but my story will be on hiatus after this cuz I'm really busy being lazy and stuff. Enjoy!
Chapter Four: Outing
Dawn's POV
So much for never looking up for the whole day.
The minute the break time bell rang, my head shot up and I shoved my books back into my desk. Ursula got up, grabbed Paul's arm, and sped off outside the classroom, followed closely by her Ursalings. Misty, May and Iris practically flew up to my desk.
'Oh my god, that was awesome Dawn!' Iris declared.
'Yeah, right.' I couldn't help snorting.
'No, we're serious!' Misty practically squeaked. 'You're the first person to ever have the guts to disrupt Professor Rowan's class! On your first day too! That's what I call a great start!'
Yeah, right. But I didn't bother saying that.
'Yeah, Dawn. That was so cool!' May yelled with glistening eyes. 'You were totally great!'
'Please,' I rolled my sapphire eyes. 'Let's change the subject.'
Ash, Cilan and Drew stumbled up to my desk too.
'That was awesome, Dawn!' Ash exclaimed, biting into another of his magic chocolate bars. 'Do it again!'
'No thanks,' I couldn't help laughing.
'It was something May wouldn't have done,' Drew said, smirking.
'What's that supposed to mean?' May demanded, turning to Drew who flipped his emerald hair arrogantly. That was obviously Drew's way of telling me that I was 'awesome' as Ash and Misty thought.
'Aren't we eating, guys?' Misty asked rather impatiently.
'Oh yeah!' Ash yelled in remembrance, rushing out of the classroom down to the canteen.
'What lesson do we have next?' I asked Misty who was opening her brown paper-bag lunch.
'Gym, and afterwards we have karate, drama and arts and crafts.'
'Oh,' I said, biting into a spoonful of breadcrumbs covered with chocolate sauce.
Normal POV
As usual, gym was tiring and rather disordered and jumbled. Misty panted as she ran up to Dawn and May, her sneakers squelching against the floorboards of the rusty and somewhat creaky old gym.
Dawn's hair was loose and flowing behind her shoulders as she ran, while Misty's short auburn hair was pulled into a messy bun and May's hair was left as it always was. The three girls were wearing the same tight, white gym t-shirts with the PokéWoods High symbol at the hem. Dawn was wearing her t-shirt with a par of tight, denim shorts, May was wearing a pair of tight, short, black tights and Misty was wearing a pair of tight, blue, sport shorts.
'This is tiring,' May panted as they rounded a corner. 'Look at Ursula and her Ursalings just sitting and flipping through their phones, lucky. How come they always get to sit out gym?'
'Because they always come down with some disease,' Misty said scornfully. 'But running is okay, that stuff Iris has to do is the bad stuff!' The three girls turned to see Iris swinging on one of the chains hanging from the ceiling and climbing it expertly while everyone, including Whitney, the young gym teacher, watched her admiringly.
'Well it's no big deal for Iris cuz she's good at gym, athletics and stuff.' May remarked.
'I'm always bad at this stuff!' Dawn sighed. 'I enjoy it, but I'm such a slow runner.'
'Haha, join the club.' May said playfully.
'Speak for yourself,' Misty said smugly. 'You guys are holding me up!'
'Oh yeah?' May laughed. 'You don't have to wait for us,'
'But I will, since I'm such a kind soul.' Misty winked, laughing.
'Hurry up girls!' Whitney called. 'Misty, I thought you were faster than this!'
With that, Misty ran two times faster, speeding past May and Dawn, and completing the track.
'Kind soul!' May snorted after her.
Dawn laughed as they ran and finished the track as well. As they went to the bench, Misty tossed their water bottles at them, which they caught.
'Huh, I'm done!' Dawn said, lazily piling her dark blue tresses into a messy ponytail.
'Me too,' May agreed, opening her phone and tapping at it eagerly.
'Hit the showers girls!' Whitney called, and the three girls walked towards the showers, followed by Iris.
Misty grabbed her marked towel from a stand and the other girls grabbed theirs as well.
'This is the best part after gym!' Iris said enthusiastically.
'You can say that again!' Dawn agreed. 'Cuz I'm just glad it's over!'
Dawn's POV
The minute the last bell rang, everyone flew out of the classroom, including me.
