It was early in the morning when Beck got the call from his girlfriend.
"Hey, I'm not going to school, so just cover for me okay?"
" You don't sound very good...Are you okay?"
"Yes. No. Sort of. I'm sick okay."
"You're sick? Do you need me to come over?" Beck was slightly worried, he knew Jade was normally the last person to admit that she was sick, and if she was admitting it, there was a problem.
"What, you think I can't take care of myself?"
There was the Jade he knew. He rolled his eyes, even though she couldn't see, and replied
"No babe, I have complete confidence that you will be okay. I just wanted to make sure you didn't need anything before I went to school. Although if you do think of anything while I'm in school, just text me and I'll be there"
"Kay, thanks" he heard Jade mumble, and he could hear in her voice that she really was sick and tired.
"I love you"
"Love you too" Jade said. Beck waited until he heard the familiar 'click' on the other side of the phone before hanging up himself and heading to school
When Beck arrived at school alone, people stared. It wasn't often that Beck was seen without Jade by his side; it was normally her who was left alone when Beck was off visiting family in Canada. Needless to say, the girls at Hollywood Arts were positively rabid. Without Jade there to threaten them with scissors, the girls could get as close to him as they wanted.
By lunch, 15 girls had asked Beck if he and Jade had broken up, and 5 went so far as to ask if Beck would meet them in some closet at lunch. He was just about ready to scream when his phone started to buzz. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the flashing screen.
1 new message: Jade
Beck opened the message, which simply read
I'm in your house.
Beck quickly replied back.
I said I'm in your house. What part of that don't you understand?
How did you get there? I thought you were sick..
I walked you dumbass.
You walked? Jade you're sick, you shouldn't be taking 15 minute walks outside.
I'm coming home. School just isn't the same without you
I love you
Without waiting for a response from Jade, Beck stuffed his phone into his pocket and began to walk away. His friends stared at him for a moment, but they could understand why he was cutting class.
Well, everyone except Tori.
"Hey Beck, where ya going?"
Beck looked at her, smiled in annoyance and simply replied "Jade's sick. I thought you knew. See you guys later."
"Wait you can't just leave school! Guys you're just gonna let him leave?"
Beck saw his friends shrug their shoulders as he turned around and walked off into the parking lot, never looking back.
When Beck walked in the door of his RV, he was met with a sight he was not used to seeing. Jade was curled up on his bed in a purple, skull-covered blanket, and she seemed to be asleep next to a tiny unicorn. Beck leaned over to turn off the small TV that Jade had left on when he heard a mumble from under the blanket.
"Hey, I was watching that."
"Sorry, I thought you were sleeping. You should be sleeping. How are you feeling?"
"I'll take that as a 'not very good'."
Beck sat down on the bed next to Jade and started to run his fingers through her multicolored hair.
"Whats the matter babe?" he said softly.
"I feel disgusting. My whole body aches and my throat kills and I just feel gross." Jade rolled over onto her back, and Beck pressed the back of his hand to her forehead.
"You're burning up."
Jade rolled back onto her stomach and groaned.
"I feel worse than I did when I woke up this morning, if that's even possible."
"Maybe it's because you walked over here. You know you could have just called me and I would have come straight over and picked you up"
"I know I just.. I just really don't want to fight with you right now"
Beck was taken aback. Jade not in the mood for fighting? She was really sick, and he could tell.
" Do you need anything?"
"I need you to come lay down with me"
Beck smiled and complied to his girlfriend's wishes, laying down next to her and slipping his arms around her. Jade wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled into him, sighing in content. Beck gingerly lifted her face up to his and softly kissed her on the lips. When he pulled away, Jade mumbled "I'm going to get you sick too."
"We can be sick together then. Just please, get some rest."
Jade muttered an "Alright" before burying herself back into Beck's chest. Beck smiled as Jade's breathing slowed and she fell asleep in his arms.
A/N: Sooo this is part one of my very first Victorious fanfiction! YAY! It probably sucks, but oh well. I started out writing this as a one-shot but it started to get really long so I split it into two :]
REVIEW! PLEASEE! If you do I shall give you a unicorn. Maybe. I love unicorns. They're like seriously my favorite animal. You know those crazy old ladies who die alone with their 300 cats? Yeeaah I'm gonna be her except with unicorns. I wrote a unicorn into the story, which you probably noticed because it seems OOC for Jade to have a unicorn. Don't worry though, I shall explain in the next chapter... :3