
The next day all Adrian did was work. Pulling doubles at her job was nothing new. She didn't do it because she needed the money, although it didn't hurt her to earn it. She did it because she liked her job. She was the second person to know of the new books they were getting aside from the owner and the person who put them on the selves. She got to have time to herself as she stocked new merchandise in the morning before the store opened. She was able to make the displays and decide where things went because her boss trusted her enough to do so. Her job was the main reason she left her house other than school. Yes she had friends but Adrian wasn't one to go out everyday. If it were up to her she would just stay home when she could. Though she knew that wasn't healthy, hence working the extra hours. It motivated her to be active and talk to people. Working at a bookstore wasn't nearly as difficult as working in a big chain retail store. She heard stories of what some employees went through and she was lucky enough to say that she didn't get it quite as bad. For the most part she suggested books to people and answered their questions. Most of the people that walked into the store were regulars, people she was familiar with. It was sort of like talking to old friends, it didn't make her nervous anymore.

However, Adrian couldn't deny that the main reason she stayed at work that entire day was because she didn't want to go home to an empty house. Whenever Alex went away, there came a short time when she got a little depressed and she had to force herself out of the house so that she would stop worrying about him. What he did came with some high risks and he had told her stories about some of the things that's happened before. Sometimes those stories would worm their way into her head until all she could think about was him getting hurt. That morning she had a gnawing feeling in her chest. As if something wasn't right, something has happened. This feeling wasn't new to her. She felt off from time to time. Bu she just couldn't shake it. The entire day she did her best to distract herself. She stocked, she talked to people, she got coffee for herself, she ordered some new things. But whenever she had a couple of minutes to herself she thought about Alex. She thought about where he was, how he was, if he was hurt, if he was hiding or helping people. Question after question came to mind; made her nearly panic. It was a bad day for her but she did her best to push through it. She didn't let anything that was going on inside show.


Adrian was grabbing her second latte of the day when she heard a familiar excited voice behind her. She turned and felt a smile form when she saw Laurie Strode standing in front of her.

"Hi." She replied, letting her free arm embrace the teenager in a small hug.

Adrian met Laurie a few months after she was able to go home. Adrian was at the bookstore one day browsing through the shelves as she did often because she didn't have any friends. she had no idea how to strike up a conversation with someone who wasn't in scrubs with a plastic band around their wrist that had their name printed on it. Laurie had surprised her one day when she made a comment about the book she was looking at. Adrian was more than a little shocked that someone had spoken to her. Even more so that it was a teenager with an interest in books. Adrian wasn't much older than the blonde but since returning to haddonfield she did notice that the teenagers were a bit different than she remembered. Perhaps that was because she'd been away for a while and didn't get a chance to be wild and carefree. In any case, the two girls ended up talking for a short while. After that they became quick friends. Adrian saw Laurie as a younger sister in a way. Her family was nice, they didn't hesitate to welcome Adrian into their home the first time she stopped by the give Laurie a book. They were like a family out of a movie. Adrian couldn't deny that she was a little envious of her family. Adrian and the teenager weren't the best of friends but they were close. Laurie often sought out Adrian to ask her for her advice on things. Adrian would happily offer it and would ease the teen of her worries.

"How's your summer going?" Adrian asked once she let the girl go. Finally noticing that Anne was with her. It wasn't unexpected. The two were almost joined at the hip. They were very different but it seemed to make them closer. Adrian offered the brunette a warm smile that was quickly returned. On occasion they engaged in some polite conversation. Though they weren't that close either. Adrian was sure Anne would have preferred being closer to Alex than to her. Typical for a teenager and nothing she took offense to. Her brother was a charmer in his own way.

"Not bad, I've been taking some summer classes trying to earn extra credit."

"Instead of having fun like the rest of us." Anne responded in a mocking tone with a smirk to match. Laurie rolled her eyes not bothered by her response. Adrian could almost hear the fun speech Anne had given Laurie the moment she mentioned summer classes. Laurie ranted to Adrian about it. All the blonde wanted to do was graduate as quickly as possible so she could start her life. Adrian would often help her study after the store was closed.

