Here it is! My most recent fanfic of the pairing I'm currently OBSESSED with!

I don't own Harry Potter.

Yes I do.

No. I'm kidding.

It would seem that Professor Flitwick's extremely squeaky, dynamic voice would keep his students awake, but for the second time, Draco Malfoy's arm, which had been supporting his head as he dozed, suddenly slipped, nearly bringing his head crashing into the table. A snort of purposeful laughter sounded loudly behind him, and he turned to glare at Weasel and Potter who were snickering and grinning at him. Draco quietly flipped them off with a deadly glare, then returned his attention to the Professor, face slightly pink. They just snickered louder. He didn't feel particularly quick- witted today, and he grew slightly angered at the feeling that he had just lost this silent battle.

"Time for partner work!" Professor Flitwick suddenly exclaimed excitedly. Draco groaned inwardly. Great. He had stopped paying attention about forty minutes ago, when the class had begun.

"Bloody advanced charms," he muttered, pushing his text book aside. It was opened to page two hundred and twenty three. Draco glanced slyly at a Gryffindor's book beside him. Apparently the class had already moved on to the three hundreds.

"Okay…" the professor mused.

Please no assigned partners… please please please…

"Assigned parters!" Flitwick decided cheerily.

Draco sighed. Neither Crabbe nor Goyle were in this class; they were still in second year charms, and both Blaise and Pansy had ditched. There went the only four people he wouldn't mind being paired up with. Pansy and Blaise had invited him to join them, but one more truancy and he would have received three week's detention, and that was the last thing he needed.

Draco ran his long fingers through his white- blonde hair, causing it to fall messily back into his gray eyes. Professor Flitwick squeaked out partners. Brown and Potter. Bullstrode and Thomas. Draco smirked and thought to himself, Pity the bastard who ends up as my partner. He wasn't planning on working today.

"Malfoy and Granger!"

Draco's eyes widened extraordinarily, then shut tight in disgust. Anyone else, anyone else would have been just fine. But the mudblood? He'd even prefer Potty or Weaselbee, and that was really saying something for him. He could hear them apologizing for Granger's bad luck behind him as she scooted her chair out and scooped up her books wearily. At least she would know all the answers.

"Get to work!" the professor squealed, then retreated off the podium to his back office. That was one good thing about this class; the little git always left during partner work.

He heard the slam of book on the desk as Granger plopped down beside him. He turned to face her, a ready smirk on his face.

"Fancy seeing you here," he gestured to the seat she was in. "Just couldn't stay away, could you?"

"Oh, shut up, Draco. I don't like this anymore than you, so if we could just start the la-"

Draco gave a snort of contempt.

"What?" Hermione retorted, an annoyed expression on her flushed face.

"I'm not going to do the work. You think I was actually paying attention?"

"What?" she repeated, obviously infuriated. "If you think I'm going to sit here and do all your work for you…" she trailed off in disgust, a look of disbelief and anger on her pretty face.

Whoa… pretty? Where did that come from?

He leaned close to her, taking pleasure in her discomfort.

"What are you going to do about it?" His face was inches from hers, and she backed away, not only her body but her whole chair scooted a good foot. He laughed.

"Just… hand me the jellylegs jinx scroll," she demanded, gesturing to the table of supplies before him.

There were about seven scrolls of step- by- step instruction to various spells, all color- coded by the wax they were sealed in.

Draco turned and raised an eyebrow. Yeah, like he knew which was which. Hermione groaned in exasperation and whined, "The blue one."

"What do you say?" he sneered nastily.

She just glared at him through her thick brown locks.

"Get it yourself then, Mudblood," he concluded, crossing his arms and putting his feet up on the desk. She silently stretched across the desk, her whole body straining to reach it. She grunted quietly, revealing her struggle, and gave one big push on her tippy toes until she reached it, then slid back to her place beside Draco, scroll in hand.

She opened it quietly and unwrapped it quietly, and suddenly her lack of response worried him slightly. He frowned and cast a sneaky glance to the side to see her chocolate eyes shining with unshed tears. He rolled his eyes slightly, ignoring the little stab of guilt. She was such a baby. Honestly, they were sixth years. It wasn't as if that was the first time she had been called that.

But after five minutes of silence and Draco watching with a pained expression as tears dripped to the desk, staining the scroll as Granger read and filled out the worksheet, he sighed in defeat, not believing what he was doing, and took out a piece of parchment, scribbling with his peacock quill,

I'm sorry, Granger. I didn't mean to make you cry.

He crumpled up the paper and held it in his hand for a moment as he observed the girl, studiously writing as tears slid from her eyes. Suddenly a rush of affection swelled in his chest and disappeared as spontaniously as it had come. He shrugged it away and launched the note at her.

She probably would have ignored it if it had not hit her squarely in the nose. She looked at him with an expression filled with pure hatred, then took the note and fiercely unwrapped it.

Draco watched on intently, suddenly desperate that she forgive him.

Her deep, hard eyes glided over the words, and he could see them soften for a moment before she took her quill and scribbled unemotionally, sliding the paper back to him.

Do your work.

There's chapter one finished! It's gonna get super F L U F F Y soon, so don't go away! ;)