'Hey Dawn!' Misty called as she caught up to me. 'We're hanging out at the mall afterschool, wanna come?'
'Sure, why not?' I said heartily. 'Who else is going?'
'The typical crowd, you know, May, Drew, Ash, Paul and the rest.'
'Oh, okay.' I nodded, and Misty sped off after a brief goodbye and calling out that we're meeting up at four.
'Mom,' I cried out the minute I reached home, dumping my bag down on the couch. My mom was flipping through a magazine, Warm Homes. She had short midnight blue hair the same color as mine and navy blue eyes. 'I have to meet up with my friends at the mall in a few!'
My mom looked up, her blue eyes twinkling. 'You made friends already? That's good, except now I'll have to deal with hour-long phone calls, every weekend house parties and constant trips to the mall.'
'Mom,' I laughed, flopping down on the couch. 'So can I go?'
'Will you listen to me if I say no?'
I pretended to think this over and said innocently 'No.'
'Okay okay, you can go.' My mom laughed. 'Hurry up and get ready, you take so long.'
'Thanks mom!' I sang out, running upstairs.
I took a quick shower and flung myself down on my bed, plugging my hairdryer in and drying my blue hair. I began digging through my closet.
I had absolutely NOTHING to wear.
'I have nothing to wear!' I muttered to myself. This happens EVERYTIME I have to go out.
I dug through my old suitcase in desperation and I eventually decided on something. I decided on my tight-fitted fluorescent pink halter top and a short ruffly black skirt. I pulled on my leathery black, knee-length boots and rushed downstairs after brushing my hair. I studied myself in the hallway mirror, I looked pretty good.
'Hey mom,' I said as I reached the bottom of the staircase. 'Did the taxi come yet?'
My mom answered dryly. 'It's been here for fifteen minutes, Dawn. You'd better hurry up.'
'Oh okay,' I grinned crookedly, stuffing my worn-out rose-colored purse into my chain-strap handbag.
I reached the mall at a quarter past four. I hoped I wasn't that late, I had a habit of turning up late. I rushed inside the mall after paying the driver seven bucks. A few guys whistled as I walked past and I, annoyed, walked into the mall and scanned the place for Misty or May or anyone I knew. It was freakishly crowded. I spotted Misty's red head a few feet away and strode up to her, carefully dodging passer-bys.
'Hey Misty!' I called cheerfully, waving my arm to the redheaded person whose back was still turned. Misty had on a bright red jacket and … Pink skinny jeans? Wow, I never thought Misty's fashion sense was bad, this was SUCH a fashion faux pas.
Misty didn't seem to hear me as I called her so I walked up to her, dodging a crowd of squealing girls and a boy with a cowboy hat.
'Hey Misty!' I said enthusiastically, tapping her on the shoulder. 'I like your sh – '
My whole sentence was cut off as Misty turned around. Her – or most probably his – face was covered with a huge red mustache and beard! I practically died, it was a guy I had just called Misty! Except he would really have looked like a girl if he shaved that disgusting beard and mustache off! I mean, pink skinny jeans?
'I – I'm sorry, mister.' I said, choking a little on the word mister. 'I thought you were someone else.'
He grunted something and walked away leaving me to slump down against a wall. Where could Misty be? My thoughts were answered quickly when I saw another redhead standing a few feet away. Yup, it was definitely Misty, she had the signature mean frown on her face. I approached her slowly, just in case.
'Hey Misty,' I smiled sweetly.
'Hey!' Misty turned, smiling grimly. She was wearing a blue and yellow striped tank top and a short fuzzy denim skirt with black platform shoes. Much better!
'What's up?' I asked. 'Where are the others?' I realized that no one else was around.
'That's what I'd like to know,' Misty said dourly. 'No one's here, except for Paul.' I looked around and saw Paul leaning against a marble pillar, wearing a black hoodie and jeans, his headphones plugged in and the usual expressionless expression sitting on his expressionless face. Wow, I'm using the word expression too much. I muttered a hi and when he didn't reply I shrugged and turned to Misty.
'So when are they coming?' I asked her, but my innocent question was faced with silence – Misty was on the phone.
'What do you mean you have a test to study for?' Misty demanded angrily. 'It's Friday!'
I raised an eyebrow and continued listening.