"Summer classes can be fun if you enjoy the subject." Adrian replied in Laurie's defense. Anne did little to hide her fake gag but neither of the other two mentioned it.

"Hey, how's that hot brother of yours?" Anne asked abruptly, causing Laurie to give her a death glare. Anne didn't know that Alex was away but Laurie did. She had come over the morning he left to keep her company. They talked about Alex a lot. Laurie was an only child and wanted to know what it was like to have a sibling. Adrian would tell her stories while they ate things that were bad for them. However, that morning Laurie did her best to keep the woman's mind off of Alex. They talked about books, watched some movies, went out to the park. Laurie didn't tell Anne that Alex wasn't around. She wouldn't have cared as much aside from having one less guy to look at. Naturally Anne had to bring him up in Adrian's presence. The dark haired girl wasn't oblivious to the look her best friend gave her or the fact that Adrian's smile turned from genuine to fake in an instant.

"Alex was sent overseas." Adrian said after a minute of silence.

Anne didn't say anything more about Alex and the three females went on to have a pleasant conversation on the importance of Summer and how it was made for students to have fun. All three of them were oblivious to the figure watching through the window of the store as they laughed and drank coffee.


Michael had walked around the small town countless of times since he came back. Between seeing Adrian, his time was dedicated to finding his baby sister. He'd made his way through the old newspapers that the library kept. He found articles about that Halloween night. He read what the reporters called him. A monster, inhuman. He wouldn't disagree with those words. He read about his mother's suicide; read the name of the police officer that found her, what the house looked like. He noted that his mother was reduced to the woman who gave birth to a killer. They hardly used her name; instead referring to her as "Michael Myers mother." It was like she wasn't even a person. Her identity was linked with him, in his trail of blood. Although nothing in the article said anything about the baby that should have been in the house. It was said that she was alone. That couldn't be on the count of his mother had no one else to take care of Angel. No other friends willing to do it, no family in the area. Angel would have had to been in the house. Michael then took note of the police officer; more than sure that he had something to do with his sister seemingly disappearing. Someone had to know where his sister was and the cop was the first place he was going to start. He was able to get the officer's photo from the article after that it wasn't difficult to find him. He was still in Haddonfield, still an officer turned sheriff. All Michael had to do was wait outside the station for him and then follow the man home. Luckily he didn't have a big family, just a daughter who was hardly home. He watched them for a couple of days. Noticed how they interacted with each other. Both seemed to live separate lives for the most part; only coming together when it was time to wrangle the girl in. He knew getting into their house wouldn't be a problem. They didn't take much caution in security. Most likely because they thought no one would be idiotic enough to break into the sheriffs home. Though Michael wasn't doing it to rob them of anything. He just wanted information. He wouldn't hurt them, unless they got in his way.

Looking in the Sheriffs home didn't take him more than a couple of minutes at most. He had an office that he kept his stuff in. His desk drawer had copies of Angel's adoption papers in there. He also had a copy of her medical report. It did state that she was found in the house with his mother. She was fine but screaming her head off when someone found both of them. The sheriff didn't want Angel's name to be mentioned as he then later watched over her as her adoption went through. There wasn't much after that. No recent picture of her, no telling if her name was the same of if she lived close by. All he got was the name of the people who adopted his sister. Last name Strode. It wasn't what he wanted but he did go from there. He searched the town for that name. To see if there was a trace of them living anywhere in the area. He shouldn't have been surprised. Finding Brackett was too easy. Now he had to work in order to find the family that took in his sister. He was a little annoyed that it would take longer now. Maybe a few more days or weeks. The town wasn't big but it also wasn't miniature. Michael could only do so much on foot while he was trying to stay out of public eye. He already had to forgo his mask in the streets. Actively choosing to show his face to strangers that walked passed him in order to go unnoticed. For the most part it worked. He walked without people staring. Well without people staring because of his mask. He was still taller than most and intimidating to be near because of his build. One way or the other he stood out and got a few looks.

