A/N: I don't own Sonic the Hedgehog and To Aru Majutsu no Index. They belong to SEGA and Kamachi Kazuma respectively.

Hey guys, what's up? I've been thinking about making this crossover because I haven't seen Index being paired up with Sonic character so far, so hopefully this will be the first story of it, and someone there will continue making it.

By the way, for your info, this began when Sonic and some of his friends went to another world (Read my other story called 'Sonic the Magister Hedgehog' if you want to know more) and for TAMNI (Stands for To aru Majutsu no Index and I'll be using this term for now on) it's after daihaseisai festival arc. Okay, enough talk. On with the story!



Empire City

After Sonic, Tails, and Blaze left the world to continue their quest, a black hedgehog named Shadow now standing on top of one of the highest building in the city. He's currently observing surrounding to see if anything strange happen lately, though he let out his sigh as nothing strange happen. His friends were currently enjoying their daily life, with exception of red echidna named Knuckles who is still in Angel Island guarding the Master Emerald.

"I wonder…if what Sonic says true," Shadow mumbled remember what Sonic stories about his duty. It was already night time and he decided to walk away from his position. All of sudden a white portal appear in front of him, surprising him in the process.

"A portal? Hmm, something must be going on in other world…" Shadow said. He already experienced this in his life and based on what happen, he assume that this portal had something to do with him. Although he cannot sure what is going on, he believes that there's someone there that needs his help and that is one thing he would accept ever since he has been friend with Sonic and the others. He let out his smirk as he stepped forward towards the portal full of confidence. "I'm glad I was stay behind this place. I should thank him for his story."

With that, the black hedgehog entered the portal as the portal sucked him in and within a second, it disappeared alongside Shadow.

Inside the portal

Shadow currently floating inside the space, or portal to be precise. He was wondered why he hasn't advanced yet as he tries to fly forward every time he does. When he tried for the last time, a feminine figure appeared in front of him covered with bright light. He cannot see her face clearly because of the bright light blinded his eyes, but one thing for sure that there are reasons behind all of this.

"Young lady," Shadow spoke try to gain her attention. "Did you summon me for a reason?"

"My, what a perspective hedgehog you got. I'm impress," the figure chuckled. "Yes, I'm the one who has summoned you here. Before you asked furthermore, I assume you want to know my name first or just get to the point?"

"Well, in the past, I didn't care about such trivial things," Shadow replied monotone while crossing his arms. "However, I left behind my past and information like your name is important to me now, so yes, I would like to know your name first," He slid down his arms. "But it would be rude if I didn't tell my name first. The name Shadow, Shadow the hedgehog."

"Hmm, you have nice manner there Shadow-kun. Very well, you can call me…Rachel for an instant," the figure named Rachel said. "Now that we're known each other, I will tell you the reason why I have summoned you here. You see, behind me there is a path of light that will direct you to another world like you never seen before."

"Another world huh? I can suspect that much," Shadow mused. "Could you tell me what kind of world is like there?"

"I cannot tell you that much, but one thing for sure is that the world you're going to visit is full of science and magic. I cannot tell you any more than that I'm afraid," Rachel explained a little part about the world. "I'm sorry if this is only information I can give you."

"Rest assures. One little information is good enough for me. I can search more when I reached that world," Shadow responded enough. "And about the reason why I have been summon here?"

"Ah yes, I just want to continue to that part. You see, there is strange occurrences happening in that world, and in order to find out as well solve the problem, I have summoned you here to do the task because I believe in your strength and your speed as well," Rachel continued as she looked at the portal. "Now that you're here, I believe it is time for you to go and solve the problems that was happening in that world."

For the first time ever or not, Shadow has been praised about his strength and his speed by some unknown figure whom he just met. The black hedgehog couldn't help but let out his wide smirk as this was never happened in his life before. "I'm grateful that someone praised me about my skill. Thank you for the appreciation Rachel," Shadow flies towards the portal passing Rachel before he turned around and looked at her. "Rachel, is there anything else you want to say before I'm leaving?" Before he notices, Rachel suddenly entered his body and Shadow took it in surprise. After a few second, he snaps out of reality and realizes what just happen. "Rachel, what did you…"

"Don't worry Shadow-kun; I'm not trying to possess your body or something like that. I'm just giving you a guide and some power as well to help your quest into that world," Rachel spoke inside his mind. "Now that we're both becomes one, I believe it's time for you to go."

"Heh, you really something there Rachel," Shadow smirked as he looked up into the portal. "Very well, please assist me on my journey."

"As your wish, Shadow-kun."

With one last word by the black hedgehog, Shadow and Rachel entered the portal as they embark on the new journey that awaits them. This time though Shadow will be doing this alongside Rachel and not with his usual friends, but he still like that way.

After all, he is an ultimate life form and no one will stop him.

A/N: As you wonder who Rachel is, she's my OC and she will be integral part of Shadow's quest. About the pair he will end up in to aru world, I haven't decided yet but one thing for sure is definitely not Misaka because she will be with Touma and that's for sure.

And another note is that I named her Rachel because I just want to, and please don't relate this to religion or anything like that, okay? I think that's all for today. See you later~!


30 December 2011

18.30 PM