So I don't know if this is actually any good at all. I just really felt like I needed to write this. And I feel terrible about not writing anything for so long. Once again, BF5 has helped me (sort of) break out of a rut. Please enjoy!
BF5 and all the characters belong to Mattel. I just like to play. – J. Mirembe
I can't help it ...
It's nearly three in the morning. He knows he should be asleep. Even dashing good looks like his can be ruined by enough late nights.
But it's a full moon out, shining serenely over the quiet salt flats. Not to mention that the Reverb has always looked gorgeous under the stars. Driving is a far better alternative than listening to the wind moan outside his bedroom window.
He doesn't even bother to watch the speedometer. It's not necessary. Moving from gear to gear is as seamless and easy as breathing. He can feel the need to shift to a higher gear before it happens. He can hear the acceleration as clearly as spoken English.
He doesn't know how the others had such a difficult time adjusting. Of course, he is so fantastic. But still, why hadn't they been able to control their vehicles from the start? At least for him, driving this car was instinctive. The Reverb is an extension of himself. He's never been at a loss or confused by his vehicle. It was perfectly matched for him after all.
...if I'm taller...
He had actually been starting to consider liking this new life. It should have been his first clue that everything was going to go wrong.
Just like always, his ostentatious older sibling had to worm his way in. He knew how the routine went. They had been through the same old song and dance dozens of times before. It didn't mean having to sit back and watch wasn't just as frustrating as always.
Humiliating him in front of his friends? It was completely typical, classic Simon.
Flirting with Grace? Yet another utterly predictable move on his brother's part.
But then there was stealing his car. Driving off haphazardly with the Reverb. His Reverb.
Entirely unacceptable.
...better looking...
Hurtling through the salt flats at a break neck speed helped somehow. Without looking, he could visualize the needle edging closer and closer to the very top of the speedometer. More than fast enough to get lifetime's worth of tickets. Speeds he doesn't bother to hit outside battle zones.
Normally the battle zones are all he needs to be content. The others can careen around at high speed at all times if they want. He's more than content to cruise through Handler's Corners. The slower pace gives any bystanders a better chance to truly appreciate the combined glory of himself and his car. Not to mention the sheriff who was always lying in wait for a chance to catch any of them. It didn't help that the man apparently hated him.
Now was not a time to show restraint however. He needs this.
The smallest of butterflies come alive in his stomach when the needle finally hits the top. He took a moment to relish the sensation of speed and the freedom it brought. Then pushed one of the numerous buttons littering his dashboard.
Flipping the sleek car end over end is simple. Like every other time, he's in complete control. His enhanced perception means he never gets confused by the combined rotation and speed. Watching the sky and ground switch places over and over again is only amusing.
There was the slightest of jolts as the Reverb's wheels touched ground again. Slowing down fast enough without being too hard on the mechanisms was a little more complicated. Still the car slid to a halt exactly where he meant it to.
Slowly he let out the breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. A slow smile burned its way across his face. He couldn't help but laugh at the memory of his brother's words now.
...and faster!
"No, you're not. And you never will be."