'Oh please!' Misty furiously brought her phone down and began tapping another number. 'Hello?' she growled. There was a slight pause. 'WHAT DO YOU MEAN? You're baking cookies? Oh god, please tell me you washed your hand.' Misty shook her head in disbelief and hung up, looking at my amused expression with a tight smile.
'Can you believe it?' she sighed defeatedly. 'Cilan apparently has a test to study for,' She spat out the word test icily. 'And Ash is baking cookies.' She choked a little on the word.
'Okayy,' I nodded vaguely. 'What about May, and Drew and Iris? Oh, and Jimmy.'
'I'm getting there.' Misty said, gruffly putting her phone to her ear. 'Hey, May?'
I looked up and then sideways, then the other way and then at Paul. He had finally removed his headphones.
'What's up?' I asked weakly.
'Nothing.' He said, not even looking up.
'How'd you escape from Ursula?' I asked rather wickedly.
Paul looked at me as if I was something as insignificant as a bug. Not even a huge, green-colored one but a small ant or something. 'She had to go and wash her hair; some fortunate guy threw toothpaste into it apparently.'
I giggled. 'Very fortunate.'
'Hey guys,' Misty walked up to us. 'May and Drew are at some party – '
'What party?' I gasped, the minute the word party was out of Misty's throat. I am a partyholic.
'Um, Solidad's I think.' Misty replied, slightly annoyed with me for interrupting her. 'She's a junior here, mega popular. So, yeah. Iris has some tuition thingy and Jimmy's hanging out with Marina, what a surprise.'
'So, I guess it's just the three of us then,' I said rather bleakly.
'Don't worry, it'll be fun!' Misty said, trying to be cheerful.
'Yeah, I guess.' I shrugged, mustering a smile. 'So where are we going first?' I asked eagerly. 'Clothes shopping or shoes?'
'Neither.' Misty replied shortly. 'I have to do some grocery shopping for my stupid sisters and then we'll do whatever you guys want to do. Okay?'
'Okay,' I shrugged. At least we can shop for clothes after this.
We walked into Selt's Supermarket and Misty grabbed a trolley while me and Paul tagged behind. Paul said nothing, as expected.
Misty filled the trolley with eggs and milk and flour and other boring stuff while I skipped off to the junk food section which was just a few centimeters away.
'Oh look at this!' I cried, grabbing a packet off the rack.
'What is it?' Misty asked, looking over my shoulder.
'Makuhita Corn Chips!' I yelled. 'I love these! These weren't available back at my hometown but I still luuurv them!'
'They do taste pretty good,' Misty agreed. 'I wonder when they're gonna make the Hariyama type?'
'Who cares?' I replied, furiously digging through my bag and pulling out my rose-colored purse. I temporarily left the bag of chips on the aisle and began searching through my purse.
'B – But I have no money!' I exclaimed, shaking my wallet in front of Misty and Paul's faces. A few pieces of lint and a fiver fell out. 'But I have to get them,' I said, grabbing the corn chips protectively and then glanced at Misty pleadingly.
Misty at once understood what was going on and narrowed her cutting emerald eyes. 'No, Dawn, this money is only for my groceries, beside I won't have enough for those expensive chips after buying all this crap,' she said, gesturing towards the trolley.
'Pauuuuul,' I turned to Paul, making my eyes bigger. 'Puleeeeez?'
He looked at me and I made my eyes even bigger.
'Fine,' he muttered.
'WHAT?' Misty and I yelled in unison and equal surprise. 'You?' we declared, pointing two accusing index fingers at him.
'I honestly think they taste good, and I'll buy them as longs you stop making that face.' He said shortly, taking the pack of corn chips from me.
'Oh my god, thank youuu!' I cried, flinging my arms around him in excitement.
'Get off me, troublesome.' Paul practically yelled, backing away from my hug while Misty chuckled to herself.
'Thanks,' I cried, grabbing Paul's arm and pulling him off to the counter. 'Let's go pay!'
'Wait for me!' Misty yelled, rushing behind them.
Little did they know, two blonde twins were watching them from the next aisle, their identical phone cameras pointed at them.
Things were going to get messy.
A/N: Once again, I'm sorry for not updating and I won't be able to for the rest of this month buuut stay tuned folks! I change my mind all the time.. so I don't know!
-Skylaaa :)
PS: Make sure you review, then I may update faster.