After an overwhelming positive response, I've decided to make a sequel to Seeing isn't Always Believing. (If you haven't read the aforementioned story, I suggest you do. Pronto.)

And without further a-due, I bring you All is Fair in Love and War! I was actually having a problem coming up with a title for the story, but my good friend of mine on here, nabian8735, helped me out. Everyone go check out her stories!


I own nothing but my OCs and this plot line.

Chapter One: House of Emotion

Giana's POV:

I awoke the next morning to the realization that I was still in Fabian and Mick's room. Stifling a yawn and rubbing sleep out of my eyes, I sat up and took a look around. I was wearing one of Fabian's T-shirts that was a few sizes too big, but it was comfortable nonetheless.

"You're awake," he noted, pulling a sweater on over his head. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah," I replied, walking over to him. "Did you?"

He nodded, kissing me softly.

I shivered. For whatever reason, I always woke up cold in the mornings, even though the House had central heating. He gently draped his grey robe over my shoulders.

"Thank you," I told him, pulling my arms through the sleeves. And who says chivalry is dead? I asked myself.

"No problem at all." He smiled. "You look cute."

I blushed, pulling my hair back into a loose ponytail. "I'm gonna head upstairs and freshen up."

I quietly ventured upstairs with my dress and everything else from last night bunched up in my arms. I had made a point to take off my makeup right when we came back from the party, so at least I didn't have that to worry about.

I thought everyone would still be asleep, judging by how it was almost nine in the morning. However, as soon as I entered my room and put my things away, Nina, Amber, and Tori had decided to interrogate me.

"So. What did you do last night?" Amber questioned, getting right to the point. "Your hair looks a bit disheveled."

"Nothing," I said shortly, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"You're wearing one of Fabian's T-shirts," Nina pointed out. "And his robe."

"Nothing," I repeated, blushing.

"You're freaking glowing," Tori pressed, chuckling slightly. "You are so lying right now!"

I sighed deeply, rolling my eyes. "Nothing." I repeated again, this time a bit more forceful.

"I walked in on you two sucking each others' faces off last night," Tori continued. "Listen to me when I say: Giana Rosabella De Luca, you are being such a little liar right now, and if you don't tell me what happened, I shall go to Fabian."

"You wouldn't dare," I stated, glaring at her.

"Try me," she countered.

After a moments' silence, she stood up.

"Oh, Fabian!" she shouted in a sing-song voice, drawing out the syllables in his name. She ran out of our room like a bat out of Hell.

"Tori!" I shrieked, chasing after her.

I ended up stumbling down the stairs, almost falling on my face on more than one occasion, purely because I couldn't see where I was going. I had reached the boys' corridor just as she was banging on the door to Fabian and Mick's room.

"Tori, stop it!" I grabbed her wrist.

"Just tell me what happened and then I'll-"

The door opened. I stared up at Fabian, while he looked at Tori and I, confused as ever. Then I turned around, realizing that it wasn't just us - Nina, Amber, and the rest of our housemates had also appeared in the corridor, while Mick had entered from the direction of the front entryway. He was munching on a banana.

"So, Fabian," Tori started off. "Did you and Giana do bad things last night? Mick said he slept in Alfie and Jerome's room, and when Gia came upstairs earlier, she was wearing this." She gestured to the T-shirt and robe that adorned my body.

I can't believe this is happening, I thought. I so badly wanted to hide under a rock and never come out.

That, or kill Tori.

Whichever worked.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her back upstairs, the other girls following. We locked ourselves in mine, Amber and Nina's room.

"We did it," I mumbled quietly, avoiding eye contact.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Tori prodded.

"We did it," I repeated, this time a bit louder.

"YOU DID NOT!" Amber and Tori shrieked in unison.

I simply nodded, suddenly becoming very interested in my fingernails. "I think I should repaint these. Maybe use a different shade of red."

"Giana!" Tori shouted. "You can't… Ugh, just sit here!" She grabbed me by both wrists and pulled me over to my bed, forcing me to sit down next to her on the edge of it. "Now. Tell us: How'd it go?"

"I can't believe we're having this conversation!" I exclaimed.

"That means you didn't like it!" Amber chimed in.

"No, I never said that!" I countered. "You guys, it was the most amazing, mind-blowing experience of my life."

"You were safe, right?" Nina asked.

