A/N: OMG this chapter took soooo much longer than expected! I just really wanted it to be as perfect as possible. Anyway, I would really, really love and appreciate reviews because I'm nervous about how you guys are going to like this. Hope you enjoy!

After the night's surprising events, if Kurt and Blaine felt the change in dynamic between them, neither mentioned it. After getting a couple more hours of sleep, the two had left the camp and were back on the road to Crylan City. They had about a day and a half of travel left before they arrived, and Kurt was nervous for what would happen once they did. The optimistic outcome would be he would get to go home, right? He really didn't want to think about what the negative outcome would be. There was one thing he was certain of though, and that was he actually wanted more time to figure out what it was that he was starting to feel for Blaine. He was worried a day and a half wasn't enough.

See, there was a constantly present tension between him and Blaine, and it was killing him. Not an awkward tension or an angry tension…but like a…dare he even consider it…sexual tension? Whatever it was, it was always there, causing his heart to race every time Blaine smiled at him or his skin to tingle whenever they were within touching distance.

At first, Kurt thought it was just him. He figured he was just imagining that this…"thing" had developed between them when Blaine had saved his life. But he started catching some signs that Blaine felt the same way. Blaine was good at keeping an emotionless expression, Kurt wouldn't be surprised if "How to Poker Face" was a required lesson for assassins, but Blaine slipped up once in a while.

Kurt would smile or laugh or say something witty that Blaine would always find so funny and Kurt would catch it-a flash of change in Blaine's eyes. The hazel would soften to honey and he would tilt his head very slightly and just gaze at Kurt with such endearment. It made the young prince's breath catch every time.

A second would go by, maybe even two, and then Blaine would compose himself and turn his eyes away, continuing the conversation as though nothing happened. Kurt would suck in a breath and look down at the floor as his mind tried to make sense of what happened.

Whenever Kurt was sitting on the horse behind Blaine, he didn't try to back up as much as possible on the saddle anymore. That morning when Kurt had climbed on after Blaine, he tentatively allowed his torso to press against Blaine's back, and Blaine tensed. Kurt wished he could see his facial expression, but was also glad Blaine couldn't see his because he knew he was blushing. Blaine's shoulders eased after a moment though and they went on their way without a word about it.

It had been after that when he realized he was rather desperate to find out whether Blaine…whether Blaine what? Liked him? Loved him? Was attracted to him? He knew he was being ridiculous, but the idea that another gay man might actually have feelings for him was far too new and exciting to ignore, putting the fact that said gay man was an assassin who kidnapped him aside.

From Blaine's perspective, Kurt's advances certainly did not go unnoticed. All day long, Blaine was tortured as he used every ounce of his self-control to repress his feelings for Kurt, but damn it, the prince did not make it easy. Those eyes. That smile. That goddamned sense of humor Blaine already adored so much. Pure torture. At one point when they stopped by a small town to eat in the middle of the day, Kurt would occasionally brush his arm against Blaine's as they walked side by side looking for somewhere to eat. Every instinct he had screamed at him to grab Kurt's hand. He just wanted to hold it so bad. God, it felt like Kurt was turning him into a 12-year-old with a crush.

He did everything to keep his emotions in check, to try and not lead Kurt on. He wasn't doing enough though. He knew he wasn't because the advances only increased over the span of the day. Blaine's heart pounded in his chest just being the gorgeous man's presence. He could try and convince himself all he wanted that there was nothing between them, but it wasn't true.

He could feel himself falling in love with Kurt, and it was wrong. It was so, so wrong.

By the end of the day, Kurt had enough. He needed to figure this out tonight.

Blaine had agreed to stay in an inn due to his complaints about not having slept in a proper bed for days. It was a small room in which the two beds took up a lot of space. The two of them couldn't walk around without accidently brushing up against each other. Or maybe they were just purposely brushing up against each other?

While Blaine was removing his belt that held all his weapons and placing it on a chair in the corner of the room, Kurt watched silently and got up from where he was sitting on the bed he had claimed (actually, he had originally wanted the one closer to the door, but Blaine refused to let him have it. "For obvious reasons," he had said). Blaine heard footsteps and looked behind him. Kurt froze, standing at the foot of Blaine's bed. He leaned back against the wall across from it, looking down at his hands which were fidgeting with the hem of his shirt nervously.

"We need to talk…about last night."

Fuck, Blaine knew this was coming. He would be naïve to think they would reach Crylan City without Kurt wanting to discuss this at some point. "What about it?" he asked simply, turning to face the prince.

Kurt chewed his lip as he thought of what to say. "After you saved me…"he started softly," I noticed something…something changed and you…you can't tell me you haven't noticed it, too, because I know you have," he said quickly, feeling embarrassed at how completely tongue-tied he was.

