Description: this is a story I wrote while at work today. Its not really a story, its a letter to a guy that I'm in love with. I edited to fit Joey/Pacey. It's only a one shot for now unless I can think of somewhere to go with it. Suggestions are always loved if you like it and think it has potential to turn into more than just a one shot-er. This is my sixth Dawson's Creek story. I'll be writing this as well as Conflicted Love, Love Unrequited and Clueless Affection on here now.

Disclaimer: I may not own the characters but this story is original and from my imagination.

Author's note: this is my sixth try at a Dawson's creek story, be nice to me please. This could either be viewed in Pacey's or Joey's point of view. I'm writing it in Pacey's but it could also be viewed in Joey's if you use your imagination You decide and tell me who you see is as and why please. This is a Pacey/Joey fic, my version of how they got together. Enjoy and review thanks

Chapter #1


Merry Christmas, Josephine Lynn Potter.

I am glad to see that you are back in Capeside safe and sound. It has been lonely without my best friend. We used to talk on the phone every night. Things haven't been the same since you left, Joe. If I were to be honest, I would say that things haven't been the same between the two of us for a while. That month and a half we went without talking last year was torture.

You and I have grown apart ever since, things just haven't been the same. The distance between us these days is staggering. It is probably for the best though. The good news is that I have finally stopped wondering if you will ever feel the same for me as I do you. If we were meant to be, I guess that you and I would be together right now.

Instead I'm writing this silly Christmas letter to you. This is what our once thriving relationship has come to Joey. You are probably thinking that this is yet another sappy love letter. You're probably expecting me to pour my heart out once again to you, Potter. To tell you that I love you, that I never really stopped. Not even after all of these years.

You are probably assuming that I'm writing you this Christmas letter in a last ditch hope to get you back. That's not what this letter is about though. I have come to grips with the sad truth. You and I aren't meant to be together Joe. If we were, we would be together right now. But we're not. You're living in the Big Apple and I still reside in Capeside. You're a successful writer and artist, while I'm a skilled cook and restaurant owner these days.

Truth is we have grown apart Potter. It was inevitable. There was a time when I was sure that you would be the girl I would marry. At times I still wish we would get married someday. But you have moved on, its time that I accept things and try to do the same. You will be happy to know that I have given up trying to win you over.

Will you always have my heart Joey? Of course. Absolutely, one hundred percent. Without a doubt you will. But it is time for me to move on. Its time that I find and settle for the woman that I will love second best. Whoever it is will never have my heart. My heart will be forever reserved to you Joey Potter. With hopes she will at least have my love. Who knows, with hopes there is a chance that I might have already found her Joe.

Merry Christmas Josephine Potter.

I hope 2003 will bring you as much happiness as 2002 did to me.

Love sincerely your best friend always,

Pacey J. Witter