13 Years Ago In Neverland
…. She finally released the cough she had kept in and a lot of blood came with it, she grabbed a pen and paper and wrote a letter to Peter before lying down in her bed "Imba wimbo Wa upepo Wakati unajiwa na Imba wimbo wa upepo Wakati ndoto tamu…." Her voice faded into gasps until she had no more life left in her.
Same Time In London
"Push Mary" The nurse instructed, with a final scream she pushed as hard as she could and panted with relief and exaustion, the small baby cried loudly and the nurse wrapped her up in a blanket "It is a girl. What will you call her?" she asked as she handed Mary the little girl "Wendy, Wendy Angela Darling" Mary said stroking the baby's head, a sudden pain shot through Mary's abdomen again causing her to wince "What's wrong?" George Darling asked worried
"There appears to be another baby" The nurse said slightly surprised, Mary Darling smiled and once again began the painful pushing, once the baby was out the nurse wrapped her in a blanket similar to Wendy "Another girl" She said handing her to George "What should we call her?" he asked excitedly, Mary thought for a moment "Savana Samantha Darling" she replied, George looked down at his wife and for a split second there appeared to be a shooting star in Savana's eye's, but as quick as it came it disappeared.
AN: I know it's short but it's the start off chapter, so sorry about that.