"Of course. If there wasn't any protection, we wouldn't have done anything. But guys, you can't tell Nico. Got it?"

"Why?" Mara questioned.

"Her family's very religious," Tori explained. "If they find out what happened… Well, bye-bye boarding school."

"That, and Nico has the capability of killing Fabian," I added.

I had three faces staring at me in bewilderment. Patricia, on the other hand, didn't look surprised in the slightest.

"Yeah," Tori and I said in unison, nodding.

"Anyway, can I go brush my teeth and shower and whatnot?" I asked, changing the subject.

Without waiting for an answer, I gathered my things and left the room.

Fabian's POV:

"Was it good?" Jerome asked.

I had just told the guys about the previous nights' events. Now, they were interrogating me.

"It was amazing," I said, smiling. "Really. Absolutely perfect."

"You were safe, right?" Alfie prodded.

"Of course. I wouldn't have wanted to do it if there wasn't any protection."

I glanced over at Mick. He wasn't really saying anything, and seemed to be avoiding eye contact with everyone.

"Are you alright, mate?" I asked.

"Yeah," he answered. "Just tired."

Giana's POV:

After I had freshened up, which included changing into dark-wash jeans and a sweater, I took a trip back downstairs, intending to talk to Mick.

"Hi," I said, walking into his and Fabian's room. "I need to talk to Mick for a minute."

"Me?" Mick asked.

"No, stupid, your clone," I quipped. "Of course, you!"

"Is everything okay?" Fabian asked.

"Yeah. No big deal - I just need to talk to him. Is that cool?"

"Certainly. I'll see you in a bit?"

"Sure." I handed him his T-shirt and robe back, we kissed, and he left, closing the door.

I sat down next to Mick. "Listen," I started awkwardly. "You probably heard about last night… and you cannot, under any circumstances, tell my brother."

"Why?" he responded.

"You two are on the soccer - er, football - team together, and if he found out about what Fabian and I did, well… He actually has the capability of killing him. Are we clear?"

Mick's POV:

Giana is so pretty… What? Why am I thinking this? She's with Fabian!

I had an internal debate with myself as I looked into her beautiful, dark, chocolate-brown eyes.

I liked her, that much was true. I guess I always had - I'd just been too side-tracked by Amber, Mara, and now Tori, to realize it.

My younger sister is blind. That's why my father wanted me to become a doctor: To help her. But then I got more interested in sport.


The only thing I'm good at.

I envied Fabian. He got any girl he wanted, he did well in school, said the right things, and everyone liked him.

Me? I was just a sport player who people thought didn't have two braincells to rub together. The only things I excelled at were playing football, eating a lot, and annoying my father to the point of madness.

I continued staring at her. Her beautiful eyes; flawless olive complexion; elegant, long, dark hair, curled to utter perfection.

Her accent.

Her accent was different compared to Nina's. It was… softer. Quieter. She seemed more approachable. Easier to listen to.

I wished it was me who had kissed her last month. That the comment I made about her vision had never left my mouth, and it was someone else who'd said it, just so I could run back to Anubis and find her. Talk to her. Confess my love to her and kiss her like Fabian had.

I wish it had been us to do the unthinkable last night instead of them.

It should be me, not Fabian, I thought. I felt like I could relate to her more than he could. I could even relate to Nico more than he could.

I so badly wanted to just take her in my arms and kiss her. Hold her. Tell her everything was going to be okay. That I was there for her, whatever the cost may be.

But I had to restrain myself.

I always had to restrain myself.


She was trying to get my attention.

"Huh?" I responded, snapping back to reality.

"I asked if we were clear."

"Yeah," I said quietly. "Crystal."

"Thank you so much!" she exclaimed. She leaned over and hugged me, and I almost felt my heart stop.

I couldn't be having these feelings! Fabian was my best mate. The guy I shared everything with.

But Giana's embrace… it made me feel lighter somehow. Happier.

And then there was the matter that I had kissed Tori at the party last night.

Without even thinking, I leaned in and kissed her. It only lasted about a second - it was more like bumping our heads together and my lips had just so happening to brush against hers.

I let go of her and leaned back, watching her slowly bring her fingertips to her mouth. She stared at me in shock.

"I… have to go…" she said quietly.

And she stood, running out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"I can't do anything right," I muttered, resting my head in my hands.