Always There Part 9

Mercedes sat lotus-style on Sam's bed watching him go back and forth from closet to duffle bag and dresser to hard case roller. Everything was happening fast, too fast. She felt as if a large weight was pressing down on her chest with each breath.

For Sam's birthday he didn't want anything big or fancy but opted for an intimate dinner with both the Jones' and Evans'. He then preceded to ask if Mercedes could move in with him.

To say there was a tisk is an understatement. Being caught off guard Mercedes stared in shock as her mother and father argued this transition.

"Maybe Sam can move in with us?" She asked the adults quietly.

"I'm not sure if the boy knows what he is asking." Carl sighed rubbing his temples.

"I know what I want, Mr. Jones." Sam said in stable voice. He had practice his speech since the night Mercedes told him about the pregnancy. He knew this might just be the only way to be in her life at least for the next eighteen years.

Sam continued, "But the fact is clear, Mercedes is carrying my child. I am going to be there for her and our baby every step of the way."

"You can't do that from your house?" Evangeline asked.

"Sorry but no. Mercedes and I are adults now and we know that having sex without a condom would be risky and in your opinion wrong. But I love her, I'm happy we are going to be parents."

The adults sat in silence looking at their now grown children to each other. Sam felt Mercedes slip her hand into his; he gave a reassuring squeeze.

"If we agree with this Sam." Mark sighed "you will eat dinner with us at least three nights a week. You know for your mother's sake."

Sam agreed and Mercedes chewed on the inside of her cheek ten minutes later up in Sam's room.

Sam chanced a glance at her. "Penny for your thoughts, Cede?"

Mercedes shook her head coming out of her daze. "You are going to need a lot of pennies, Sam."

Sam sat down next to her. Even as an adult, he still loathed being called "Sam" usually because bad news always followed.

"You don't think I should move in?" He asked softly gingerly placing a hand on her knee.

Mercedes avoided his eyes, "You are giving up a lot because of me, Sam-"

"Sammy," he whispered.

A small smile graced her lips as she looked up at him. "Sammy," she corrected herself with an eye roll. "You are moving out months before college...and what about college? I'm giving up my scholarship to Spellman to stay here for community college."

"I was going to go to Ohio State, but I talked to my parents and to save money I opted for community too. Great minds..." Sam grinned.


Sam cut her off with a kiss that made her mind foggy. Licking the roof of her mouth, he had to fight the urge to get pull her on top of him to start a full blown make out session. He reluctantly let go of her lips settled his forehead against hers, "Mercedes, I'm not giving anything up for you or our baby. You are, and she is a blessing. Do you know how much money it is per semester for state school. That's money that is going into our pockets and in a few months our apartment..."

Startled Mercedes backed away staring wide-eyed at him, "Apartment?!"

A lopsided grinned appeared on his full lips, "Yeah, we aren't going to live with your parents until Ours is least I'm not." He chuckled getting up to finish packing.

"What about dating and marriage?" Mercedes insisted quietly.

Sam hesitated in zipping his duffle bag. "I know who I belong to, Cede, if you need to's fine by me." He glanced her way feeling his ear were set a blaze.

Mercedes giggled, "You almost said that with a straight face, Sammy; I almost believed you."

Still blushing, Sam chuckled weakly, "Need to work on my believability."

Sam opened the door to Mercedes room later that night; towel drying his hair. Walking in clutching another towel low around his waist; his warm light green eyes gazing over to the mother of his future child.

"Sam!" Mercedes cried, tugging a throw blanket over herself.

"Cede, I have seen it and I have enjoyed it." He grinned strolling over to his suitcase on top of her desk chair. "We could enjoy it again if you want?" He glanced over his shoulder at her. "You can get dressed for bed. I won't look," he turned around fully grabbing a pair of boxer briefs.

Mercedes stuck her tongue out before turning around facing her naked back to Sam. She quickly shoved on her sleep shirt. Reaching up she tried her hand at the clasp of a fineky necklace. She gasped feeling Sam's fingers entangled with hers.

"Let me."

Mercedes dropped her hands to her side feeling him easily undo the necklace. She shivered as his hands caressed her shoulders and upper arms.

He placed the necklace in her hand, "Trust me, Cede, I am here for you also Ours. I won't pressure you for anything." Sam watched her nod then kissed the top of her head stepping away to finish get back to dressing for bed.

To say she was nervous was an understatement. Mercedes turned off the overhead light running like a her braids turned into Afro puffs jumped into her bed.

