The song, Open your eyes by Sum41 got me to write this out, I thought it perfected Sasuke and Naruto and well…instead of making a video about them, I can just write about them! (Just so you guys know, I've set this aside from the anime or manga so don't confuse it with 'isn't deidara supposed to be dead?') GOT IT?

Summary: A series of letters have been found, uncovered by Kakashi and Sakura as they look into the past of their late team mates who have been lost in battle. They each read a letter either from Naruto or from Sasuke, both boys making the letters out as though they had been talking to each other all this time without talking to each other in person. (Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto are all 15!)

Warning: Not much of a warning for this chapter but later chapters will have some warnings.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto! Or these lyrics below! I do own the letters though.

Open your eyes, Sasuke!

This isn't me,

This isn't you,

This is everything but true,

Till we come to realize

It's what we put each other through.


Broken-hearted and saddened by the loss of two of their best friends and team mates, Sakura Haruno, the pink haired kunoichi who had been apart of team seven, and Kakashi Hatake, the grey haired leader of their squad and probably the only one who really understood the problems within the group. Both Sakura and Kakashi were devastated to hear that both Naruto and Sasuke had fallen during a fight with Sasori and Deidara, two of Akatsuki's members. They had been sent on a mission a month ago and now the group had only two members that came back from the mission. Tsunade, the hokage of their village and med-nin, had also thought it was impossible for them to die so quickly. Not that she was second guessing their powers, it was just odd to her that the blonde young man who swore he'd become hokage one day, let himself get carried away.

Tsunade had overlooked their bodies over and over but saw no signs of vital life along with the nine-tailed fox demon that was sealed within Naruto's body. It was like it never existed.

Now, standing in the hokage's tower and main office, Sakura Haruno and Kakashi Hatake, both stood silently and waited for their orders. The hokage in question put her hands under her chin and held her head, in deep thinking. It was a bad mixture of an atmosphere and Shizune and Kakashi were both feeling guilty by the time Tsunade was ready to talk.

"Kakashi, my team of medical ninjas found a hidden capsule near Naruto's apartment complex. We've opened it but…they're not letters for outsiders to read. So I took the liberty of giving you the option of reading them before the funerals." Tsunade hated to say the word 'funerals' but she had no choice as the hokage of the village but to say what was needed to be said.

"What letters?" Sakura Haruno asked. She couldn't comprehend what the woman was talking about.

The hokage let out a sigh and turned her chair around to face the window like she liked to do when stuck in a serious conversation. She looked up to Shizune, who gave the woman a slight nod of the head.

"We believe they're from both Naruto and Sasuke but we're not sure who they're for or why. We only know that they signed their names. Kakashi, Sakura, find the meaning of these letters and if you don't mind…find some reason behind their deaths if at all possible, dismissed!" Sakura straightened up and smiled. For the first time since the deaths of her fellow team mates, she was finding hope in the one person she trusted the best aside from Kakashi.

Kakashi and Sakura left and were still as gloomy as ever knowing that their team mates had left behind letters that were unknown to either of them. Shizune and Tsunade were left alone to look out over the village as a daunting, black cloud hung over them in silence. The village itself had felt empty.

Getting to the site, to where Tsunade had pointed it out, Kakashi and Sakura arrived near Naruto's apartment complex. Half the building was put under quarantine for security measures so the medical-nins and ANBU could investigate a bit further. But there was no one here as of now and the building was now empty to the point of becoming a ghostly apartment building.

"Well…let's get to work, Sakura." Kakashi spoke out in a dull voice and walked over coolly towards the dug up hole that had a medium sized metal capsule resting next to it.

Sakura hesitated. She had never visited Naruto on a daily basis except just to inform the boy when and where that team seven would be meeting. Other then that, it was hard to believe that a boy like Naruto or even Sasuke would make letters. Just remembering the two of them standing side-by-side with her got her eyes swelling with tears. Kakashi noticed her crying but he knew there wasn't much to be said at this point of time. There was nothing more he could say that could heal her wounded heart. He knew too well that very feeling of the loss of a team mate and hoped it had never happened when he had his own students. But now it was a past dream that had gone up in flames after Sasuke and Naruto's deaths were confirmed.

