Disclaimer: I own nothing... sadly :(
Guess who's baaaack? ;D ME!
So although many people wanted a sequel, I don't think there will be one, sorry guys :/ But after a lot of thought I decided it was best to leave the story at that rather than to write a sequel and possible ruin the entire thing. But... Have no fear! A new story is here! :D That's right, you heard correct, this is a all new story about our favourite duo, Austin & Ally, Yay!
Enjoy ;)
Chapter One
It had been a week, one whole humiliating, embarassing week, since Ally had been publically embarassed via the mall's JumboTron. Ever since Ally had admitted to the entire mall that she had a crush on Dallas - the cute cell-phone-accessory-cart-guy - she had spent the majority of her time when she wasn't working, hiding out in the practice room above the store. Nothing and no one, was going to get her out.
"Ally, come on! You've spent practically the entire week in there when you're not working. And I wanna go out. Please!" Ally's best friend Trish begged through the door.
Ally almost caved too because her friend was not one to beg, usually the girl just went for it no matter what the circumstances. Thinking about it, that could be the reason she was always getting fired... Shaking her head of her thoughts Ally called out stubbornly, "No."
Trish groaned from outside, "Ally, no one cares anymore."
"You can't prove that Trish!"
"When was the last time someone asked you about it? Or laughed at you because of it?"
"This morning. Kate the girl who works at 'Kwiki-Chicki' laughed at me this morning when she came to the store to buy a new reed for her clarinet and then the old lady who is always outside 'Bed, Bath, and Younder' asked me if I'd plucked up enough courage to ask the 'charming' young man out yet. That answer your question?"
Trish sighed, she knew her friend wasn't coming out anytime soon but it had been a week, why did Ally have to be so darn stubborn? just as Trish was about to give up and head back to work (Surprising, right? But when you're best friend has locked herself in a room and everyone else is busy, what more is there for you to do?) there was the sound of footsteps from behind the door. The handle turned and the door opened to reveal Ally, who's dark brown eyes were darting back and forth as if she were expecting someone to jump out and laugh at her at any given moment.
"You're coming out?" Trish said hopefully.
Ally shook her head, "No, my break finished."
Trish rolled her eyes but followed Ally none the less down the stairs and back to the main floor of the store. "Ally, you can't keep avoiding people just because of one stupid thing."
Ally looked at her friend eyes narrowed, "And how would you like it if everyone in the mall found out about your crush on -"
"Don't say it!" Trish yelled, gaining herself and Ally looks from around the store. "Okay I get your point," Trish hissed quietly.
"Exactly, so you can understand why I'm so embarassed."
"Do you really think the right thing to do is to hide from it though?"
Ally nodded, "What else am I supposed to do?"
"Ignore it until it all blows over?"
Ally sighed, "Maybe... Okay, fine! My next break is in a couple of hours, do you want to go to lunch or something?"
Trish grinned, "Sounds good. I'll meet you outside B.F Wangs. I'll probably be being fired about that time anyway."
Ally laughed at her friend's inability to keep a job more than a couple of hours, but hey, it was part of her charm.
After some major convincing on Trish's part, she had eventually gotten Ally away from B.F Wangs - which she had now been subsequently banned from - and outside 'Inside Out Burger'. The pair were sat down outside and across from them? The 'Cell Phone Accessory Cart'. And who was working at said 'Call Phone Accessory Cart'? Dallas.
So whilst Trish chowed down on her burger and fries, Ally was eating more of her hair than the food she had ordered.
"Ally! Will you knock it off?" Trish asked as she pulled the hair out of Ally's mouth.
"Right, sorry," Ally blushed in embarassment.
Trish rolled her eyes, she felt sorry for her friend she really did, because although she may have conquered her fear of being laughed at, she had yet to conquer the fear of Dallas seeing her. Currently the brunette ha sunk so far down in her seat that should anyone look directly at Trish from across the otherside of the food court, they would just see Trish and the two meals on the table. Plus the girl had chewed so much hair in the past ten minutes in which they had been seated across from Dallas and his cart, Trish was pretty sure that later in the day Ally would be coughing up a hair ball.
