A/N… sorry everone. I guess this should've come first, but I did not think of it up until now…soo, sorry everyone. I owe you all a hug and kiss for the irritation, but im afraid that cannot be managed at the moment…^^; anyway, here is the character profile for Dark. Ill come up with a picture for her soon, but it will be on deviantart. Link to my DA profile is on my Fanfiction profile, but don't b surprised if its not up for a while…SO, aside from this akward moment, Thank you for your attention and love. And thanks for hearing me out.

Name: Dark
Alias: trickster
Gender: female
Race: NEKO
Sexuality: ...hentai?
Religion: wiccan
Origin: eastern countries
Current Residence: umm...currently homeless (until dragged to the morgue)
Occupation: theif/ mortician assistant (if that's what you want to call her)
Height: short. its a secret.
Weight: again, a secret.
Skin color: pale
Eyes: emerald green
Hair: black, shoulder length
Physical Description: black ears and a black tail with white tip. a few scars on her face and long jagged scars on the inside of her arms going from base of hand to inside of elbow. One on each arm. She hides her ears by pressing them to her head, and hides her tail in her pants.
Speech: speaks different languges (learned from different sources) but with languages she is less familiar with such as english, she speaks softly and hesitantly. her voice is quiet unless she gets pissed off. Sighs a lot.
Personality: shy-ish, gentle when not pissed, swears a bit, eats sweets a lot(chocolate). when she is pissed off, it generally moves into a fist fight between her and whoever pissed her off. Not afraid to throw first punch.
Likes: sweets, running, sunsets & sunrises(she sits and watches just for fun), darkness. Sleeping, quiet, undertakers hat. XD.
Dislikes: too much light, sudden loudness, people who talk constantly, and dresses. Utterly detests dresses. XD
Fears: heights, spiders, suspense.(it bothers her so bad) and watching people she loves die.
Family: none. Doesn't have any memory of family from birth.
History: on the streets since she was a child, she's learned to steal from a number of teachers. Now an pro thief at age 17, she is incredibly shy when not doing her job. She more or less tends to steal mostly from nobles, and she has an immensely foul mouth when she wants to. She has no memories from her past at all. She is familiar with the local black market, and well acquainted with professional criminals. Also seems to have named every cat in the area, she tends to talk to cats, and has strong affection torwards kittens.
Weapons: uses knives, her teeth(very sharp, but nobody really ever notices until she bites them.) but she will gladly throw whatever's in reach.
Strengths: runs fast, very physical. a fighter. Not a very queasy person, so she can help with some of the more gruesome corpses. She is also quite strong, so if need, can drag a corpse around. (always making corpse references XD. But of course!)
Weaknesses: kittens(stops her veery quickly. She adores them.))cant swim, scared of heights (weird for a neko) very jumpy, nervous, purrs when happy and/or enjoying a touch in some way (such as rubbing her cat ears, or petting her. Nothing else yet, perverts)
Extra Information: she loves cats(obviously, she a bloody neko) and she is often found hiding in an alley, or stealing something out of someone's pocket. she generally keeps to herself when she isn't stealing. habits include cracking her neck a lot, biting her lip or thumb nail, twisting her wrist in a kind of odd flick when she's nervous or in an awkward situation. she cant swim, though she has tried countless times. now terrified of water after nearly drowning when young and was trying to learn to swim.