They knew she was beautiful from the moment she first originated.
Even the most mature Tetriminos were mesmerized by her tantalizing good looks- and her tantalizing goodies. The alluring crimson hue of her blocks did nothing but accentuate the hard, straight curves of her being. The way she fell, too, seemed to be infinitely more seductive than the other pieces. It would seem as the God-Thing also appreciated her beauty; Unrushed by a hasty Down-Arrow or premature Quick Drop, Z-Piece had all the time in the world to flaunt her assets. Or, perhaps, it was that the oblivious God-Thing had been distracted by His Holy Pizza-Bearing Mother.

Either way, the beauty of the Z-Piece's form was quickly spoiled when she learned of its existence.

The constant wolf-whistles and outpour of compliments led Z-Piece to think that she was special. Which, of course, she was, but everypiece hates Tetriminos who dare to believe such frivolity. At first, she gracefully accepted all compliments-from the steamy T-Piece to that socially awkward Long-Piece. She relished in the wolf-whistles and Tetriminos' other feeble attempts at hitting on her Glory. But, as when a giant, bloodsucking parasite exits one's digestive tract after 12 years without one's knowledge, something was missing. She thought, and thought, and thought, and thought some more, but she still could not conclude what it was. Z-Piece thought more than she had ever thought in her life (which was not very much, A: as a Tetrimina, she lacked sentience, and, B: she wasn't exactly known in the Tetris world for her mental prowess), and she still could not find the missing piece. Thoughts tumbled in her head, making and breaking alliances like towels in a dryer, sans dryer sheet.

And her epiphany arrived.
She felt deprived. Deprived





of love. The hyper-sexual comments that arose from the Tetriminos were dandy, but she was missing wholesome, true love from her oblivious, pizza-loving God-Thing. So, like all nonplussed adolescents, there was only one thing to do- act out. Thus she did. Sexually. Z-Piece fondled all in sight, it seemed. She graced everypiece with her presence, sucking and feeling for little more than a moment of pleasure. Perhaps she expereinced a Tetrorgasm here and there, but overall she merely appeased others not returning the sentiment. Z-Piece was as easy as killing a horde of blind goblinoids when you're a level 25 wizard. For a while, she was perplexed as to why the pieces so flippantly abused her blocks, but, of course, she knew in her non-existent heart that everypiece had already experienced wild, steamy intercourse with her in their imagination.

Thus, after fucking everything with blocks (save Long-Piece), she was left alone, under a pile of other z-pieces (damn things always come five in a row), to Tetrabate. Still, there was no TetrOrgasm. Off to Oblivion with her. As a final comment, the oblivious God-Thing noted, "MOM. YOU KNOW I HATE VEGGIE."