Deciding that keeping Ally's mind off of Dallas was the best thing for her, Trish quickly drove the conversation off in the direction of Austin and Dez, "You know at least one good thing has come out of you spending all your time in the practice room."
"What?" Ally asked, sneaking a glance behind her to see if Dallas was still there. The position she was sitting in was really uncomfortable, so she hoped he would go on his break soon.
"You've managed to write a bunch of new songs for Austin."
"Yeah but they all suck," Ally grumbled.
Trish couldn't disagree with that. For the past week Ally had been off her game with her song writing skills and had returned back to her songs being a drizzle of darkness instead of a splash of sunshine. "Okay... well, what about the ones you've been working on with Austin?"
Ally thought for a moment, "Better. Though it might have something to do with him being the only guy, scratch that, person, I see for more than an hour or two at a time."
Trish held her hands up in defense, "It's not my fault, I've been working."
Ally raised her eyebrows in amusment, "Working?"
"Okay, gettnig hired and fired."
"Thought so."
"Are you hanging out with Austin later then?"
Ally shrugged, "I don't know. I think he has a date or something tonight."
Trish nodded, "Well, I'd ask you over mine but my cousins are coming over and my Mom hates being the only sane one in the house."
Ally laughed, she had only met Trish's cousins once and suffice to say, she did not want to meet them again.
It was nearing three o'clock and Ally was stood behind the counter in 'Sonic Boom' ringing up a pink violin for a small blonde girl who was accompanied by her mother. For the past twenty minutes she had been explaining the 'Do's and Dont's' when it came to owning a violin, the mother seemed to be the only one interested. Once they'd left, Ally turned back to her Book and put pen to paper, and then, nothing. The girl groaned in frustration, why was she finding it so hard to write any good songs since 'The Incident'? Before she had chance to analyse this further her phone vibrated in delight notifying her she had an incoming call.
"Hello?" She said unsurely into her cell phone, regretting not checking the caller ID.
"Hey Ally," Ally sighed in relief as she heard Austin's medolic voice from down the line. "I was wondering if you were free tonight."
Ally's nose scrunched up in confusion causing wrinkles to appear across the bridge of her nose, "Don't you have a date tonight."
Ally heard Austin sigh, "I had to cancel."
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but Ally couldn't help herself, "Why? I thought you liked... Jannie?"
"Jade," Austin corrected. "Yeah but not enough to introduce her to my family."
"What?" Ally stifled a laugh.
Austin groaned, "My Mom's having some gathering or whatever tonight with a bunch of our relatives and family friends, and she wanted me to bring my girlfriend along. And although Jade is hot, she is not my girlfriend, nor is she someone I want to introduce to my family or my Mom."
"Um... two questions. One, why'd you single your Mom out? And Two, then why are you asking me if I'm free tonight?"
Ally could tell Austin was hesitant to answer her question, but Ally would not relent, especially when it came to Austin. "I just... I don't like diappointing my Mom, okay? And Jade, well, Jade would disappoint her. A lot."
Ally couldn't disagree with this statement, Jade was a no brainer, literally. The dark haired beauty, with the olive skin and piercing green eyes, was all looks and no brains. Trying to talk to her was like trying to talk to a wall. Pointless. "Okay. But you only answered my one question. Why are you asking me if I'm free tonight? Aren't you required to be there?"
"Well, see... my Mom wants to meet my grilfriend and I figured since I don't have a girlfriend I could just introduce her to my girl friend. My best girl friend. See?"
"Are you free tonight or not?"
"Yeah, I guess, but -"
"Cool, so I'll see you in... twenty minutes?"
"Twenty minutes? Austin, I have to tell my dad and get permission first. Besides, I thought you said it was tonight?"
"Yeah, but I want you to meet my parents beforehand, plus I'll probably need someone to help me help my parents set up."
Ally sighed, the things she did for this boy... "Fine. I'll see you soon."
"Awesome," And with that he hung up, no goodbye or anything. Ally rolled her eyes and stuffed her phone in her pocket. Remind her again why she was helping him out?
