Hey there, this story is literally about Jake and Renesmee's Story about her growing up from the bubbly little teenager who's Jakes best friend up till the moment Jake and Renesmee fall in love. There will be some lemons in this story so beware!

Jake and Renesmee; Growing up

This week is going to be a good week!

Jake's POV

Nessie. It had a ring to it. I liked the way it rolled on my tongue. Nessie. Renesmee. She is my life now, I stared down at the little 6 year old, she had 1 more year left of growing up before she fully matured. She may have only been 6 years old but she had the mind and the looks of a 15 year old. She was my best friend, my amazingly talented little half breed best friend. This of course my pack thought it was funny, only me would imprint on the daughter of Edward and Bella Cullen. Of course it was weird walking in to the Cullen cottage, or the big white house at first, but id grown used to it, even the smell. I even started beginning to see the Cullen's as family, even blondie, who had warmed up to me quite a lot. But life seemed more a less perfect now.

I walked into the Cullen house to see my little girl before I had patrol with the pack, I had picked up on the sweet rotting smell as I was in wolf form patrolling around the cottage, obviously close enough to save Nessie from any trouble, and I didn't want to worry anyone… but it's hard keeping your thoughts from a mind reading vampire. It's obviously a lot harder to tell the difference from the Cullen's and invading vampires but because of the difference in their diets you could notice that other vampires smelt a lot sweeter, the kind of rotting sweet which hurt to breathe as it burned your nose, burned your insides like acid.

I was drawn out of my thoughts by Edward I hadn't noticed he had come to stand next to me until I heard him speak.


I turned to look at him as I was still in wolf form, sometimes mind reading had its advantages.

Yes? I mentally spoke. Edward chuckled.

"Me and Bella were thinking, Renesmee is old enough to stay by herself for a while in the cottage for a week, whilst me and Bella take a short holiday as it is are wedding anniversary soon and id like to do something special. You are like a son to me Jake, a brother, and I know you would take care of my little girl, you wouldn't mind looking after her for the week we are away? I know it's a burden but Rose and Em are still in new York, Alice and Jas are staying with Garrett and Kate until the middle of the week, and I don't really want to call Carlisle and Esme back as they only got on the isle of esme yesterday, would it be any trouble?"

How could Edward think of this as a burden? I would run miles, I would run all around the world for Nessie if she asked me to, of course id look after her for a week! I'd take care of her for years if it meant I could be with her, I would give up my life, wherever she move's I move, we were totally in sync with one another I feel what she feels, my Renesmee was my little world, my universe…

"Yes Jake I get it she's your world, your best friend, your life blah blah blah"

Shit stupid mind readers…

"Well I take it you'll take good care of her, me and Bella are off out tonight, so come by in the morning to take care of her. Thank you Jake."

No problem, have I erm nice holiday? Wedding anniversary.

"Thank you Jacob."

Edward dashed off back to the cottage, in guessing to probably tell Nessie and Bella of the plan. Well this is going to be fun, one week with Nessie, we could go to the beach, see Emily go to a bonfire with the pack, she'd enjoy that.

"Jake!" my little Nessie shouted, I knew it was her before I turned to look at the little 15 year old running towards me, who jumped on my back in a tight hug as she stroked my fur.

"A whole week Jake! Can you believe it? What are we going to do, We should go cliff diving, and to the beach…"

I barked a laugh at her, if only she could hear me…

"come on Jake I want to go hunting and then we can go back to the cottage and say bye to my momma and daddy before they leave for their trip"

I agreed mentally and nuzzled her shoulder, indicating for her to get on my back, I felt her grab my fur and I began running to find are best hunting spot. She got down off my back and said a small thanks before she ran off to find her prey. I followed not too far behind not wanting to lose her just in case the vampire we had been trying to hunt came back.

I watched intently at the young girl stalking her prey, she made an elegant leap through the air and landed on her prey, not making and mess or tearing her dress in the process when she was done she rubbed her belly contently and sighed. I wish I knew what she was thinking. She then hopped back on my back.

"Come on Jake let's go home, and say good bye to my parents, could I also come to the bonfire tomorrow night?"

I nodded and barked as I nuzzled for her to cling on to me…

We reached the cottage, and Nessie jumped off my back and in to the little fairy tale cottage to say goodbye to her parents. I needed to phase back, I felt the heat tremor down my spine as I transformed to my human self and I yanked on my pants as I walked in to the Cullen cottage.

"Jake!" Bella gushed coming over to me in such a hurry I could hardly see her figure running towards me.

"Nice to see you to Bells'" I chuckled.

"Now, you better take care of my baby, make sure you feed her everyday make sure she stays safe, if I come home and she has a scratch, a SCRATCH Jacob Black, I will personally rip your head off!"

Help…I thought in my head to Edward

He just chuckled and shook his head

"Sure sure Bella! Not a scratch I promise!"

"Good, im glad we understand each other…" She then turned to Nessie. "Nessie baby, take care of yourself, make sure you eat, call me or you dad if you have a problem, any problem!" Bella looked at me.

I rolled my eyes.

"Of course I will momma, now go you don't want to miss your flight" She gave her mum a kiss and Bella then dashed to the car.

"Jake, take care of my little girl. And Nessie look after yourself, no parties, no drinking I don't want none of it."

"Of course daddy!" She said in her sweetest voice. "Well you better get going, I'll see you in a week!" She smiled as her dad kissed her on her head, and dashed out in to the car.

"We'll call when are flight lands." Bella said in a whisper but we all heard it. Super hearing right.

And they both took off in to the night, with my best friend stood at the side of me.

This week's going to be a good week!

So first chapter! What do you think? Tomorrow's going to be the bonfire, but things are going to be a little different ;) … If you did enjoy if you didn't, just please review it gives me motivation to keep writing and id really like to make this book a long one!

Lots of love

Run With The Pack . X