So guys…. I haven't written fanfic in a while and it's my first Reborn! One.

But just to let you know… I do NOT own KHR… Don't we all wish to?

Asteria looked at her now empty room. She was going to miss it terribly. But she looked out the window to see the sky and she knew everything would be alright. She walked out with her suitcase and Squalo was standing by the door, his arms crossed. Asteria still wondered how he did that with a sword attached to an arm.

"Are you really going?" He asked. Asteria nodded.

"Yep, I sure am! I'm gonna miss you~!" she teased. He scoffed and turned away.

"Alright. Let's go."

"ASTERIA~~~~! Are you going already!" a very loud voice came running over.

"Yes, I am. I'm gonna miss you Lussuria." She said. He gave her a big hug.

"Oh, sweetie, I'm gonna miss you sooooooo much!" He said as he carried her and shook her from side to side. Asteria was ready to cry, but she decided not to. She knew she would see them again. When they let go, a knife came flying, but Asteria caught it right at the handle.

"Damn. I'll get you someday stupid." Belphegor said, sticking his tongue out.

"Haha, I doubt you ever will Bel. I hate you." She said with a smile.

"Ha! I hate you too, stupid. I hope you get killed when you're gone."

Asteria laughed and threw the knife back at him. And he caught it and put it away.

'This person will never change.' She thought. Then she remembered Levi. Then she remembered again he never leaves Xanxus. As she walked she turned to Squalo.

"Should I go say bye to Xanxus?"

"No." he said immediately. "You know he won't care."

"That's very true." Mammon said as he came flying over.

"Mammon, I'm gonna leave now." Asteria said.

"I know. But just make sure you pay me for your debts." He said as he flew away.

"I don't owe you anything, you stupid illusionist greedy little thing I still don't understand!"

"Calm down and shut up." Squalo said to her. Asteria sighed. She was going to miss Squalo most of all.

The two reached the car and Asteria made sure she had three very important things.

"Okay, so I have my rifle, my sabre and… Squalo! Where's my flag! I have to go get it!"

"Be quiet. It's in the trunk."

"Oh, okay. And wow, Squalo, the loudest person in the world is telling me to be quiet." She laughed to herself, and realized it was really time to go.

"Voi, I'll go with you to the jet. I don't trust the driver."

The driver tensed up as Squalo went in the car.

"So what are some things I need to know about Japan?" Asteria asked.

"Well, the mafias are a bit different. They're not the ones like they are here. They make themselves look noticible. They're called yakuzas, but they're weak. No need to worry."

"Okay." She looked at him. She wondered if she would be alright without him. But she realized she can't be hanging on to him forever.

The two reached the jet and Squalo helped load everything on to the jet.

"Squalo." She said

"VOOIII! WHAT!" he yelled, due to his irritation of the loudness of the jet.

"How do you do all that with a sword attached?"


Asteria waited outside the jet and Squalo came back.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked.

"Yes. I'm a little scared, but yes."

"Alright. Well, you can go now." He said blankly.

"Squalo." She said.

"What? Don't you want to go already?"

"Thanks for everything. From the past and now." She said and hugged him. She knew he hated it, but couldn't figure out what else to do.

"Voii! Wha- What are you doing! You know I can't stand it when you do this!"

"Yeah I know. I just want to say thank you."

"Then just say it, idiot." He said and hugged her back with one arm so he wouldn't hurt her. She finally let go, and looked at him.

"After ten years, you finally hug me back." She laughed.

"Shut up, idiot!"

"Okay, okay. Well, I'm gonna go now!" she said and turned.

"Wait!" Squalo said and Asteria turned back.

"Asteria. When you find him… What are you going to do?"

"If that day comes," she looked at him seriously with her light green eyes, "I will kill him." She turned and went back to board the jet.


"Wow… She is a real strange sixteen year old girl." He said to himself.

Asteria looked out the window and saw clouds. She still thought that the fact that there was a machine that could fly in the sky was amazing. She turned to look at her sabre. She was glad she improved. And she was glad she brought her colorguard one to carry so if someone saw her with it, she could show she didn't mean any harm. She looked at her snowflake ring. She knew she had to go to the new Vongola boss. Soon, she fell asleep imagining what would happen in Japan.