Ally arrived exactly on time, three twenty on the dot. She stood outside Austin's house a marveled at it for a moment. Although it was a pretty regular house, it was a lot bigger and fancier looking than her own. Pressing the doorbell sharply with her index finger Ally waited patiently outside, smoothing down her dress in case one of Austin's parents answered instead of the blonde teenager himself.
Thankfully it was Austin, "Hey - Whoa!" The boy stared at her, his brown eyes wide and his face conveying surprise.
"What? Do I have goose poop on me again?" Ally said scrambling to look over her dress.
Austin chuckled, "No, you're fine. It's just... you look, you like nice."
Ally raised her eyebrows, "As opposed to?"
"Not that you don't look nice every day," Austin said attempting to correct himself.
Ally laughed, "Austin, relax I'm just messing with you."
Austin let her in and shut the door behind them, "Since when do you mess with people?"
"Since when do you get freaked so easily?" She retorted.
"Your house looks amazing by the way," Ally commented. And it really did. The foyer had marble floors which may have been the most grandeur thing about the house itself but regardless in Ally's comparrison to her own home, Austin's home had already left her awestruck and she was only in the foyer.
Austin placed his hand on the small of Ally's back and said, "I've gotta go grab something from my room but you can go straight on through to the kitchen if you like?"
Ally nodded still feeling amazed with the house around her. Ally entered the kitchen slowly, taking in ever single aspect she could. She had only been to the house once, and that was when she was angry at Austin for stealing her song, back before they were partners, and at the time Ally had not spared a thought for anything around her, instead charging on up to Austin's attic bedroom which had been pointed out to her by a blonde woman whom Ally could now assume was Austin's mother.
The kitchen was clean and by clean Ally meant clean. It was like entering a hospital, no sign of dirt, dust or germs in sight. Nothing. The kitchen was fitted out with all sorts of weird and wonderful kitchen appliances, and there was a small brakfast table over to the right of the room. At said breakfast table sat a blonde man with broad shoulders. There was a large smattering of papers to his left and he was sipping at a mug of what smelled like coffee and scribbling on one of the papers.
"Um.. hello?" Ally said timidly walking towards the man. "I'm Ally Dawson. I'm a friend of Austin."
The man turned and looked at her over the rims of his glasses. He placed the pen in his hand down and stood up before thrusting a hand out to her. "AH, I've heard a lot about you Miss Dawson. You're the one who writes the songs for my son yes?"
Ally nodded, and began looking at Mr Moon carefully now she knew he was Austin's father, she wanted to see if there were any similarites. Mr Moon's hair was a darker shade of blonde than Austin's but his eyes were the same brown. His nose was also very similar to the teenage boy's as was the shape of his face. "It's nice to meet you Mr Moon," Ally shook his hand politely.
" Likewise," He retracted his hand and walked over to the refridgerator, he pulled out a bottle of water and offered it to her. "So it is of my knowledge that you are Austin's song writer turned girlfriend, yes?"
"What?" Ally laughed uneasily and took the water from his hands. "No. No. We're just friends. Austin doesn't have a girlfriend."
"But my wife said - Nevermind, my mistake," He smiled kindly at her and returned to his seat. "I hope Miss Dawson you do not think badly of me, for I am positive my son has told you all about how I've been crushing his dreams and telling him music is a waste of time."
Ally sat down opposite him and began to answer, "Well I -"
"I can assure you that what I'm doing is in his best interests and I hope you do not think of me badly because of that."
Ally never got a chance to reply because at that moment Austin sped into the kitchen and took a seat beside Ally.
"She's a good one, Austin," Mr Moon said to his son, causing Ally to blush. She was pretty sure he had not believed her when she had said she was not dating Austin.
"Don't I know it," Austin replied smirking, not really understanding what his father meant, before stealing Ally's water bottle with a smirk. "Nothing like the other girls you run into at the beach or the mall. 'Course, the first time I met her, she yelled at me rather than swooned at my good looks. Any girl that repsonds to me like that is bound to be different."
Ally made a face at Austin and then snatched the water bottle from his hands.
"I was drinking that, Ally!"