Blaine stared at him for a moment. He could lie. He could say he had no clue what Kurt was talking about, but then Kurt looked up at him with those eyes. Damn it. "Yes, I have."

Kurt didn't say anything, just stared at Blaine with such expectancy and Blaine had no idea what it was Kurt wanted.

Well, that was a huge lie. He does know, but doesn't want to admit it. He doesn't want to admit that Kurt wants exactly what he wants, because what he wants is wrong.

"So…do you…" Kurt's cheeks turned pink and he was pretty sure he had never felt more awkward in his life," do you…like me?"

Blaine couldn't help himself. He smiled gloatingly. "Well, this is certainly a side of you I haven't seen. I've caused the great Kurt, Prince of Cutting Wit, to become flustered. Should I be flattered?"

"Hey. The wit's still here. Don't test me," Kurt narrowed his eyes. Blaine's responding laugh made Kurt smile.

"I would never," Blaine said, and once his laughter died down, he realized he should probably answer Kurt's question. "Yes…I like you. More than I should."

Wow, now Kurt could feel butterflies in his stomach. It was so silly, but then again he's always been a bit of a hopeless romantic, and now that he was actually experiencing a bit of romance for the first time in his life, he couldn't help but be excited.

"Prove it," Kurt said softly, immediately surprised at himself for saying something so brave.

Blaine was surprised by it, too.

Don't listen to him. This is wrong…he thought, but started walking towards Kurt anyway. This is wrong…he told himself again as he stopped in front of Kurt and took in the sight of his wide, expectant eyes and pink lips and blushing cheeks. This is wrong…he placed his hands on the wall on either side of Kurt's head.

"Blaine…" Kurt whispered, his voice sounding like a plea and the way he parted his lips and sucked in a small jagged breath made Blaine have to squeeze his eyes closed to cut off that image from his head because, god, did he want to taste those lips so badly.

"Blaine, please."

Clenching his teeth, eyes still closed, Blaine answered hoarsely," Please what, Kurt?"

"Kiss me. Please, Blaine, kiss me," he begged and Blaine's knees nearly gave out from under him. Christ, this man was going to be the death of him.

"This isn't…I shouldn't…" Blaine stammered.

"Open your eyes."

Blaine did, and regretted it instantly. Kurt's blue eyes were gazing at him full force with such innocent desire that there was no going back now. One kiss. There couldn't be…too much harm in that, could there? Just one kiss to settle whether or not this chemistry between them was real.

Blaine leaned in slowly. The prince's eyes fluttered closed as Blaine's mouth came in close, but he didn't make contact yet.

"Are you sure?" Blaine's breath ghosted over Kurt's mouth.


Okay then.

Blaine pressed his lips against Kurt's.

Oh god, this is what heaven tastes like. It has to be, Blaine thought immediately. Kurt's lips were so much softer than he ever could have imagined them to be, and everything he had been thinking before about why this was wrong vanished because this felt so right.

He parted his lips and kissed Kurt deeper, who kissed back eagerly. One kiss he had told himself, but there was no way he was stopping now.

For a while, Blaine kept the pace slow and sweet and soft, knowing this was Kurt's first time kissing another man and he wanted it to be perfect for him. However, things got steamier rather quickly when Blaine took Kurt's bottom lip and sucked it gently, causing Kurt to whimper and bring his hands up to tangle in Blaine's curls.

The feeling of Kurt's hands tugging at his hair made him groan and kiss Kurt harder, grabbing the prince's hips and pulling his body forward to press against his. Kurt's mouth opened in a small gasp and Blaine slid his tongue in. Kurt gripped his hair so tightly in response it should have hurt, but Blaine didn't notice in the slightest due to the pleasure he experienced as Kurt's tongue met his hesitantly and he moaned softly. Kurt's hips bucked up against Blaine's, and there was no mistaking the fact that the two of them were now hard.

Kurt let out a whine when Blaine leapt back instantly, panting heavily and almost stumbling back onto the bed behind him. Kurt stared at him, trembling slightly at the sudden loss of such warm and pleasurable contact.

"I'm sorry. I went too far," Blaine muttered.

For a moment, the only sound in the room was their panting breath.

"…no, you didn't," Kurt whispered shyly.

Blaine ran a hand through his hair, dropping his gaze to the floor, feeling ashamed of himself. Now that his head wasn't clouded by the euphoria of kissing Kurt, he knew they had a problem. "This…" Blaine pointed a finger between him and Kurt," this isn't right, Kurt. I shouldn't have gotten carried away like that. I shouldn't have even…started it. I'm sor-"

"Don't apologize!" Kurt snapped, and Blaine looked up in surprise. Angry tears were welling up in Kurt's eyes. "Don't say sorry and tell me that…that you regret what you just did because that's not fair! You can't give me my first kiss and then tell me it shouldn't have happened!" he shouted, his voice breaking.

