I don't own Hetalia.
Groaning at the slitting headache Ivan shifted more. Something warm held in his arms. Groaning he knew what had happened. He had gone to a party in America. At America's party house since he had two, one for parties and one for living in.
He remembered drinking vodka because it was there and no one else wanted it so he drank it all. The whole ten cases worth. Then he remembered blurs of getting into a fight and then someone talking to him and telling him that it was alright and that they would go some place to rest.
Then he remembered blur eyes looking up at him with a blushing smile, soft hands on the side of his cheeks and the warm lips on his. Now a warm body next to him only meant that he sleep with another nation. He couldn't remembered who it was but he hoped they complied.
As he shifted more he could tell they were laying side by side, the warm back fit comfortably into his own body. He hugged it tighter trying not open his eyes because of the slight sun beaming in. he rested his head against the neck. Whoever this was smelt nice.
Opening his eyes he looked at the person. The outline was still blurry but he started to focus. Freezing he finally noticed just who he had slept with. Slowly he removed himself from the blonde that was still in a deep sleep.
Carefully he dressed and left the house trying to get away as fat as possible. Once back at his hotel room he leaned against his door. How could he let that happen? To sleep with America of all nations? Rubbing his head he hoped that Alfred had been drunk enough not to remember.
Later in the day as the nations began to leave back to their homes after America's huge party Ivan looked around for Alfred and spotted him at the airport waving goodbye to his brother. Then he said goodbye to other nations as they filled out and left.
He waited until most of them left before going up to him and stood there. He mentally cursed that he had no idea what to say. So he waited until the other noticed. The bright smile was nice too see and he showed no signs that he remembered anything.
"Hey, Ivan! Did you have fun?"
"Great! I had a blast on my birthday! Thanks for coming all the way here to celebrate it with me. So, you going straight home now or gonna stay a few day?"
"I am traveling home."
"Okay, safe trip back."
"… see ya then."
"Okay, bye."
"Something brothering you?" Alfred asked.
Alfred frowned as Ivan looked worried but didn't say anything but instead looked at him as if ready to be yelled out. Of course he knew what was on the Russians mind. Like hell he would get drink when so many nations were at his home and partying. Ti was the perfect time to trying and get information. So he only acted drunk and switched his own beers with water and he knew just what happened last night and the pain in his lower half didn't let him forget.
It wasn't unplanned. Alfred had known for a while that he liked Ivan on more then a friendship level and so when the Russian sat next to him drunk as hell and kissed him he knew it was his chance. He only didn't know that even Ivan would have memory lost at the amounts of vodka the other had drank. So now he would have to find another way to get the other to notice his feelings.
"Ivan? You okay?"
"Da… I have to go now. Farwell Amerika."
"See ya."
When Alfred started to go home he noticed Ludwig waiting for me at his car. "Yo, you forgot something?"
"I am missing my cross. I need it back."
Alfred nodded and let him into the car. "Sure. Let's head back to the party house. I'm pretty sure no one's been there to clean right now."
"Ah, good."
As they drove back to the house in separate cars to the house. Once there Alfred jumped out and winched a little but walked up to the door and pushed in the numbers and the alarm turn off so they could get in. as they walked in Ludwig went to finding his cross.
Almost an hour later he found it in the kitchen next to an empty German beer bottle.
"Got it?"
"Ja, thank you."
"Welcome. Come on I'll drive you back to the airport."
"There is something I would like to talk to you about."
"Fine. What is it?"
Suddenly nervous Ludwig looked away before standing up straight and took out a small box. It was wrapped up in a nice light green with a dark green bow. Alfred looked at it. A gift? Reaching for it he examined the box carefully just in case.
"What is it?" Alfred asked.
"It is a gift I thought you would like. I did not give it to you last night because you were drunk and disappeared."
'Drunk I was not, but yes I did take off for something more fun.' Alfred thought but nodded instead.
Opening it slowly he held his breath without the other blonde noticing because he didn't want him to know that he thought it was some kind of gas that would come out of nowhere and knock him unconscious, inside was a small box. Puling it out he opened in and inside was a small pin he recognized.
"This is my American Flag pin from World War II… I lost t5his years ago."
"It was near the Berlin wall when it came down. I put it away and forgot to give it back to you. I found it when cleaning and thought you would like it."
"Well, duh, it's mine. Thanks though. This one is special to me."
"It is?"
"Yeah. My boss gave it to me after Pearl Harbor. A fallen solider had it and he died and the family gave it to my boss and asked him to care for it for the man loved his nation. SO, they gave ti to me and I carried it in the war and lost it when I went to the wall."
"I did not know that…"
'Not many do. Actually only you know that." Alfred laughed. "So, you ready?"
"JA, but before I go there was something else."
Without warning Alfred was kissed full on the lips.
"Shit. Mother fu-"
"Alfred!" His boss yelled as the nations came out of the bathroom cussing. "What's wrong?"
Alfred didn't say anything but continued to look at the little plastic bag that had a small stick like thing in it and he looked at it more before sighing and handing it over to his boss. The man looked at it and then looked at him.
"This a pregnancy test."
"Yeah, and it's positive."
"You got a woman pregnant." His boss looked at him with a look.
Chuckling Alfred shook his head. "I didn't get anyone pregnant. I'm the one who got pregnant."
"What? Impossible."
"Nah, I'm a nation. I can but normally it's for mother earth to pick who will and when but most of the itme we don't notice unless we conceive. So now I'm got a kid."
His boss looked at him. "You slept with another man?"
It wans't scorn or angry it was just a question. "Gender doesn't matter to us. Never has, but yes it was a guy."
"Human or a Nation?"
"Let's go with nations."
"Just two and don't worry about it. It happens. I think England just had a kid a couple of years ago."
"I heard nothing about that."
"You wouldn't. See, the baby was half human, so the kid only live for five years before it died."
"… I see. What are you planning?"
"Well, nine months isn't too long for me and I will have to announce it to my fallow nations but it won't be recorded. Kind of like don't tell the humans thing, but I'll tell you. Since I like you so much! Ah, bye boss, I gotta get to that meeting!"
"Don't run Alfred!"
The meeting was going well. Everyone was talking, England and France got into a fight. Germany broke them up and there was Greece sleeping.
Smiling Alfred rubbed his stomach. It had been a while since he had a child. Not since his fifty state had been born. He loved kids but this one would ended up being a town instead of a state. Now the only problem was that he had no idea who the father was.
Russia and Germany.
Damn it. If Germany hadn't gotten him so happy over the pin he would never had slept with him. But he admitted it had been nice. At lest Ludwig had shown interest in him. Though he was weary at first and was talked into it, he admitted that the German could be a nice lover but his heart was still with the Russian.
Or was it?
Now he was confused.
"America it's your turn. What have you brought to the floor?"
America stood up. "I'm pregnant." And sat down.
"WHAT!" the whole room boomed.
Both Russia and Germany were the only ones who didn't shout but look in his direction with shock. Alfred smiled and laughed as everyone freaked out.
This was the fist chapter of another fic. I know its not that goood but please let me know if I should delete it.