My little Orochi
The night was young, the stars were glittering silver along with the full moon. The clouds covered a tiny portion of the sky, meeting with the moon occasionally but it wasn't enough to bring further darkness. The glistening moon reflected enough light onto the grass and trees to see everything. Or maybe his snake-like eyes were already adjusted to this darkness. There, sitting by the Sakura tree, gazing up at the beautifully lit night sky, was a young man, age 17. His pale skin was recognized all over Konahagakure as the snake master or yet to be the master of snakes, formally known as Orochimaru. His beautifully tamed, long black hair, like the grass and trees, reflected the light of the full moon. He just sat there, gazing at the stars, he looked as if his mind was empty of thought or anything at all. This is what drew Another young man's attention. Jiraiya, once more a 17 year old male but Jiraiya was different. Completely different from Orochimaru. Jiraiya's hair was not tamed or black, his hair was wild and white. I wouldn't even know where to start for their differences in personality.
This young man just stood behind a tree, hoping not to get noticed and kept a watch on the preoccupied boy.
Jiraiya and Orochimaru were teammates along with the blonde haired, flat chested, Tsunade. Though you would never usually catch any two of the three together. They would either be all together or by themselves with the exceptions of missions. For Jiraiya and Orochimaru to be within 50 meters from each other would have been a shock to everyone if they had heard that Tsunade wasn't accompanying them or they weren't on a mission.
Jiraiya wonder why exactly he was watching Orochimaru at all, he should have been at home, writing in one of his note pads about the books he was writing. "O-Orochimaru looks so beautifully lonely." he thought to himself before actually realizing what he had thought.
"What am I thinking, I don't like Orochimaru. I am into girls and that's the way it's gonna stay" Jiraiya reassured himself.
Orochimaru, still looking exactly the same as when Jiraiya first started keeping an eye on him. A lonely expression was painted across his face but he was thinking about something that made his face go from a pale white to a slight pink. This made Jiraiya want to approach his teammate but he found his feet planted to the ground as if gravity was working too hard. The beautiful, black-haired boy glanced over at the tree which behind it was his handsomely strong teammate, Jiraiya who had noticed this glance and grew quite red. Knowing that Jiraiya was blushing made Orochimaru wonder what he was blushing about. Was it something he saw earlier, or maybe it was what he was thinking, or perhaps it was because Orochimaru had turned his attention to this handsome fellow.
Orochimaru hated curiosity so he tried to open his mouth but nothing came out. It was strange for him because something like this never happened so all he managed to do is blush back. He turned his head, got up and walked gracefully towards the more built boy and looked him in the eye.
"What are you doing here?" Orochimaru asked as calmly as he possibly could.
Jiraiya, still frozen on the spot felt like melting, his heart was pounding faster and faster and his face grew more red.
"Well, are you going to answer me or just waste my time?" Orochimaru wasn't a very patient person and being oblivious to Jiraiya's lack of movement of any kind, he just sighed, rolled his eyes and turned away.
"Wait!" Jiraiya called out unexpectedly
"What?" Orochimaru turned around again and took a step slightly closer which made Jiraiya's heart pump yet even faster.
"Well? What is it now?" Orochimaru started to get irritated because of his lack of patients.
And then, out of nowhere, Jiraiya's lips met Orochimaru's. Orochimaru was confused but before he was able to register what was going on, he found himself kissing the white-haired boy back. Jiraiya didn't exactly plan this event but was obviously enjoying it, wrapping his arms around Orochimaru's waist and to Jiraiya's surprise, Orochimaru felt as curvy as would a girl or at least what Jiraiya imagined a girl to feel like. Once their kiss was brought to an end due to their lack of air, Orochimaru just looked at Jiraiya confused.
"I... I thought you were into girls...?" Orochimaru questioned
"I was... Or at least I thought I was. But there was something about you just then that made me think again." Jiraiya was riddling Orochimaru, he knew that the beautiful boy hated that but he didn't care. "Orochimaru..."
"Yes? What is it?" Orochimaru still confused on all of this.
"I think... I think I love you." Jiraiya even amazed himself when he said that, let alone his teammate.
"Y-You do?" Orochimaru let his mind wonder off for a moment before snapping back to reality "...DON'T BE STUPID JIRAIYA AND TELL ME WHAT YOU WERE ACTUALLY GONNA SAY!"
"...huh, never mind then. Hey, can I ask why you were blushing before you noticed me by this tree?" Jiraiya trying to change the subject.
"hmm? Oh that... I was... Well... It was... I WAS DREAMING ABOUT YOU, OKAY?" Orochimaru replied before storming off. Jiraiya blushed yet again but not as much before chasing after Orochimaru.
"Orochi, wait!"
Unwillingly, Orochimaru obeyed. He stopped right on his tracks but didn't turn around nor did he move a single muscle. He tried to keep this up but failed and fell to his knees, feeling like he could cry and he tried to suppress it but he wasn't mentally stable enough for it and let the tears stream down his beautiful pale skin. Jiraiya quickly ran up to the other boy shortly after he fell to the ground. Jiraiya sat in front of the other and wrapped his arms around him, trying to comfort the snake user. "Please don't cry. If it was my fault, I am sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. I never thought you would be thinking of me..." Jiraiya scooped Orochimaru into his arms and held him tightly, cradling him and trying to make him feel better. Orochimaru's crying went down to a minimum as he clung to the strong boy's arms.
"Jiraiya..." Orochimaru quietly whispered out to get the other person's attention.
"Hmm?" Jiraiya's only reply was.
"I-I think I love you too" Orochimaru said when he felt more calm and relaxed.
"Hushhh. You don't need to speak now, just get some rest. It is getting late and I don't want to see a tired Orochi when it's time for training tomorrow." Jiraiya grinned, kissed Orochimaru's lips gently and took him home to sleep and then went home himself.