"Speak up, Cody. Speak up, brother." One of his mates was trying to comfort him.

"Trying to…"

Jake sighed. Then stood up, walked over our direction.

"Tried my best." He sounded disappointed. Everybody shrugged their shoulder.

"Come on now. Try everyone's luck." Alli sounded desperate.

I sighed. "All right, I'm up." Just then, I stood up and started walking.

"Nobody can resist your charm, Victoria!" Greyson teased.

I looked at him and rolled my eyes. Just when I reached Cody, I looked over them and shouted.

"Oh, please, Grey." Then they all laughed.

I sat down inches away from Cody. We stayed silent for a few more minutes, and then I decided to talk.

"Hey…" no answer. I sighed.

"Hey, Cody…" he sighed, but still no answer. His head in his hands.

"Coooody." I said, he finally looked at me.

"Finally." I said, exasperated.

He laughed silently. "What?"

"You're a great guy."

"Yeah?" he was just staring at me, blankly. Obviously, broken hearted.

"This is going to be awkward. But no harm in trying to cheer you up, right?"


"Come on now, superstar."

"Can I just say what I want?" he suddenly said.

"Okay…" I sounded unsure.

"Where the hell did I go wrong? She was flirting with every guy she meets. I try my best to give her my money, time, attention. Everything she wants.. Still, I found out she slept with a guy when I was on tour." He sighed heavily.

"Can I say my opinion?" I asked, he nodded.

"That. Was. Gross." I laughed, and then he joined me. Then I stopped laughing and stared at him.

"What?" he said, self-conscious.

"You're…laughing?" I pointed out, more like asked.

"Her loss." I smiled and stood up.

"I got the old Cody back!" I shouted, everybody cheered.

"Told you, Victoria!" Greyson teased again.

I offered my hand and Cody took it. He stood up, and we started walking, he suddenly squeezed my hand, and that made me look at him questioningly.

"Thank you."

Author's Note: Well…this was a comeback story. Just warming up. Just kidding! A simple one shot for a while then I'll be updating. It's nice to be back. Hahaha, very well. I don't own anything. If I did, I'd be so happy. Lol

Advance Happy New Year! (: xx

Kimmy, xx