A/N: I've recently gotten back into the whole zombie, apocalypse, and post-apocalyptic genres. I was just watching High School of the Dead and I've been reading the recent burst of zombie bleach, so I was inspired to try and create my own zombie story.

Old Bones

"Pick up, pick up." The man murmured while pacing in his living room. The rhythmic ringing continued with no interruption. The man stiffened with irritation and cursed to himself. "Answer the fucking phone, Shiro."

And as if he could sense his older brother about to lose it, Shiro answered the call.

"Grimm." He whispered in his unique wavering voice. "You got ta come get me, I'm in da mall."

"Shit! FUCK, SHI!" The blue haired man yelled in anger and a little fear. "And you don't have shit on you?"

"I'm at da fuckin' mall, Grimm. What do ya think? S'not like I knew this shit was going ta happen."

"Stay put." The man growled with menace. "Don't you fuckin' move unless you have ta. I'm comin' ta get ya."

The man flipped his phone closed and glanced at the suitcase he had on the cushions of the sofa. It was unzipped and lying wide open. Inside were his shotguns; The Mossberg 500 Chainsaw, the Mossberg 590A1 Blackwater SPX, and the Weatherby SA-459 Threat Response autoloader. The suitcase with all of his semi-automatic pistols was zipped up in his bedroom. He only had the one sword, Pantera, and he always carried her on his back. He zipped up the bag and carried into the bedroom where he proceeded to finish dressing. When he was finished he wore a black long-sleeved button up with a high collar, the first two buttons left undone to show a triangle of smooth tan skin, dark grey faded jeans and black steel toed boots. He ran a comb through his hair more for upkeep than style, and then carried his bags outside to his black Armored Lexus LS 600h L. Sitting in the driver's seat, he pulled his CZ Czechmate pistol out of the glove compartment and sat it on the passenger's seat. Unclipping his phone from his hip, he made one more call.


Ichigo watched his uncles movers pack everything into the back of the truck. It was mostly specialty lab supplies and projects that wouldn't be available in the underground lab his uncle was traveling to. Urahara Kisuke was the most accomplished scientist alive, he used to be official but he didn't work well with authority. Now, with this new epidemic, they were calling in everyone they could get regardless of a possible absence of morals…like a certain psychotic Mayuri.

The orange head watched as his uncle whispered to one of his men, his ever present smirking smile in place and green and white bucket hat shading his sharp grey eyes. Ichigo wanted to go with him. Urahara was the only father or family he'd ever known, his original family having died in a car explosion. From what Urahara said, Ichigo was just a baby and was spending the day with his uncle while his parents had a day to themselves. With all of the crazy shit going on now, Ichigo truly wanted nothing more than to be with the only family that he had left, but the lab Urahara was going to was much to secure for that, besides, all the scientist who showed up might not be coming back at all. Urahara's jaw tightened and he quickly clomped over to his spaced out nephew.

"Ichigo." He said. "I've just gotten word that things are much worse here than I thought."

Ichigo frowned and cursed his uncle's love of suspense.

"It seems," He continued. "That it's spread much more quickly than usual; the mall is now infested with them as well as the surrounding streets and stores." He wrapped an arm around Ichigo's shoulders. "Everything's gone to hell. Use the training I gave you wisely and stay alive. I'll figure out what I can at the lab and then make my way back here. If you have to move, just text me; you know the codes. And remember, you may not be able to see well in the dark, but they can."

Without another word or backwards glance, Urahara walked away got into his now loaded truck. It would have hurt, if Ichigo didn't already know that the separation was just as hard for his uncle as it was for him. Even so, part of him was ready for this freedom, for this chance to test out his skills. His bloodthirsty thoughts were interrupted by the vibrating of his phone. He reached down into his messenger bag and flipped it open before putting it to his ear.


"Fuck baby," Said a deep male voice. "I'm so fucking glad you're alright."

Ichigo smiled happily at the sound of the voice, melted chocolate brown eyes brightening with lust, love, and joy.

"Of course I am. It's kind of hard not to be when you're around Hat and Clogs. What about you?"

"Shiro's stuck at the damn mall and I have to go get 'im. Did the boss leave yet?"

Ichigo's heart froze at the news. Shiro was in a big mall with all of them? His hands shook a little as he walked into his uncle's shop. In the end, everything would be fine because Shiro had a brother that would destroy the world on his whim.

"Yeah, he just left but that's shit compared to Shiro's situation."

A low chuckle. "Truth, babe. Anyway, I don't want Shiro's situation becoming yours so I'm on my way to pick you up. Pack some food and shit."

Ichigo laughed. "Don't tell me. You were too busy packing weapons to think about food. Baka."

"Shut it, Ichi." The voice growled playfully, then on a serious note. "Just be ready for me. Love ya, little berry."

Ichigo grinned as he grabbed an empty box and started opening up food cabinets.

"Love you too, Grimmjow."

A/N: So, what do you think?