Disclaimer: I finally own a new laptop! So, I own that, but nothing else.


Something nearly died inside Inuyasha when he heard his brother might die. He mourned the pup that already had died, and fretted about the ones in jeopardy but it was the feelings for his brother that really woke him up. So, for the next few weeks, when he wasn't busy feeding his still comatose brother energy, he learned demon courting from Sango and Miroku. He also asked for tips from his Alpha tutors.

Jaken was an especial pest when he learned what was going on, but did redeem himself once. He showed the lovely nursery, now fully stocked with everything in threes to Inuyasha.

Inuyasha, for his part, had wondered if his brother had some sort of gift for seeing the future at that. Jaken had laughed until he was rolling on the floor. "No, foolish half-breed! The great Lord Sesshomaru knew the most pups he could have was 6, and the most that could comfortably share a cot was 2. Once it was confirmed he was having multiples, but not how many, he merely covered all possibilities! The great Lord Sesshomaru was very wise, unlike you, you dirty half-breed. How something as lowly as you could end up co-Alpha of the great Dog Demon pack, a Lord of the West, and mate to Lord Sesshomaru, I will never understand!" It wasn't surprising at all when Jaken ended up kicked.

The two healers also began tutoring Inuyasha. As Sesshomaru was still unresponsive, and only Inuyasha's touch did not raise burning welts, they taught him how to raise his brother up, feed him, wash him, lay him back down and otherwise care for him. They told him stories they knew, Sakura's from first hand experience, while Araiguma's was from gossip. These stories helped Inuyasha learn the good side of his brother while not over emotional from hormones – the strong, capable leader and protector of his lands. He learned how caring, not just of Rin, but of the majority of his subjects Sesshomaru could be.

And, finally, he learned from Sesshomaru himself once the dog demon finally woke that he'd been using his Mokomoko for extra energy, as he'd not known long whom the father was and having not had time in the one day before his collapse he'd had with Inuyasha's knowing about the bond to ask for Inuyasha's help. Sesshomaru had cried for hours over his lost child, stopping only when Sakura told him his distress was putting the other children at risk once more.