Near the border of Hi no Kuni and Tsuchi no Kuni three Iwa shinobi were leaping from tree branch to tree branch as they got further and further from Konohagakure with the package the Tsuchikage had them retrieve. Said package was a baby named Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze.

When Onoki found out the wife Konoha no Kiiroi Senkō Kushina was pregnant he knew that that it was the best opportunity Iwa could get at revenge against him for humiliating his village in the Third Shinobi War. Onoki knew that the a female Jinchuriki's seal would weaken at child birth and that meant Minato would be busy reinforcing his wife's seal so Onoki had three of his best shinobi infiltrate Konoha and waited until the time was right to kidnap the baby. Now the three Iwa shinobi just need to get to Iwagakure as fast as possible.

"Damn it doesn't this brat ever shut up!" said the Iwa shinobi carrying baby Naruto as he was getting tired of hearing the brat crying and resisted the urge to kill him right there and then.

"Calm down! We're almost to the boarder of the Tsuchi no Kuni, once we enter we'll be in the village soon." The leader said as the three Iwa shinobi continued until a hail of shuriken rained down on them which they quickly dodged.

"I thought more Kiri Hunter-nin had found me. Turns out it was just you three." A voice above them said as the Iwa shinobi looked up at a branch to see a tall thin man with golden eyes and shoulder length brown hair which covered the left side of his face. The man wore a light blue kimono with black pants underneath and an orange sash. Within the kimono was a bamboo jug and a pipe.

Upon recognizing the man from somewhere the lead Iwa shinobi took out a bingo book and saw in the Kiri section the man before them. "Utakata of Kirigakure, wanted for the killing of Harusame, several Kiri Anbu and fleeing the village, reward is 50,000,000 Ryo" (1 Ryo = 1 dollar in this story) "HA this is perfect. Not only will Onoki-sama make us heroes for delivering this brat but we'll also get a huge bonus for collecting your bounty!"

The now named Utakata smirked as he formed some handsigns. The next thing the Iwa-nin knew a thick veil of mist began to cover the surrounding area.

'Damn it! He knows the Kirigakure no Jutsu (Hidden Mist Technique)' The Iwa leader thought as the three of them searched for missing-nin.

One of the Iwa-nin spotted Utakata in the mist and charging towards him as he shouted. "Doton: Doken" (Earth Release: Earth Fist) The Iwa shinobi's entire right arm was then covered with rock as he punched the former Kiri ninja only for him to turn into bubbles.

What?" Cried the Iwa ninja as Utakata appeared behind him with his right hand in a half tiger/ram seal. "Good bye." Was all the Iwa ninja heard as the bubbles surround him exploded, killing him instantly.

"Doton: Dochūbaku" (Earth Release: Landslide) Utakata turned to see the second Iwa shinobi send a large landslide his way. Seeing as he couldn't dodge in time, Utakata blew a large bubble around him which took the shape of a dome as the landslide collided with it. "Ha! That got him!" The Iwa shinobi said only for his victory to be cut short as he was engulfed in a swarm of bubbles. One of the bubbles trapped him inside as it began to fill with ink. A second later it popped, leaving no trace of the ninja.

"And then there was one." Utakata said only to find dozens of bamboo like pillars rise from all around him, trapping him.

"Fool! You fell right into my Doton: Ganchūrō no Jutsu (Earth Release: Earth Pillar Prison Technique) now I can cash in your bounty and…"

As the Iwa-nin gloated Utakata was talking to his biju.

"What do you think Rokubi, Version 2?"

"Yes, it may be a bit overkill but this fool is becoming annoying. Kill him slowly."

"With pleasure."

"Hey are you listening to me?" Cried the Iwa as he saw he was being ignored.

"Now why would I listen to a dead man?" Utakata said smirking as his eye's glowed yellow. The next thing the Iwa-nin saw would be the last thing he ever saw. Red chakra began to seep out of Utakata's skin until it completely covered him in a dark chakra cloak with six tails forming behind him; his body also became more rounded giving him the appearance of a slug, a six-tailed slug.

'Hiruma (Leech Gap) Utakata thought as he moved against the stone pillars while his body began to ooze a corrosive substance that slowly melted them away, allowing him to escape.

"W-wh-what are you?" Cried the Iwa-nin as Utakata stared at him with yellow eyes that promised death.

"Your worst nightmare." The rouge Jinchuriki said as he wrapped his tails around the Iwa-nin before he could escape. The Iwa shinobi screamed and flailed in pain as the corrosive acid emitted from the tails slowly ate him alive.

Finally after what felt like hours to the man, there was nothing left.

After reverting back, Utakata checked on the still crying baby. Not really knowing what to do the rouge Jinchuriki just rocked the baby in his arms until it settled down which surprisingly worked. Looking at it ankle he saw an anklet that said 'Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze'

'WHAT?' Utakata thought as he almost dropped the baby in surprise had he not regained his composer. Now he knew why the Iwa shinobi were coming from the direction of Konoha with this baby. They had kidnapped the Yondaime Hokage's son.

"What do you want to do Utakata? We can't go to Konoha because they'll assume you stole the child"

'I know. And we can't just drop him off at any other village since I'm a missing-nin and Iwa will surely find him again.' Utakata said to his Biju who knew it was true. It was no secret to the Shinobi Nations that Iwa hate Konoha and the Kiiroi Senkō more with a passion since their defeat in the Third Great War.

"Train him."


