
Aria, Hanna and Emily were helping Spencer a.k.a Sarah pack to go to DC...Washington D.C to stay with her brother, because of Alison's death that was 2 years ago, and Hanna getting hit by a car. "Are you sure you have to go?" Emily asked. "Yea, No choice, my mom and dad and even my older sister think it's a good idea." Spencer said. "Were going to miss you." Aria said. "Call us. When you get there." Hanna said. "I will." Spencer agreed. "When is your flight leaving?" Aria asked. "In two days." Spencer replied. "Wow, that fast. Pack and leave." Emily said. "Yea, pack and leave." Spencer agreed. "Dad's taking a job in D.C I don't know where though." Aria said. "You're leaving too?" Hanna asked. "Yea, my family is moving, again, I'm going to miss you guys," Aria said finally coming clean about leaving. "And Ezra." Hanna added. "No we broke up."Aria told them. "What happened?" Emily asked."I don't know, I really don't." Aria lied, she hated lying to them but she had to this time. "I'm so sorry." Emily said going over to her and pulling her into a hug. "It's nothing," Aria said returning the hug. Aria's phone started to go off. Aria pulled away from the hug and answered the phone. "Hello?"Aria asked. "Aria, it's me Tony, you never told me that you were come to live." Tony said. "Yea, I still can't believe it," Aria paused,"Anthony." Aria finished knowing that he hated being called by Anthony he'd rather be called Tony. "Aria, How many time's?" Tony was cut off by a laughing Aria. "Aria!" Tony groaned. "Shutting up now." Aria said now keeping her trap shut. "Gibbs, and the rest doesn't know yet though." Tony said. Spencer mouthed 'who's that?' "Good, I don't want them to know."Aria said with a smile on her face. "Are you still going to join the army?" Tony asked. "Am I still going to join the army. Yes." Aria said. "Who's on the phone DiNozzo?"Came a voice in the quickly put the phone on speaker. "It's the one the only, Aria Montgomery." Tony said in a over Enthusiastically tone. "Hey guys."Aria said. "Oh, Hi, How's my favorite niece?" Gibbs asked. "Doing fine," Aria replied. "Good, how's my brother and Ella?" Gibbs asked. "Fine, I guess." Aria said. "How's McGeek?" Aria asked. "Ha, now she's even call you McGeek, probie." Tony said looking at McGee, which earned a slap on the back of the head. "He-shutting up now." Tony said. "Nice, I got to go finish packing, well helping Spencer pack anyway. Lubs ya all. Wait, Ziva, me and you are going to have a all girls movie night, no Tony, no uncle Gibbs and no Probie." Aria said stressing the word probie. Tim just rolled his eyes. "Lubs y'all." Aria said hanging up. "Probie?" Spencer asked. "McGeek?" Hanna asked. "Tony?" Emily asked. "Friends of the family'' Aria said. Aria's phone went off again, but this time it was a text.

"Who is it?" Emily asked. "'s Ezra." Aria said surprised. Aria, I heard that your going to D.C. I will miss you, I have no Idea why you broke up with me, but just to let you know it broke my heart. I love you, I always will. E.F Aria sighed and deleted the message then went back to what she was doing. "Spence, I didn't know you had a G string?" Hanna said with a pair of thongs on a pencil. "Give me that." Spencer said grabbing for them but missing. "Hey, who's McGeek?" Spencer asking because it is simalar to McGee, he older brother/ he real last name. "Umm...Some guy that I met when I was in D.C last." Aria replied still not giving a name. "But he is cute, but If I had too date him or Tony, I would have to go for, Tony. McGeek is well a Geek. Computer Geek that is." Aria added. "Oh." Spencer said, and not asking anymore questions.


"McGee? When is you're sister getting here?" Tony asked. ''Saturday." McGee replied, not taking his eyes off of the computer screen that held a double bed, with a curve at the end of the head board. "What are you looking at, McGee?" Ziva asked. "Beds." McGee paused. "Your a girl, right, what do you think about this one for my sister?" McGee asked. Ziva got up and walked over to his desk and looked at his screen. "I think she would like it, but I think you should get Abby's opinion first before you buy it, yes." Ziva said walking back over to her own desk.

It was nearing 1800 hours and Ziva kept noticing Tony laugh at his phone. "Who are you texting? A girlfriend, yes?" Ziva asked. "No, Aria." Tony replied. "You like her." Abby said who was sitting at Gibbs desk while he was on a coffee run. For the 20th time that day. "She's 18, I can't like her." Tony said. "Yea, but then again you could be like Charlie Sheen and go date 22 year old girls when he was what 45." Abby said in a joking tone. "Ha-ha very funny, but even If I did like her, Gibbs, would kill me." Tony said, yet letting his secret slip that he had a crush on 18 year old Aria Montgomery. "Your only 30 years old Tony, Mcgee maybe 28 but, I think she likes you." Abby said. "Abby, You, me and Aria are having a movie night sometime when she get's here." Ziva said passing the message on to Abby. "That sounds like fun." Abby said with a smile. Just at that second the elevator dinged. "Go home. There's no cases and-" Gibbs paused looking at Abby in his chair. "Abby, what are you doing in my chair." Gibbs asked. "Ummm..." Abby got up and pulled Gibbs aside so that the others wouldn't hear. "You're brother. He's the one who kidnapped you're daughter when she was a baby." Abby whispered. "He what?" Gibbs asked because he couldn't believe it. "Yup, Aria Montgomery, is your daughter." Abby whispered to him. "Keep this between us." Gibbs said. "Will do." Abby paused. "Hey Kelly had a sister." Abby said in a whisper. Gibbs had a small smile on his face then nodded and said 'yea she does.' Then walked away. "As I was saying you all can go home." Gibbs finished what he was saying and as quick as he said it everyone was already standing and getting there things to get ready to leave.

"'Bout the conversation we just had, it stay's between us." Tony told them all and they all nodded in agreement.