Blaine shook his head and moved forward, cupping Kurt's face in his hands. "No, I-I'm not! I'm just saying-"

"You're saying it was wrong and that you shouldn't have done it," Kurt argued, knocking Blaine's hands away from his face and wiping the tears falling down his cheeks. "How the hell do you think that makes me feel?"

Wow, Blaine was really making a mess of things. Kurt was right though, he couldn't take back kissing him now, and he really didn't want to. There was no doubting the attraction between them, and besides, it had felt right.

He took Kurt's hands in his and kissed them both. "I don't regret it, believe me, and I'm sorry for ruining such a special moment. However, we can't deny that…a relationship between us is forbidden," he said, wiping a tear off of Kurt's cheek with his thumb.

Kurt sniffled and nodded. He did know that, but wanted to deny it so much. Pushing away the truth wouldn't help anything though. "I don't want it to be…" he muttered.

"Neither do I."

"Then…let's pretend it's not. Just for now…just for tonight…can we pretend this is okay?" Kurt murmured as he began to lean into Blaine as though going in for a kiss, eyes gazing at his lips.

Blaine swallowed nervously. "We can't," he answered hoarsely.

"Please, Blaine."

Fuck, Blaine couldn't believe how easily Kurt was able to break through years of practiced self-control with those two words.

Kurt shyly pressed a kiss to Blaine's mouth, and he immediately deepened the kiss. Kurt could tell he was already getting addicted to this, and he wondered if kissing was always this intoxicating or if it was just Blaine. Were everyone's lips as soft and warm and full as his?

Blaine's arms wrapped around Kurt's waist slowly, as though he were making sure doing so was okay. Kurt responded by wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck, which seemed to please him because his kisses became more insistent against Kurt's mouth.

The way their mouths fit each other so perfectly, the way their tongues slid together, the way Blaine would go from kissing him hungrily to gently and then more passionately again, Kurt could not get enough. No wonder Puck wanted to make out with girls all the time. Kurt always chastised him for it, but now he understood.

Blaine pulled away a couple inches so he could look at Kurt's face, who blushed furiously at the way Blaine's hazel eyes gazed at his lips and then over his cheeks and nose up to his eyes.

"It upsets me that you've never had anyone to do this with you," Blaine murmured softly, fingers stroking the small of Kurt's back lightly.

"The kissing?"

"That…and not having anyone to properly worship you the way to deserve to be," Blaine pressed a kiss to Kurt's cheek and then his jaw.

Kurt sucked in a breath. "Wha…what do you mean?" He dropped his head back as Blaine's mouth ghosted along his jaw.

"I mean…"Blaine pressed a kiss to the pulse point on the side of Kurt's neck," that you are"-he pressed another kiss a little lower-"absolutely stunning"-a little lower-"and I'm shocked"- he sucked lightly at Kurt's Adam's apple, causing Kurt to gasp and bring his fingers into Blaine's hair-"that not one man"-more kisses-"has turned gay"-sucking and licking at various spots along Kurt's neck-"just at the sight of you."

"Blaine," Kurt moaned, and it was the most beautiful sound Blaine had ever heard in his life. His head automatically filled with countless images of what he could do to hear Kurt make that noise again. He desperately wanted to lay Kurt on the bed and keep worshipping him with his mouth, making sure not an inch of the gorgeous man's body was left unkissed.

But he didn't want to move too fast. So he kissed back up Kurt's neck and the two of them clung to each other as their lips met again. They kissed for what felt like hours, alternating between hot and desperate to soft and sweet. Their hands explored each other tentatively, fingers trailing up and down spines or tangling in hair or hands pressed against cheeks or spanning each other's chests. They felt the need to memorize each other. This may be the only night they would be able to.

Blaine walked backwards, pulling Kurt with him until the back of his legs hit the bed. He smiled as he fell back onto mattress with Kurt falling on top of him, finding the bewildered look on Kurt's blushing face incredibly amusing and adorable.

It was startling for Kurt how intensely intimate this felt, lying on top of Blaine like this. Their bodies were pressed against each other with no space in between, his face hovering just over Blaine's. One of his legs had fallen between Blaine's and there was no mistaking his erection pressed against Kurt's hip, and Kurt panicked slightly when he realized Blaine could probably feel his also.

Leaning up a bit to bring his lips to Kurt's again, Blaine ran his hands up Kurt's sides as he kissed him deeply. He brought one hand up to hold the back of Kurt's head as he angled the kiss and pressed his tongue into Kurt's mouth.