"Yeah, well, I was drinking it first," Ally shot back, downing the rest of the drink and trying to ignore the fact that she'd most likely just basically swapped spit (however indirectly) with Austin.
"Whatever. You coming to decorate with us, Dad?"
"I've got some more work to finish up, I'll stop by to see the finished product before the party starts. You kids have fun."
Before he knew it, Austin was surrounded by family members and trays of food that were circulating the room slowly. His aunt Mabel was drunkenly singing "Hello" as his mom accompanied her on the piano, a couple of seconds behind. Little kids were either asleep out on the couches or running around the house. Somewhere in the chaos, he'd lost Ally and was starting to fear for her life. It was either fend for yourself or die at the annual Moon summer party. He noticed a girl disappear out the front door and squeezed past his cousin who was making out with a family friend near the front door, thinking that the girl's dress looked an awful lot like Ally's.
Sure enough, Ally was sitting on the porch steps, her jacket wrapped around her shoulders. Austin sighed and sat down beside her on the step.
"I'm sorry for putting you through that," Austin said jerking his head towards the house behind them, from which the loud rumble of music mixed with talking, laughter and other happy noises was eminating.
Ally laughed, "Yeah. You have some very... enthusiastic family members."
Austin grimaced, remembering the toasting that Aunt Mabel had started when his mom introduced Ally as "Austykins' girlfriend." It hadn't been pretty, but it had been embarrassing.
"You're talking to one of the kids who grew up with them."
She laughed, and Austin smiled. "I don't get why your mom still told everyone I was your girlfriend, especially after we explained to her that I'm not."
Austin shrugged, "It's probably because I talk about you all the time -"
"You talk about me all the time?"
Austin blushed and tried to correct the statement, he did not want Ally getting the wrong idea out of this, especially after last week's fiasco. "I meant, as in we hang out all the time, and I'm really close to my Mom so we talk a lot which means I talk about you a lot to her. Trish and Dez too. But I guess she assumed that you were my girlfriend because of that, and I'm closer to you than Trish, and she asked me to bring my girlfriend tonight instead of going out on a date -"
Ally laughed at his panic, "Austin calm down. Sheesh, usually it's me who's doing the freaking out not you. I get what you mean and I thought we cleared this up last week? I don't like you and you don't like me, remember?"
Austin nodded and the pair were quiet for a moment before Austin stared singing quietly.
"You're always on my mind
I think about you all the time
Lets not talk about it
Drama: We can live without it
Catch a wave with a board
Theres a clock we'll ignore
Find a way around it"
Ally laughed at his singing, his response was to grab her hand and pull her upwards. He dragged her out onto the front lawn and began spinning her around, it was kinda like they were dancing, soon she too was caught up in the moment and was singing along with him.
"Hey girl, I can tell there's something
Even when you say it's nothing
When you're playing with your hair
Like you just don't care
Easy to tell you're bluffing
Now please don't take this the wrong way
I love the things you do
It's how you do the things you love
But it's not a love song, not a love song
I love the way you get me
But correct me if I'm wrong
This is not a love song, not a love song
I love the things you do
It's how you do the things you love
The way you sing it put me through it
I guess I always knew it (knew)
I love the way you get me
But correct me if I'm wrong
This is not a love song(not a love song), not a love song."
The pair collapsed onto the soft grass and lay starring up at the star spangled sky. Neither said anything but they were both fine with that. Or at least Ally was. She was half day dreaming about lying under the stars with Dallas, though she couldn't deny there was something just as wonderful lying there with Austin. Austin on the other hand was having a hard time surpressnig the butterflies in his stomach, Ally's arm was touching his ever so slightly and it was making him feel all tingly, wasn't that a girl thing? Besides, as he and Ally had just clarified, they did not like each other, so why did he want nothing more than to hold her soft hand, which was dangerously close to him, in his own?
So? What d'you think of the new story? ^_^ Do you like it? I hope so :D
I have smoe awesmoe ideas for this story which I think you'll like and I hope this is just as good as 'Mix Ups & Meddling' ^_^
Peace Out Suckahs!
Evie xxx