Disclaimer: I do not own Glee or the characters.

Did we miss something…did Sam and Mercedes relationship seem to come out of nowhere? Well here is what I think how the relationship developed. This happens during the episode "Funeral". This is chapter one of at least six chronicling the Mercedes and Sam relationship. I hope you enjoy. This is my first fanfic so please ignore misspelling and grammar errors had to get it all out before I forgot it. Enjoy some Samcedes and Pizes!

Chapter One: Coffee and Blueberry scones by Oluyinka

Practice! PRACTICE! How dare he, Mr. St. James say to Miss Diva that she dare needed to practice her craft? She owned her craft unlike Miss Hobbit walking out on stage now. Rachel's craft owned her and that's why Jesse liked her. Dragging the microphone off stage, she saw Sam Evans walking towards her with his hands in his ash jeans pockets with his cute lopsided smile of his.

"Hey Sam, what are you doing here?", she asked.

"Everyone was talking about how much of a jerk Jesse was last year I just wanted to see if it was true" he replied smiling at her.

"Well what do you think? Were we wrong?" Mercedes asked putting the microphone back with the others.

They both could hear Rachel Berry start to sing her melancholy Barbara Streisand song from Funny Girl. Dayom, she sounded great.

Sam chuckled "I can see where some might say that".

"Did you hear what he said to me needing to practice?" she asked.

"Yeah I heard, but in his defense isn't it what makes Rachel, Rachel right? I mean I've seen her MySpace blogs and that's all she does" Sam said.

Mercedes glared at him. "That may be so…" her voice trailed off lost in thought.

Jesse was right and Mercedes knew that the only way to get what she wanted was to practice her craft. "BlogSpot here I come" she thought. She looked at Sam wanting to thank him for showing her the light.

"But I liked your song better, you sounded way better than her even without practice" Sam said taking a step forward to her. He shoved his hands in the sweatshirt he was wearing.

"Thanks" she said blushing. She glanced around to avoid eye contact and saw Kurt and Santana entering the auditorium.

"Um… I was wondering if you'd like to get a coffee sometime" Sam said almost in a whisper.

This brought Mercedes attention back to Sam. "With who?" She asked.

"Err… me, Puck, and Zizes" he said making a mental note to ask Puck and Lauren to come along.

"Sure, I guess" she said smiling "I should go Rachel is almost done singing" she turned and followed Kurt out from backstage.

Sam smiled after her then ran out the door to ask Puck and Zizes to coffee.

The Lima Bean was packed as usual this time of night. Couples sat reading magazines and books to each other sipping coffee. "I can just gag"- Mercedes thought to herself "but it would be nice to share a drink with someone special. Someday" she told herself and sighed deeply.

"So… I'll get the drinks" Sam said "Mercedes want to come with?"


"We'll get the seats" Puck said.

"Trouty Mouth, medium caramel frapp no whip, some kind of scone or crumpet with blueberries and an espresso for my guy" Zizes ordered at Sam.

"My woman knows my order, nice" Puck said wrapping his arm around Lauren and walking off to find seats.

Mercedes rolled her eyes and smiled "They are the weirdest but cutest couple I've ever seen".

"Yeah they do seem to have something special" Sam said standing a little closer to her hoping she wouldn't notice and kind of hoping she would.

"So Sam, are you, or are you not going to tell me why you asked me here?" Mercedes said crossing her arms looking up at him.

"Um… well you seem like a groovy gal, I just want to get to know you better. I mean we had fun at prom right?" Sam said hopefully.

"Yes we did. It was the best night of my life, thanks for asking me to dance." she said blushing a bit. Wait a minute did he just call me "gal" -she thought- and use the word "groovy" in the same sentence.

They moved up in line.

"It was no problem; actually I had wanted to ask you out for a while now, Mercedes." Sam said giving her his shy goofy smile

"Why"? She asked him taking a few steps back and looking at Sam skeptically.

"Why not… I mean your awesome, smart, a brilliant singer and I never heard you sass anyone who didn't deserve it, unlike my ex" he said this last part quietly.

Mercedes thought back to when Sam was dating Santana. Actually she had forgotten about that it was so quick and now that Santana was pinning over Brittany it seemed like a lifetime ago.

"Mercedes…" Sam said starring at her "What do you say?"

"I don't know, Sam. With nationals coming up and the end of the school, it feels like forever since I've been in a classroom. I'm not sure if a relationship is what I want right now. I just don't want to get hurt" she said softy turning to step closer to the counter as the line moved.

"Look Mercedes I'd never hurt you… I've been hurt to many times myself this year. Can we hangout more, at least"? he asked hopefully.

"Of course, Sam, you're my friend I won't deny you all this jelly" she said stepping up to the counter to order their drinks.

Sam laughed, he was stuck in the friend zone but she gave him hope. They were going to New York next week and wasn't New York where dreams come true. At least that's what Kurt or Rachel said. One way or another New York was his chance with Mercedes and he wasn't going to give it up.

Across the room Puckerman and Zizes eyed the two in line.

"What's up with them?" Lauren asked Puck.

"I'm not totally sure" Puck said looking back and forth between Sam and Mercedes talking in line. "He came rushing up to me at school asking if we wanted to go get coffee with him and Ms. Divalicious. I could tell he was kind of desperate so I said yeah'".

"Well we did get some free four dollar coffee out of it". Lauren said "They are rather cute together. I wonder…" her voice trailed off.

"Whatever is going on it won't say secret for long" he whispered as Mercedes and Sam started walking towards them smiling and laughing, carrying trays laden with coffee and blueberry scones.