She woke up when the plane landed. She was happy it was daytime. When she got out, she realized it smelled very different. She was told that all her belongings would be taken to her new home. She got even more excited when she really understood she wasn't in Italy anymore. She took out the map she was given and looked at it for a few moments and crumpled it up and threw it away.

"Don't those idiot's know I don't know how to read maps!" she yelled. The people looked at her oddly. She looked back and smiled. She walked in to a convenience store and went to a random woman.

"Excuse me! Where is…" she looked at her hand, "Namimori park?"

"Umm… It's right across the street." She said a little surprised at her energy. She was surprised herself, after a long plane ride. She walked to the park and sat on a bench. She stretched her arms and wanted to yell, but thought she should be a little quiet.

"Asteria, you're already here?" a baby voice said.

"Hm? What? Oh, Reborn! Hi! I haven't seen you in a long time!"

"I know. So how are you?"

"I'm fine. I'm a bit nervous about being here, but I'm alright. How about you? How's the tutoring?"

"It's funny. Do you want to see the new boss?"

"Yes! I want to meet him too!"

"Well. It's him right there." He pointed to a short-ish boy with orange-ish hair chasing two young kids. He seemed really worn out.

"Him? Interesting."

"Yeah. He's not exactly what you call an ideal boss, but he has his moments."

"Reborn! I'm too tired, can we go home?" he yelled. He looked around, and couldn't find him.

"Hm? Reborn! Where are you?"

"He's right here!" Asteria yelled. Tsuna turned and saw he was there. He walked over with the kids.

"Reborn! Why did you just disappear? And sorry he caused you so much trouble." He said.

"Him causing me trouble?" she laughed. "I owe Reborn a lot. No worries."

"What? You know him?"

"I sure do! I'm Asteria, I just came from Italy. I hope you're surviving his training."

"You did? Aren't you tired? Or hungry?"

"Hmm… I don't know… What do you think?"


"Well… I don't know if I should say yes and get invited to your house and do the 'are you sure' game, or if I want to go somewhere else and find the home I had made for me."

Tsuna was very confused.

"Um… you can come over for a bit then I can help you find your house? I think that's what's supposed to happen…"

"Okay that works! So, Mr. soon-to-be Vongola boss, where is your house?" she said as she jumped up.

"You know about the Vongola!"

"Ha, she knows more than you. I'll explain to you someday."

'Thanks Reborn.' She thought.

"Okay? So you can fight too?"

"Yep. And where's your school uh…. I forgot to ask for your name…"

"Oh, my name. I'm Sawada Tsunayoshi, but everybody calls me Tsuna."

"Alright, so Tsuna-san, what's the school like here?"

"Oh school? Well…" Tsuna thought about Gokudera shooting bombs everywhere, Reborn visiting every day, and Hibari.

"Which school are you going to?" he asked.

"I was told the school I should go to was Namimori High."

"I thought so. Well, um… you'll find out what it's like. It's not the ideal perfect school though."

"Oh, no worries Tsuna-san! I've never been to a real school so I don't know what's good and what's not." She laughed.

"Really? Alright." Tsuna was wondering why Lambo and Ipin were quiet, then he realized they fell asleep. Then he looked at what Asteria was holding.

"Hey, um… What is that?"

"Hm? Oh this?" she held up her Sabre. Tsuna got a little freaked out. She laughed.

"No need to be scared, this is a harmless sabre. See, it's taped with electric tape, and I just spin it. I have a real one, but it's not with me right now."

"What do you mean you spin it?"

"Well, have you ever heard of colorguard?"


"Alright, well, I'll show you someday."

The two walked while talking, and Asteria was happy he didn't ask much about her mafia life. When the two reached the house, she thought it was very different than the Varia masion.

"Tsuna-san, who lives here?" she asked while he opened the house door.

"Well, these to kids right here, Lambo and Ipin, my mom, Bianchi, Reborn, and sometimes Fuuta."

"Fuuta's here?" she yelled.

"Yeah, you know him? Mom, I'm home! With another friend… again…"

"Okay~ tell her she can come in and stay as long as she wants~!" the mom said.

"Tsuna-nii! You're finally home." Fuuta said and came walking over. Then he saw Asteria.

"Asteria-nee! Asteria-nee!" he said and ran to her. He hugged her and Asteria lifted him up.

"How are you, Fuuta! I've missed my little prince!" she said

"I'm so happy to see you, Asteria-nee! Why did you come here?"