Not wearing a mask was a new thing for Michael. He wore one for fifteen years and wasn't too please to take it off for a couple of hours. He felt naked without it and it took a toll on his mood. How could he even think that taking off his mask was a good idea? Sure it would draw attention to him but it would make him more comfortable. It's not that he cared what people thought of him, he couldn't have cared less. It was more of what he thought of himself. When he was a child he remembered telling his mother than the reason he hid his face was because he was ugly. It was true to some extent. The child in him thought very poorly of himself. Probably because he heard the same thing being said about him countless of times by his sister and a few fellow classmates. Michael wasn't hurt by this. He accepted it fairly easily. The mask wasn't solely meant to hide his face but rather hide himself. Michael withdrew from the world completely. He had no desire to speak or interact. Making masks was his only source of entertainment and he wore the masks more and more as he talked less. He wouldn't be able to explain it properly if he tried but the mask filled in the void. Sealed off what was left of him inside until he was only a shell. Walking the streets without it felt unnatural. He took comfort in the fact that he didn't see the same person twice. It was unlikely that he would see someone he walked by again unless he went into a shop. Michael was just another person on the street.

Michael was about to head back to him home when he heard a loud irritating voice behind him. "Strode!" Rang loud in his ear as a brunette with shoulder length hair ran past him ramming his shoulder on the way by. He saw her stop momentarily to catch up with another person in front of him. It took him only a second to realize that the brunette was the Sheriff's daughter.

Michael watched these two teenagers as they raced across the street, not bothering to see if any cars were coming. The strode girl pulled the sheriff's daughter into a bookstore quickly before she could walk by. He kept his distance as he watched them. The fact that the brunette yelled out Strode was not lost on him as the two momentarily disappeared from sight. His mind went quiet for a second as he looked at the blonde teen. Could this have been the person he was looking for? Was this his sister? Many people had blonde hair and it wasn't mentioned in any paper he read that the Strode's had other children but it was possible. They could have three children for all he knew. Although if they did, one of them was his sister. Maybe this wasn't Angel. Maybe this was a person who could lead him to her. However he couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen her before. She had something similar about her. A sense of innocence that he recognized. Michael had to find out if this was Angel or someone that held the key to finding her.

Before he could stop himself, Michael crossed the street and stood outside of the bookstore looking in through the window. He stood a few feet away so not to raise suspicion from anyone inside. From where he stood he had a clear view of the two girls and their new companion. His thoughts quickly shifted from Angel to someone else. Her face was hidden from him as the brunette was partially blocking her. But he didn't need to see her entire face to know who it was. Michael thought about the woman often and usually had to force himself to stay away from her and look for his sister. It was the one person that made her way into his head without even trying. The only one he responded to when she asked him to. He had to actively fight in order to pry his eyes off of her and focus on the other girls. From they way they all were around each other it seemed like they knew each other fairly well. Maybe he could ask Adrian about the family. Find out what she knew; if she knew anything. He decided that he would pass by her house later that night. He did his best to convince himself that the only reason he was going to see her was because he had questions. The look in his eye suggested otherwise.

A/N: So, so, so sorry it took me so long to update. I've been lacking a bit of inspiration due to stress. But I promise you that I am still 100% dedicated to this story and determined to keep updating. I know this isn't the longest or most detailed chapter but it was the best I could do at the moment. I am currently working on the next chapter. I do apologize if Michael taking off his mask upset you guys. It happened in another chapter before I rewrote the story. It just makes sense to me but I know it's highly unlike him.

One last thing, I want to hear from you guys and kind of see where you want this story to go. I know ultimately I can't please everyone and I myself know where I'm heading with this. However I do want you guys to enjoy the story as much as I am. If I can add an extra murder here and there, a kiss, or an angry Michael for you guys then great! Suggestions are always welcome because we all know that anything can happen in a fanfic. ;)