Sam roared, doubling over in laughter as he took Storm and Black Panther graphic novel from the side table. "I haven't seen that in a long time."

Mercedes snuggled under the covers, "I don't know why but I have done it ever since you did when I slept over."

Sam opened the comic book; snorting he pulled away the covers from Mercedes shoulders.

"Hey, it's cold."

He continued and pulled up her night shirt.


"Trust me, Cede; I'm just going to read Ours a couple pages to lull her to sleep."

"Ours? You named the baby Ours?"

"Yeah well it is our baby we did make it together..."

Mercedes smiled softly holding her shirt up as Sam lowered his body so his head was at the same level as her stomach. He began to read. By the time he finished Mercedes was sound asleep. Straightening up he returned the novel to the side table and turned off the lamp.

In the residual light Sam found Mercedes lips kissing her soundlessly. "I love you," he said in barely a whisper. Placing a platter size hand on Mercedes abdomen he couldn't help but grin. "I love you, too." With that, he pulled Mercedes into a honeymoon cuddle and went to sleep.

Senior Year High School

Mercedes chewed nervously on the inside of her right cheek. She winced each time because the habit was rubbing her cheek raw. The young woman stood in the bathroom and was staring at her bare five month old bump. She was beginning to show out side her regular stomach.

Mercedes fasten her bra just as Sam dragged in still half sleep. Keeping her eyes on her growing bump she silently marveled at how quickly she and Sam fell into a routine. He groggily kissing the side of her head.

Sam sat down on the commode relieving himself rubbing his eyes his blurry vision cleared up. She could always put a smile on his face even more so now, because she was starting to show, her hips were wider and her breast were filling with milk making them more voluptuous.

"Mornin," his green eyes going back to her face reflection.

"Mornin," she whispered back undoing the satin scarf she wrapped her braids in. "Did you sleep well," her eyes flickered to his in the mirror.

Sam wiped the tip of his penis with toilet tissue and flushed. He playfully hip bumped Mercedes to make room for him to wash his hands. "Sure did, your snoring didn't even wake me last night."

Mercedes rolled her eyes, "I was tired," she replied.

"You should be after what we did," Sam winked then pecked her cheek. "I could get use to it as a bedtime routine."

Mercedes shook her head as she finger detangled. "You and I both cant do that we are too loud. So glad mom and dad came in late from their date night."

Sam pick up his toothbrush from the holder they shared. "Why not? We are both eighteen adults and you can't get pregnant again?"

"It's my parents house, Sammy," Mercedes sighed picking up her own toothbrush to get started on her teeth. "It feels wrong."

"So wrong it felt so amazing." He kidded bring a foaming smile to her face. He finished his teeth then leaning against the counter to watch her. "Like I said we are simply amazing together."

"Yeah so amazing I got pregnant."

Sam snorted, "My stubborn seed and your fertile womb it was bound to happen now or on our honeymoon." He chuckled nervously as she round her eyes.

His eyes wandered to her belly as she finished with her teeth. "In four months Ours will be here we need to start looking for apartments." Sam hosted himself up on the counter, still staring at her midsection.

Mercedes poured herself a cup of water taking a step away to lean against the doorframe. She took a small sip, "Do you think that's wise, Sammy?"

"What the apartment? Yeah, why not? I'm not raising Ours with yours or mine parents sleeping down the hall, Mercedes."

"We don't know the first thing about raising a baby, Samuel. I'm gonna need my moms help, it will be great for her to be down the hall."

"I'm not saying she can't be here for us. I want privacy of our own bedroom incased in our place."

"And exactly how are we to pay for our I cases place?" Mercedes turned going back inside her bedroom.

Sam hopped down to follow, "Since we aren't going to state or out of state college that money we are saving is gonna be great to find us a nice apartment."

"Sam, that money should be going to the baby." Mercedes placed her cup on the nightstand, "Plus, why pay for something we get for free." She started to get dress for school placing an over-size sweatshirt over a baggy tank top then pulled on black yoga pants on.

"Point taken. I still, don't like the likelihood of your dad walking in on us being intimate."

Mercedes sat on the bed crossing her legs lotus style. "Intimate?"

"Yeah like what we did last night?"

"Oh," Mercedes blushed. Avoiding his studying eyes as he got dress. "Well, since Mykal is off at college with his own apartment...I was thinking we can change his room into the nursery." She hoped apprehensively. "Why not," she asked when he shook his head.