"Well, I wanted to meet the new Vongola boss, and I needed to ask him a few questions too. Why are you here?"

"Because Tsuna-nii saved me from a mean group trying to steal my book."

"Oh, well then thank you Tsuna-san. I'm always worried about Fuuta."

"Really? How do you know him though?" Tsuna asked.

"Well, it's a long story. I'll tell you eventually." Asteria said plainly.

"Tsuna-san, is there a way I can talk to you and Reborn privately? I need a favor."

"Sure, we can go to my room."

"Okay, thanks. So Fuuta, I will see you a little later." She smiled. She let Fuuta down and followed Tsuna. Tsuna was wondering why she hadn't talked much about herself.

"So, what do you need?" Tsuna asked as he sat down.

"Well, I need to be in Vongola… I know it's really sudden, but I really need it. And have you heard of the guardians yet?" she asked. Tsuna dreaded that question.

"Yes, I do. And are you asking for the half rings or something?"

"No! I promise I'm not! It's just that… I'm a snow guardian…"

"What? But I've never heard of it. And it's not even in the box."

"Yes, I know… that's because there's only one snow guardian, and it's me."

Tsuna was getting confused. And he didn't know what to ask.

"Well, why not?" Reborn said. Tsuna looked back at him.

"Because… I don't know…"

"Hey, she has a full ring too. And she'd be a good help. I would say she's at Hibari's level."

"Hibari's! Really?"

"Who's Hibari?" Asteria asked.

"You'll meet him. He's not that nice."

"Oh, that's exciting. And it's okay if you can't join, I can just go back."

"No! You can join! I trust you… kind of.. I don't know you that well, but I think I can."

"Really! Thank you so much Tsuna-san! And I promise I'll help out as much as possible!" She exclaimed and hugged him. She would've kissed his cheek, but Squalo told her people don't do that in Japan.

"So, I will see you tomorrow at school!" she said to him. Tsuna was surprised again. He thought she was interesting though.

"Wait, do you know where your house is? Didn't you say you needed to find it?"

"Oh, yeah… But it's okay, I mean I'll find it eventually." She smiled.

"Are you sure? It's getting da-."

Reborn covered Tsuna's mouth.

"I can walk you there Asteria. I need to ask you a few things too." He said. Tsuna was mumbling and freaking out.

"Okay, shall we go now?" Reborn jumped off Tsuna and walked out the door with Asteria.

Asteria told Reborn the address of her house and Leon became a GPS.

"So what do you want to ask me?" Asteria asked.

"Does Varia know that you came to side with us?" Reborn said. Asteria remained silent.

"Okay. And you still have the full ring right?" Asteria nodded.

"You do know that there's going to be a Varia versus us fight right?"

"I know. And it's going to be hard, but I know this is the choice I had to make."

"Okay, as long as you're prepared. And what do you want to know about us?"

"Hmm? Well, nothing really. And how often does it get dark here?"

"Not so often, there's always street lights, and the power goes out only when there's a huge storm."

"Okay, thanks Reborn! That's a relief. And is this my house?" There was a small house that looked like any other house with a red roof, and an off white wall.

"I guess so. I'm gonna leave now. I'll see you tomorrow, and you know how to get to school right?"

"Nope. But don't worry, I'll figure it out like I always do! Thanks for coming with me Reborn." She said.

"No problem. And you know you're going to have to tell Varia soon right?" Asteria stayed silent again. Reborn sighed.

"Alright, I'll see you later Asteria." He said and left. Asteria entered her house and she loved it. It was perfect. The kitchen had marble countertops, the table was wooden with a light grey table cloth, and it had a note. It was from Squalo.


If you read this, I guess that means you got here safely, and the killing of the pilots was useless. And this is the house. If you don't like it, just kill the architects your self. And the basement has something Lussuria told me you'd like. Don't die without a good fight.


"Always so loving." Asteria said to herself. She went to the bedroom and turned the light on. She was amazed. Lussuria was the best designer ever. The ceiling was dark blue and there were star-shaped lights hanging. It was her dream room. She wanted to see the basement, but she just lied down on her new bed and fell asleep.

Haha, so first chapter is done… tell me how it is! And I know Squalo is very out of character, but I promise that will be explained later. Also, I should tell you that the characters are based as high schoolers~

Reviews are greatly appreciated!