Cheri: Hi! This is O-sama's first story featuring D-gray Man

Z: For some reason, O-sama is beginning to start liking stories in which Allen is a girl

Allen: Hey!

Lenalee: Well, Allen-kun looks nice as a girl *imagines a female Allen* I want to have a younger sister too!

Lavi: *sees the image of Allen as a girl as imagined by Lenalee* Strike! Allen I wouldn't mind it if you turned into a girl

Allen: *teary eyes* Lenalee… Lavi…

Disclaimer-san: Cheri, Z and their owner doesn't own D-gray man.

In this world, three kingdoms outshine the others: Black Order, NOAH and Pandora

There was a rumor about Pandora's princess. Only a few outsiders were able to see her. She was said to be extremely beautiful, kind and polite. She also possessed an angelic voice and healing abilities.

But still there was a hidden power within her that made her uncle, King Mana, worry. According to rumors, it has to do with Innocence.

Innocence are crystals with powers searched by the Black Order and the NOAH. These two are in a war and nobody knows when it started.

Exorcists are the Black Order's specialized soldiers. They use Innocence as weapons.

Their rival kingdom, NOAH searched for these Innocence to destroy them with their soldiers called Akuma.

Pandora was a kingdom neutral to their hostilities. This changed when a village was destroyed by NOAH. This was the start of Pandora allying with the Black Order.

Three travelers, specifically Exorcists, arrived in Pandora's capital which is Central. They were exploring the capital. It seemed that the people simply adored their King and the princess.

"Che,What an extremely naïve kingdom." Kanda, an exorcist with his sword said

"Now Yu, isn't that a good thing?" Lavi reasoned toying with his hammer.

"Don't call me by my first name Baka Usagi!"

"Hey, both of you should stop fighting" Lenalee ordered "For now let's explore the city"

"Why? Shouldn't we just ask for an audience with the king?" Kanda asked

"Kanda, nii-san said to gather reports about the princess right?"

Kanda looked around.

"Yu?" Lavi inquired

"Kanda?" Lenalee said at the same time as Lavi

"I hear someone singing near the forest."

Kanda went to the direction of the voice. The two followed. At first, they didn't here a thing but then the voice was getting clearer.

"Kimi wa kimi dake shika inai yo kawari nante hoka ni inainda karenai de ichirin no hana."

The owner of the voice seemed content. They went nearer and saw a girl, around fifteen, singing on a clearing.

She had long wavy snow white hair reaching up to her waist. She wore a simple satin blue dress.

"Hikari ga mato -"

She broke off her singing and faced the three Exorcists with her silver-gray eyes that seemed to search to your very soul.

"Who are you?" She asked then noticed the Rose crest on the left breast of their uniforms "Could you be Exorcists?"

Lavi who was mesmerized yelled "Strike!"

"Eh?" The girl looked surprised as Lavi went near and held her hands.

"What's your name? Your address? And-"

"Lavi!" Lenalee scolded "You're scaring her!"

The girl forced a smile."Nice to meet you, Exorcists" she curtsied.

The three of them narrowed their eyes. For a girl to curtsey like that, means that she's a noble.

"So you really were here, Elena!" a cold voice shouted

The girl, Elena looked frantic then calmed down. The Exorcists saw a man with long vibrant red hair and Phantom of the Opera mask on the right side of his face.

"It's been for a while right, Master Cross?"

"Yeah, it's been for a while so what the hell are you doing outside the castle?"

"Er-" Elena was silent, clearly not used to lying.

"Heh, caught you off guard eh?" Cross turned to the three stunned Exorcists, he smirked.

"Young for Exorcists. Follow me, the king is expecting you. And Elena, you are not allowed to escape again. Your uncle was being frantic creating that havoc back there."

"Sorry" Elena's aura was gloomy

Just then a young teenager with spiky black hair and cat-like golden eyes appeared before Elena. He was holding a coat and put it on Elena gently.

"Hime-sama, King Mana is looking for you."

"Thank you, Shion"

Lenalee and Lavi looked at her.

"Is something wrong, Exorcists?" Elena asked kindly

"Are you the Snow White haired princess of healing?" Lenalee inquired, her eyes sparkling.