"Mercedes, as much of a good idea that is it won't work. One, Mykal will come back home and where will he sleep? Second, I want Ours to sleep in here with us for the first months at least that's what I read."

Mercedes gave him a genuine uplifting smile. As he continued about what he discovered first month after birth, she wondered why she never told him she loved him. Sam told her basically everyday he loves her and is willing to wait for her. Even going to lengths saying she can date while pregnant with his child. Who does that?

"I'd like her to be in here with us as well," she untucked her right foot a started to peel off the nail polish. "You know my mom isn't going to go for the apartment thing, dad either." She sighed looking at her foot.

"Same here with mine. But we are adults and I think they'll change their minds."

"I love you, Sammy, I hope you know that, Mercedes said softly. She glanced up at him apprehensively amazed that she saw nothing but sincere adoration in his misty green eyes.

Sam's heart soared. "I had my suspicion I mean we have sex a lot since I've moved in."

"Sex doesn't have anything to do with love."

Sam nodded, "True, most people can have sex and it just be sex. I can't, Mercedes."

Mercedes could feel her face heat up, "We've known each other too long uh, Sammy?"

"I've loved you for a long time too." He replied beaming as she smiled back then laid her head on his shoulders. "Ever since I was five when my mom told me the reason why I don't like you calling me Sam."

Mercedes raised her head, "Really what's the reason?"

The blond nervously cleared his throat, "Well," he rubbed the back of his head. "Remember our first fight?"

Mercedes racked her brain.

"So you were angry at me cause I didn't want to share the nickname I gave you."

"Oh yeah you wouldn't let Tina call me Cede." Mercedes chuckled at the memory.

"Yeah well it wasn't funny to me... You kept calling me Sam in the car. And well ever since whenever you're angry hell even serious with me you call me Sam." He gave off a shy smile, "I know when I'm in trouble or not based on whether Sam or Sammy comes out of your mouth."

Mercedes let out a snort, "So what do you think if I call you Sammy Wammy?"

"Ugh I think I should wash your mouth out 'cause Santana calls me that."

"Really!?" Mercedes laughed, "I won't call you that again; I don't want you angry with me, either."

Tears weighed heavily on his bottom eyelids as Sam held a small six pound five ounce bundle tightly in his arms. All ten toes and fingers accounted for. A piece of him and a piece of her made this; the only thing he couldn't understand was why she was so red.

Blinking back the tears, Sam walked over to sit next to the hospital bed. He couldn't stop staring that he didn't hear Mercedes wake up.

"Well that's one way to get out of a graduation early." Mercedes mumbled raising the bed to a sitting position.

Sam chuckled getting up to sit on the bed. "Ours just didn't want to miss the celebration." Leaning over he placed the bundle in her arms then kissed her forehead. "Quick question, why is she so red?"

Mercedes snorted shrugging as they both gazed at their daughter who had a full head of dark auburn hair. "I think all babies are born this way, Sammy; you know like how pale Brits are because they rarely have sunlight."

"She needs some vitamin c to activate her melanin; that's good." Sam sighed relieved. "I can't wait to get her home."

Three Months Later

Sam couldn't breathe out his nose and breathing from his mouth was making his already raw throat worse. His fever was high and he hadn't seen his best friend or their baby in a week. Missing them was worse than any cold he would endure. Sighing he picked up his phone and began to scroll through the pictures of his family. Just as he gazed sadly at his daughter in her grinning mother's arms his phone rang a FaceTime call. Sam pressed accept and was met with a pair of beautiful dark brown eyes and set of wonderment with his daughter's rainbow eyes. The irises had a habit of changing color depending on her mood. Now they were dark brown just like her mother's smizing happily at her father.

"How are you, Sammy," Mercedes asked softly, concern ridden on her face.

"I'm okay, I miss you and Ours," he sighed. "How is everything?"

"It's going alright. Getting ready for orientation in a few days, hoping you will make it too." She said softly.

"Don't be nervous, I'll be by your side." Sam's eyes went to his baby, "What do you say, Ours, you wanna come with mommy and daddy?" He laughed as his daughter's eyes changed to an exact replica of his laurel green ones.

Mercedes moved to look at the baby's smile, "We can take it as a yes." She grinned back at Sam.

Chapter End

A/N: Hope you enjoyed part 9 of Always There. Now a chore for you. What should Ours given name be? Until next time TTFN