"Kakashi sensei…why…why did they…why didn't they ask for help?" The tears took over Sakura's entire face and she found she could not stop herself any longer. She was tired of holding back her tears.

"Your days of crying should be over by now, Sakura." Kakashi hated to be a let-down but he had his own principals to keep. He was a leader of a squad or what was left of it and with the squad he planned for new members despite how much Sakura wanted the other two to come back.

Kakashi lifted the metal capsule off the ground and looked at it thoroughly. It was like a giant pill, the kind you swallowed without chewing and had a flap-like lid at the top of it and engraved on the side of the capsule, were the initials of Naruto and Sasuke. Kakashi never questioned the two of them about their personal lives but this was one thing he felt he should have questioned about. What could be so important of leaving written letters in a capsule anyway? Did it prove they actually lived in this world?

Kakashi looked the capsule over before opening the lid all the way and pulling out a couple of letters. He then said, "There is quite a bit of letters, Sakura." The said girl nodded and wiped away her tears as she walked over to Kakashi and the capsule.

The man handed her a few letters and took a couple for himself. If they were going to find anything amongst the letters, it was best to read them individually and report on any spectacular findings that would point to their mysterious deaths and what exactly happened that day with Sasori and Deidara.

Sakura took her handful of letters and sat down cross-legged. If she was to read every single letter given to her, she wanted to be at least a bit comfortable doing it. The first letter she chose was from Sasuke. Sakura unfolded the letter and was mighty surprised that Sasuke had such wonderful hand writing that it was hard to make out a few words but she was able to make them out fine.

She gulped. It wasn't everyday that she got to read letters from two men who had hardly ever talked to her about their feelings aside from saying stuff about love and justice and whatnot. The letter seemed sad and a bit lonesome as it would have fit Sasuke to a tee. The letter was like a poem to his true feelings.

If I could make a wish, any wish in the entire universe,

I would choose not to be a ninja.

I'm part of the Uchiha clan.

We're famous for our eyes,

But I wonder…is this all

We're good for? I used to spend my childhood days,

Thinking of such things

Maybe my family was cursed and I didn't know it

At that time

Or it was just how things were supposed to be.

But now…I have friends but only one who really knew me

So well!

I just hope our missions don't end my life too soon.

I have a brother to kill after all.


Sakura was left astounded. She knew Sasuke's family was murdered by Itachi Uchiha, but to think Sasuke would even include his brother and his family in a poem-like letter. As for who it was addressed to, there was nothing that would lead the kunoichi to the person who it was meant for. Sakura let out a sigh knowing there wasn't much of a hint with this letter.

Kakashi had read so many letters but these letters from Naruto were just too plain and too abnormal that he skipped a few. One of them however, had included their team and a mission.

For tonight's supper I plan on having Ramen.

I love it, and there's certainly nothing wrong with it.

Sakura and Sasuke both like ramen like I do, but not as much.

To be honest, I never thought of sharing meals with friends other then

Getting together with Sakura-chan

But on another note, Sasuke disappeared today. He didn't meet with me like we

Planned and it rained on me! That Sasuke is a real idiot!


Kakashi was lost in what the letter meant. Was there anything worth really worrying about other then Naruto meeting with Sasuke? But it was the law of the ninja world. They were ordered to go through the letters and report back to Tsunade if they found anything about their deaths. But finding such a detailed letter or letters, he knew they'd have to be more detailed then the one that Naruto was writing about. He sighed and put the letter down. It was going to be one long day.

A/n: And that's it for the first half of the day of Sasuke and Naruto's letter foundation! I'll update as soon as possible as I have more letters in my mind! So Read and review!