"You heard me Utakata, train the boy. Since Iwa will surely look for him and civilian life won't cut it you should train the boy in what you know."

"Rokubi you know how I feel about student/master relationships!" Snarled the rouge-nin as the memory of Harusame's 'betrayal' was still fresh in his mind.

"I know Utakata but perhaps you could make an exception just this once."

Utakata thought about what his Biju said then looked at the baby in his arms who was looking at him innocently as if he wanted to go with him. Sighing in defeat, Utakata left with the newborn.

Two years had passed since Utakata had taken young Naruto with him. During those years Naruto was growing up as a striving young infant that wouldn't stay still for too long. Rokubi found it funny to see his host acting as an older sibling/parent when he fed, played, and taught Naruto and occasionally change his diaper.

Two years after rescuing Naruto new had spread of the Kyubi attacking Konoha and having it sealed into the Yondaime Hokage's daughter by the Sandaime. Utakata knew he would have to tell Naruto about his origins and have him return home. But, that was still years away.

-Timeskip 10 years later-

"Suiton: Mizu Kamikiri" (Water Release: Rising Water Slicer)

A Kiri hunter-nin was caught off guard as he was cut clean in half by the water jutsu. Said owner of jutsu was a young boy of 12 with spiky blond hair and blue eyes who was wearing a black kimono with orange trimmings and black pants underneath, standard black ninja sandals, and an orange sash around his waist. A bamboo jug and pipe were also concealed within the kimono. This was Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze.

And he was not having a good day.

For the past three weeks Kiri had been relentless in their hunt for Utakata. A man in the village they had been staying in had sold them out, leading to Yagura to send three squads of his best hunter-nin after them.

After many days of running and fighting, the hunter-nin had them cornered where one of them immediately put a Demon Suppression Seal on Utakata to cut off access to his Biju.

Now the two were fighting off the hunter-nin with everything they had.

A hunter-nin behind Naruto manages to stab him in the back with a kunai, only for the blond to disperse in a cloud of bubbles that blinded him. Seeing his opponent distracted Naruto jammed a kunai into the Kiri-nin throat and twisted it, killing him in an instant.

Turning the young blond saw a hail of shuriken and kunai sailing towards him and used his bubble blower to blocked most of them while dodging the rest only for the last kunai to have an explosive tag attached to it. Acting fast Naruto quickly blew a large bubble that formed a dome around him just as the tag exploded, protecting him from most 'but not all' of the blast.

When the cleared Naruto's kimono has some tears and a few cuts on him but nothing that would slow him down.

Looking up his eyes widen at the sight of a large water dragon heading towards him with yellow eyes that promised death. Without thinking Naruto quickly formed some handsigns and exhaled a large fireball that was white in color that collided with the dragon, vaporizing it into steam.

Naruto of course was surprised as he didn't know how he expelled those white flames and he wasn't the only one.

Utakata 'who just finished off the last Hunternin after him' looked at his student in disbelief 'Impossible! Those flames were of the Shakuton (Scorch Release) but the only ones who had them were the Netsu clan of Sunagakure.' Utakata thought.

'So this boy is also one of those cursed bloodline holders. Yagura-sama will be pleased with his death.' The Kiri Hunter-nin thought as he charged at the still surprised Naruto with a kunai in hand. Naruto quickly snapped out of his shock as he saw the hunter-nin charging but knewhe couldn't do anything as he was exhausted and the shinobi was to close. Closing his eyes all he could do was wait for death. But, it never came.

The young blond gasped when he opened them and saw the body of his sensei in front of him. Drops of blood pooled to the ground as the rouge Jinchuriki took a fatal stab to the heart. Before the hunter-nin could react, Utakata removed the kunai and lodged it in the throat of the enemy shinobi, killing him quickly.

With the last of them killed Utakata collapsed as the young blond ran to his side. Knowing that he wouldn't live, Utakata produced a letter from his kimono and gave to his student. "Naruto, l-listen to me. In th-this l-letter is the origin o-of you-your past."

Naruto nodded in tears as his sensei continued. "Th-there is something e-else. I-I want you to carry on my legacy. Carry on the Rokubi."

Naruto could only nod as he sensei smiled and placed a hand on his stomach.

"Good bye Rokubi. Keep him safe."

"Good bye me friend."

"Fūinjutsu: Biju Kon Ikou" (Sealing Technique: Tailed Beast Soul Transfer)

Ok first off I wanna say, I'm SO SORRY everyone. I know it been months since I last updated or posted a story but here is the reason. On Christmas Day you, my readers were supposed to read new chapters of Blood Fox, Chimera no Naruto, and Naruto of the Leviathan but my computer caught a virus and my files were gone, luckily I have backups though they're not complete so again I'm sorry.

Also does anyone hate how Kishimoto is steering Naruto. In my last rant I put that I hated that the Kyubi belong to the Uzumaki clanand so on but than I read some stories and realized I was mistaken as they seem to do pretty good but know I'm pissed! Why because not only has Tobi been proven to be a fake but the REAL Madara also has the Rinnegan! WTF! Also who the hell is Tobi? Furthermore why do other shinobi know the Hiraishin? I thought that Minato invented the Hiraishin so he could pass it on to his son Naruto. DAM YOU KISHIMOTO!

The last thing I have to say is that I'm gonna be working on a Harry Potter/Predator story as I wanna try something new.

P.S. In this story the Namikaze clan can combine their elements to form sub-elements

Until then, hope you all had a very Marry Christmas and have a great HAPPY NEW YEAR!