"Eh?" Elea looked confused

"Elena will not understand that, she hasn't been able to leave the castle when she was six"

"Never that is except now with her awake" Shion added

Cross somewhat gave him a glare in which the latter returned. One could see sparks between them

"Now, now stop fighting would you," a tall lean man with sharp facial features appeared. The three Exorcists somehow recognized him as Baron Aleistar Krory from a diplomatic visit from Pandora at the Black Order a few days ago.

"Krory, what's wrong?" Shion asked

"His Majesty is looking for Elena-sama. If she won't be there as soo as possible, I'm afraid Alicia cannot stop him."

Then black wings appeared at Shion's back. He carried Elena (princess-style).

"Then it can't be help, Cross and Krory, guide the Exorcists will you."

With that, Shion fluttered.

"Amazing, who is he?" Lenalee murmured

"Lord Shion Hanaichi, the Knight of Six" Cross answered

"Knight? Could it be the ones serving the king?" Lavi asked

"Che, besides what the heck was wrong with that princess?"

"Oi, you should watch that mouth of yours Exorcist." Cross warned

"Yes, there are people, especially us Knights, would never forgive your conduct." Krory added "That aside, a carriage have bee prepared. Would you care to join us Sir Cross?"

"I'll be on my own"

As the four of them arrived in the castle, they were guided by a maid to a room. Krory accompanied the Exorcists. They sat down.

"This is a beautiful place, Sir Krory" Lenalee said to in which he smiled

"Thank you,"

Lavi observed his surroundings "Ne, we can ask questions right?"


"What on earth is Pandora thinking?" Lavi asked

Krory was taken a back for a while then he sighed. "I guess you'll ask me that question one way or aother but, Mana-sama is the only one who'll tell you later on"

"Hey, are you also a knight?" Kanda inquired

"Well, I am the Knight of Nine"

"That's great!" Lenalee praised "What about the Alicia girl you're talking about?"

Krory looked shocked, Kanda noticed. "What's wrong?"

"Well, I thought you would ask about Sir Cross first"

"We knew him from what Komui told us. Cross Marian was once a Black Order General but right now he is Pandora's Knight of One"

"Well, Lenalee-san, the Alicia you were asking about is Lady Alicia Akimoto, Knight of Two"

Somewhere outside the castle, a sixteen year old girl with her long brown hair tied in a high ponytail sneezed. Her flower pattern red kimono was hugging her petite figure. She was with Shion in the castle garden.

"Do you have a cold, Alicia?"

She shook her head ad looked at the castle, "Someone's probably talking about me"

"Do you even believe that?"

"It's accurate to me around eighty-nine percent" Alicia yawned. She really was bored with the surveillance and stuff. All she wants was to buy cite stuffs to wear for her and Elena. Well she did also give Mana some books from time to time. She began to form various images on her mind, mostly of her and Elena trying those cute clothes and Mana approving of their cuteness.

"White really suits her" Alicia said loudly

"Alicia, were you thinking about giving stuffs with Hime-sama again?" Shion asked

"Partly." She sighed "When is her Proper Etiquette lecture going to end?"

"Well she still has History, Math, Geography and Language next"

"Argh! That is torture!"

"Now Lady Alicia, you shouldn't say something unladylike especially to ojou-sama's schedule" a man around his twenties said. His long golden hair was plaited and his sea-green eyes were twinkling in amusement.

"Humph, well if it isn't this Lord Kyle. How is the Knight of Seven with his job?"

"I've confirmed that a Noah has entered within our territory."

"What should we do?" Shion asked Alicia as she was of a higher rank than him. Kyle similarly looked at her.

"For now, the two of you look around for while. I'll report this to His Majesty. Return before the meeting with the Exorcists" Alicia ordered

"Yes, ma'am" The two left

"Noah… Could there be a spy here?" Alicia asked herself as she went to Mana's room as fast as she can

Z: If you are wondering from about Elena's song, it's "Ichirin no Hana" from Bleach.

Cheri: For Elena's simple satin blue dress just refer to ..

Z: For some of the characters descriptions, .com is quite a great help

Cheri: For the outfits of Alicia you may refer to http:/www./lace_dress/princess_

Allen: Umm… are you advertising?

Cheri & Z: No, these websites don't even belong to us

Lenalee: So Allen's a princess. Does she have the curse eye and the hand?

Cheri: Not yet.

Kanda: Che

Lavi: Eh? When did Yu arrive?

Kanda: Shut up Baka Usagi!

Cheri: Anyways, if there are questions, we could answer those…. Maybe

Z: You could also give suggestions if you want