The amount of pleasure Kurt felt as Blaine's tongue explored his mouth caused him to unconsciously thrust his hips slightly against Blaine's and oh my god did that feel good. He let out a gasp and pulled back, eyes wide in a mixture of awe and confusion.

"What's wrong?" Blaine frowned, immediately assuming the reason the pulled back was because this was too much for Kurt and maybe he was beginning to feel uncomfortable.

Kurt's face turned an incredibly deep shade of red as he tried to think of what to say. "I…I need…" he stammered and realized there was no way he was going to be able to say it without dying of embarrassment, so he decided to show it.

He rolled his hips against Blaine's again, and both he and Blaine groaned at the wonderful friction. "Oh…I see…" Blaine smiled, but it faltered quickly. "But are you sure? I don't want you to do anything that might make you feel uncomfortable."

Kurt nodded vigorously because, yes, he was absolutely sure.

"Ok…here…move this leg over…oh yes just like that," Blaine groaned as Kurt moved to straddle him and now their erections were pressed against each other, and he wondered if they should take off their pants but knew Kurt might not be comfortable with that. This was enough anyway. This was more than enough.

He realized Kurt was trembling and looked really nervous. "Hey…"Blaine whispered and brought a hand to Kurt's cheek. "We can stop if you want, if you're not comfortable with this."

"No, I…I want this…I just," Kurt looked so sheepish, it was incredibly adorable, "I've never done this before so um…well I don't really know what to do and-"

Blaine attacked Kurt's mouth with a breathtaking kiss. "You're cute. You're just so cute," he murmured against Kurt's mouth as kissed him again and again. When he pulled back, the way Kurt's eyes were sparkling with happiness made his heart melt. "What you're going to do is easy. Just…rolls your hips against mine like you did before…and do what feels good," he said, wishing he could explain it better than that.

Kurt nodded and did as he was told. He moved his hips forward so he could feel the length of his erection slide against Blaine's, and even though there were the layers of clothing between them, the sensation was still wonderful. He did it again, pressing down harder and letting out a whimper.

Blaine's hands grabbed onto Kurt's thighs, marveling the feel of the muscles there shifting as Kurt rutted against him. Although Kurt was doing great, Blaine needed more. He began to shift his pelvis up to meet Kurt's thrusts and Kurt let out such a delicious moan that Blaine growled and abruptly flipped them over.

"Hey! What are you- oh," Kurt moaned again as Blaine ground his hips down roughly.

"Better?" Blaine smiled mischievously, bracing himself up on his elbows as he took control.

Kurt could only whimper in response because yes, this was so much better. Blaine obviously had a lot more experience in this than he did, and Kurt's legs wrapped tighter around Blaine as his cock thrusted perfectly against his again and again. All his life, Kurt had dealt with people asking him "Are you sure you're gay? You've never even been with a man, Kurt, so how can you be sure?" Now there was absolutely no doubt in his mind at all about it because this was the most incredible thing he'd ever felt.

Blaine watched the way Kurt completely lost himself in his pleasure, head arched back, exposing the pale column of his throat, eyes closed, and mouth open and moaning. It was gorgeous. He brought his mouth to side of Kurt's throat and sucked gingerly.

Feeling heat pool in the pit of his stomach as Blaine drove him closer to orgasm, Kurt's hands clutched at Blaine's back, grasping the fabric of his tunic. "Blaine I…I'm going to…" He felt Blaine nod against his neck, and then he whined as he made his thrusts slower and deeper.

Suddenly Blaine was whispering hotly in his ear. "God, you're so perfect, Kurt. So fucking beautiful. Come for me." And Kurt did. He moaned Blaine's name rather loudly as he came , which sent Blaine into his orgasm as well, groaning Kurt's name into his neck quite a few times as he continued to thrust their cocks together through their high. Once finished, he rolled of off Kurt onto his back, panting heavily.

"No," Kurt whined and rolled over, pressing into Blaine's side. "Hold me."

Blaine let out a breathy laugh. "Well, aren't you demanding?" Kurt couldn't help but giggle and he rested his head on Blaine's right shoulder so Blaine could wrap that arm around Kurt, and Kurt wrapped his arm around Blaine's waist.

"So, are you okay?" Blaine asked, suddenly concerned that maybe Kurt hadn't really been ready for what they just did.

Those thoughts were dispelled as Kurt looked up at him with such a warm, loving smile on his face that Blaine's breath was taken away. "More than okay," Kurt murmured, and Blaine smiled and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"Except for one thing…" he said, and Blaine raised an eyebrow questioningly. "How are we going to clean our pants? Because…it starting to feel kind of gross…down there…"

Blaine chuckled and sat up. "Come on. I'm sure there are towels in the bathroom."