Disclaimer: I own absolutely nothing.

This is the product of A: my boredom, B: the fact that I'm stalled on my Yaoi fics and C: my Doctor Who and Torchwood withdrawal. Oh and D: My friend Tony and I were chatting about if Rex could ever be fixed and that sparked the idea so kudos goes to him.

Warnings: Uhh…spoilers through Miracle Day and The Wedding of River Song, I guess.

Um, also, I know it's called, Fixing Rex, but it's much more Jack/11 centric, but not slash since I'm a major hold out for Janto. Of course there will be MM and MF flirting hence the T rating.

Chapter One

"Jack, are you ever going to come back to the UK?" Gwen asked over the phone she had jammed between her cheek and shoulder while she rocked Anwen.

"I'm going to be here either until Rex is willing come to Europe or until he agrees to keep his mouth shut about the whole immortal thing." Jack looked at Rex who was watching TV in the living room of his apartment from where he stood on the balcony. Jack was staying there, sleeping on the couch…under the threat of being shot and buried under cement if he even approached the bedroom while Rex was sleeping.

"I don't suppose he can be fixed?"

"It's been a month with no change. I don't know how to fix it."

"What about the Doctor?"

Jack hesitated. He would be lying if the thought hadn't crossed his mind honestly, he didn't know if the Doctor would be able to fix Rex, nor did he think the Doctor would appreciate being dragged to a place with two living, breathing fixed points in the same spot. He might start spouting about ripping holes in the time space continuum.


"I don't know. If I had a way to contact him…"

"What about his cell phone?"

"He's changed his number, I think. In any case, I already tried that."

"Well, I actually might have something."

Jack straightened, his eyes getting wide. "What do you mean?"

"Look, I may have…sort of been poking about, looking for the Doctor."


"Oh, I wonder…not because Rex has called me half a dozen times either begging me to drag you back to Wales or to tell him what you've done to him which, incidentally," she added without missing a beat, "I still know nothing about."

"I told you, it's—"

"Complicated, I know. That's what I told Rex." She cooed softly. "Jack, I need to change Anwen. Can we talk later?"

"No, wait, you said you had something for me."

"Oh, yeah, A name kept cropping up. River Song. Not even sure it's a name. Might be a code or a nickname or just two words that happen to flow togeth—"

"It's a name," Jack said solemnly.

"You know it?" Anwen started to squall and Gwen quickly added, "Jack I've gotta go but tell me what you know next time you call."

Jack forced a smile. "Yeah, kiss Rhys for me."

"Idiot," she replied before carefully maneuvering the baby so she could grip the phone and press end.

Jack did the same in LA and stared out and the skyscraper filled view. He knew the name River Song. Every Time Agent knew that name. She was the most notorious escapee from the Storm Cage Facility. In fact, she was the only one to ever escape it. And yet, her crime was fairly unknown, which was strange because it had to be pretty awful to warrant the Storm Cage but not awful enough to merit full time watch detail.

He did know she was there for murder though. But who? And how was she tied up with the Doctor? Perhaps he should pay her a visit. The problem was…he turned back to look at Rex. How to get him to either button it and stay hidden or come along.

Assuming he could get his vortex manipulator back online. Shouldn't be too hard. It was four and nine, right? "Hey, Rex, got a proposition for ya."

"I can't believe you talked me into this," Rex said darkly. "'Hey, Rex, I got an idea on how to fix you.' 'Oh yeah? What?' 'We're gonna go see a girl about a doctor.' Not once did you say anything about jumping through time and space to talk to someone in prison." They were walking down a long, dimly lit corridor, following a guard to River Song's cell.

"Oh shut up, will you?" Jack was tired of Rex's whining, something that had dramatically increased since he had become immortal.

"But if she's in prison, how can she help me?"

"Dr. River Song, archeologist, arrested for murder. She escapes from this facility on a regular basis but is always returning within hours of her escape."

"Why would she do that?"

"I don't know. What's more important," he added, raising his voice so the guard ahead of them could hear him, "is that she somehow manipulates the guards long enough to escape on a regular basis."

The guard, an unattractive man that Jack had no problem not hitting on, winced and tightened his grip on the gun.

"Anyway, Gwen did some digging and her name is tied up with the Doctor's. I'm hoping she'll be able to lead me to him."

"And how does this help me?"

"Look, if anyone can help you, it's the Doctor."

"And if he can't?"

"Then you're stuck like me permanently!" Jack finally snapped. "How much further?"

"None. Song! You've got visitors."

"Ooh, visitors, plural," River's seductive voice filled the air before she approached the bars. The smile dropped off her face as she saw two strangers. It back half a second later. "Two handsome men come to me? I'm flattered. Shall I get my coat?"

"We aren't here to help you escape. We need information."

River pouted. "You're no fun. You haven't even told me your name."

"Captain Jack Harkness," Jack said. "He's Special Agent Rex Matheson, CIA."

"Ooh, a Special Agent and a Captain. This is getting better and better." She laughed. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm looking for the Doctor."

She cocked her head to the side slightly. "Don't you know? The Doctor's dead."

Jack's eyes went wide with horror.

To be continued…

Yes, yes, yes, I know he's not dead and River knows he's not dead but I do get a kick out of watching Jack suffer miserably. Anyway, please review and I'll give you a cookie.

Thanks for reading.